Official Noob Guide to Abbreviations and Jargon




Well guys and gals i have gone threw all the posts and picked up all the good stuff, and left out all the l33t I\/I u I\/I 6 o (mumbo) 0ut.

Copy past and learn cause here is the total compulation

Steel: Steel Canyon

Sky: Skyway City

AP: Atlas Park

gc: GAlaxy City

PP: Perez Park

Door: Mission door waypoint

PBAE - Point Blank Area Effect

AFK - Away from Keyboard

LOL - Laugh Out Loud

ROFL - Rolling On Floor Laughing

AoE - Area of Effect

DoT - Damage Over Time

Nuke - Damage ability

Inc! - Incomming Monsters

Mob - NPC monster, means Mobile Object, comes from MUDs (Multi-User Dungeon)

NPC - Non-Player Character

PC - Player Character

Toon/Char - PC character

BBL - Be Back Later

GTG or G2G - "Good To Go" meaning pull more monsters. Though some people use it as "Got To Go" meaning they need to leave.

TP = teleport

idk = I don't know

brb = be right back

PBAoE= Point-Blank (or player-based) Area of Effect. That is: a power that has an area of affect centered on the hero who has the power.

AoE= Area of Effect Just like above, except the center is something other than the player using the power. Usually this is a NPC or (sometimes) a point on the ground.

DO= Dual Origin enhancement. The manual describes these.

SO= Single Origin enhancement

MMORPG = Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (okay, most probably know this one )

toon = character

buff = a power that increases the abilities of a hero (e.g. increases defense)

debuff = a power that decreases the abilities of a mob (e.g. decreases defense)

CoT = Circle of Thorns

enh = enhancement

insp = inspiration

Root: To immobilize a mob.

Burn: To dump a lot of damage into a mob in order to kill it quickly.

Tank: To engage in hand to hand combat in a manner designed to keep the attention of the enemies on yourself, rather than on weaker teammates.

Pull: To hit a specific enemy, in order to begin combat with either /just/ it or it and a group of mobs.

Zone: Either a specific area within the game, or the process by which one moves from one to the other, i.e. "Didn't get your last tell, I was zoning."

Griefer: A player who derives apparent enjoyment from lowering the enjoyment of others.

Ganger, gangster, criminal, perp: Generic term for the mobs that appear on the streets and in early missions that are members of a particular Warriors-esque gang.

KS -- Kill steal

Snare - to lower the run speed

Kite - To run around holding the attension of a monster staying out of melee range and using ranged attacks

PK - Player Killer

PvP - Player vs Player (PC vs PC)

PvE - Player vs Environment (PC vs NPC)

Newbie - Someone new to the game

n00b - Someone who is annoying/refuses to learn/stupid.

CC = Crowd Control (Immobilizing/Holding/Sleeping extra enemies)

dps = damage per second. May refer to players with that as their primary ability (Blasters and Scrappers).

exp or XP: experience, or the little colored bits on the that bar that doesn't move fast enough so I can get my next cool power!

brb = be right back..

SK = sidekick

CoH = City of Heroes

imo = in my opinion

imho = in my humble opinion

iirc = if I recall correctly

HUD = Heads Up Display

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwssssssdddddddd = someone trying to run while stuck in chatmode.

GM = Game Master

Rez = Ressurrect/Revive player



if you kep up on this it should be stickied



wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwssssssdddddddd = someone trying to run while stuck in chatmode.

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL! I thought I was the only one!



wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwssssssdddddddd = someone trying to run while stuck in chatmode.

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL! I thought I was the only one!

[/ QUOTE ]

Always thought the person had a stuttering problem....



I remember Discobug. Good work putting it all together. Now, can anyone please tell me what this means:


Some guy was standing outside Independence Port doing flipjacks while shouting this for like ten minutes or so.



Here's an alphabetized version, including a few I've noticed being used in game. Hope this helps someone so I don't feel like such a freak for alphabetizing everything I see.

acc = Accuracy
AFAIK = As far as I know
AFK - Away from Keyboard

AoE = Area of Effect Just like above, except the center is something other than the player using the power. Usually this is a NPC or (sometimes) a point on the ground.

AP = Atlas Park

assist = specific verb usage meaning targeting (L-Clicking) an ally and blasting...causes all your attacks to target the same enemy as your ally
atm = at the moment
BBL = Be Back Later

brb = be right back..

brt = be right there

buff = a power that increases the abilities of a hero (e.g. increases defense)

Burn = To dump a lot of damage into a mob in order to kill it quickly.

CC = Crowd Control (Immobilizing/Holding/Sleeping extra enemies)

Char/Toon = PC character

CoH = City of Heroes

CoT = Circle of Thorns

CoV = City of Villains

dam = damage
debuff = a power that decreases the abilities of a mob (e.g. decreases defense)

Dev or Devs = Developers of the game.

Ding = An exclamation used to indicate that your character achieved a new experience level

disco(s) = (mapserver) disconnects
DO = Dual Origin enhancement. The manual describes these.

Door: Mission door waypoint

DoT = Damage Over Time

dps = damage per second. May refer to players with that as their primary ability (Blasters and Scrappers).

enh = enhance;
enh = enhancement or enhancing (such as if PC said "enh" and then doesn't move they are in the enhancement screen and can't see/move)

end = Endurance
exp or XP = experience, or the little colored bits on the that bar that doesn't move fast enough so I can get my next cool power!

flame = posting unwarranted personal attacks on a message board
Ganger, gangster, criminal, perp: Generic term for the mobs that appear on the streets and in early missions that are members of a particular Warriors-esque gang.

gc = GAlaxy City

Griefer = A player who derives apparent enjoyment from lowering the enjoyment of others.

GM = Game Master

grats or gratz = Congratulations, often used in response to the term Ding

GTG or G2G = "Good To Go" meaning pull more monsters. Though some people use it as "Got To Go" meaning they need to leave.

HUD = Heads Up Display

idk = I don't know

imo = in my opinion

imho = in my humble opinion

Inc! = Incomming Monsters

insp = inspiration

iirc = if I recall correctly

Kite = To run around holding the attension of a monster staying out of melee range and using ranged attacks

KS = Kill steal

LD = Lag/Disconnect or Link Death. Either way it means the same thing...losing connection to the game server and having your game crash as a result.. ("Where's Captain Hero?" "He's LD" or "He LD'd")
l33t = hacker terminology for "elite". Also known as an idiot in many circles
LOL - Laugh Out Loud

lowbie = someone whose character is of low power; implication is the player is experienced...the character is not. Cf., newbie
mez = mesmerize (sleep, etc)
MMORPG = Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (okay, most probably know this one )

Mob = NPC monster, means Mobile Object, comes from MUDs (Multi-User Dungeon)

MT = Mistell. Used when you accidentally reply to the wrong person or say something in the wrong chat channel

Newbie = Someone new to the game

n00b = Someone who is annoying/refuses to learn/stupid.

np = no problem
Nuke = Damage ability

NPC = Non-Player Character

omw = on my way
patrol = opposite of a door mission; non-instanced
PBAoE = Point-Blank (or player-based) Area of Effect. That is: a power that has an area of affect centered on the hero who has the power.

PC = Player Character

PK = Player Killer

PP: Perez Park

Pull = To hit a specific enemy, in order to begin combat with either /just/ it or it and a group of mobs.
PvE = Player vs Environment (PC vs NPC)
PvP = Player vs Player (PC vs PC)

Rez = Awaken/Ressurrect/Revive player

ROFL = Rolling On Floor Laughing

Root = To immobilize a mob.

rtm = read the manual; for people asking stupid questions
SK = sidekick

Sky: Skyway City

Snare = to lower the run speed

SO = Single Origin enhancement

spam = 1) Inane chatter on the public channels, usually requests for help or free stuff, 2) Using your powers--especially one--in mindless succession on a mob until dead
spawn = a mob or group of mobs (enemies) appearing at a particular spot; may also refer to waiting for more mobs to appear (for example: "Why are you waiting here doing nothing, friend?" "Waiting on spawn/respawn")
Steel: Steel Canyon

tf = Task Force
Tank = To engage in hand to hand combat in a manner designed to keep the attention of the enemies on yourself, rather than on weaker teammates.

toon = character

TP = teleport
troll = a person who navigates message boards and makes posts that are more about causing social unrest than about actually saying anything meaningful.

ty = thank you

ui = user interface (same as HUD, usually)
wb = welcome back
wtb = want to buy, such as "WTB end insp" means "I want to buy Endurance inspirations"

wts = want to sell, such as "WTS SO End Recharge" would mean "I want to sell a Single Origin, End Recharge Enhancement"
wth = clean version of
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwssssssdddddddd = someone trying to run while stuck in chatmode.

yw = you're welcome
Zone = Either a specific area within the game, or the process by which one moves from one to the other, i.e. "Didn't get your last tell, I was zoning."

[/ QUOTE ]



I remember Discobug. Good work putting it all together. Now, can anyone please tell me what this means:


Some guy was standing outside Independence Port doing flipjacks while shouting this for like ten minutes or so.

[/ QUOTE ]You're kidding right?

Seriously though I'd assume he was talking about the song by that great rock band the Village People.

My friends and I use SC for steel canyon and Sky for well you know.



what does MT stand for? in other games it meant main tank but i dont think thats what these people are trying to communicate.



Wow, most of the lingo I know from being online, but Noob I took as interchangable with Newbie from the posts as I was trying to "learn" more in the online gaming culture Now I find by calling myself a Noob I have been being a boob

Some are legends because of their posts, others just post becoming legends in their own mind.

[i]I refuse to have Numina regen/recovery envy.



what does MT stand for? in other games it meant main tank but i dont think thats what these people are trying to communicate.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's possible it stands for 'MisTell', meaning 'oops, that /tell I just sent you was supposed to go to someone else.' I saw this a lot in SWG, with people using the reply function. Without knowing the context, I can't be sure, tho.



Also used:
SC: Steel Canyon

[/ QUOTE ]
Please don't use that:
SC = Steel Canyon
SC = Skyway City

acc = Accuracy
AFAIK = As far as I know
assist = specific verb usage meaning targeting (L-Clicking) an ally and blasting...causes all your attacks to target the same enemy as your ally
atm = at the moment
coh = for EQ junkies, Call of Heroes, aka Recall Friend
dam = damage
disco(s) = (mapserver) disconnects
ding = "I leveled"; wOOt!
end = Endurance
enh = enhance; if PC said "enh" and then doesn't move they are in the enhancement screen and can't see/move
gratz = congratulations (on leveling)
l33t = an idiot
LD = Lag/Disconnect ("Where's Captain Hero?" "He's LD" or "He LD'd")
lowbie = someone whose character is of low power; implication is the player is experienced...the character is not. Cf., newbie
mez = mesmerize (sleep, etc)
mt = mistell. Used when you accidentally reply to the wrong person or say something in the wrong chat channel
np = no problem
omw = on my way
patrol = opposite of a door mission; non-instanced
rez = resurrect (awaken)
spam = 1) Inane chatter on the public channels, usually requests for help or free stuff, 2) Using your powers--especially one--in mindless succession on a mob until dead
spawn = a mob or group of mobs (enemies) appearing at a particular spot; may also refer to waiting for more mobs to appear "Waiting on spawn/respawn"
tf = Task Force; broken
ty = thank you
ui = user interface (same as HUD, usually)
wb = welcome back
!" also
wth = clean version
yw = you're welcome

Good to know:
blue = Endurance inspiration
green = Healing inspiration
yellow = Accuracy inspiration
red = Damage inspiration
"Anyone got an extra green?"

Good to know, bad to use:

rtm = read the manual; for people asking stupid questions



I have been updating the alphabetical post that I made on this page (scroll up) with all of your suggestions. Hopefully when Discobug gets back he'll paste all the updates into the main post, at which time I'll remove my inital post to stop annoying people with a second very long list.



newb = newbie
lowb = lowbie
<zone abbrv># = for instances of zone. (ie. SC2 = Steel Canyon 2)
skittles = inspiration (also matched with a color, ie blue skittle = catch a breath)
crack = City of Heroes (as in "another crack fix tomorrow night?")
run = all non Tankers run (tanks will run later) personal peve



Also used:
SC: Steel Canyon

[/ QUOTE ]
Please don't use that:
SC = Steel Canyon
SC = Skyway City

[/ QUOTE ]

Nope, sorry..99% of people i've seen in game use

SC: Steel Canyon
Sky : Skyway City

Only a noob doesn't know what SC is.

also, I didn't notice on the list;

Shiny: A glowing object in a mission meant to be clicked.



What's the origin of kk?

I know it means ok, but how did people come to start using kk instead of ok?



How about
lft = Looking for team
lfg = Looking for group
Very common usage and probably well known but just for completeness.

Mind you I always thought the ingame Seek Team function was much better than announcing it on broadcast.



i got another one, lvl 30 controller lft= IGNORE HIM,dont invite him to your least thats what seems to happen when i do it....



This would be a lot more useful without all the general internet chat sayings mixed in



What's the origin of kk?

I know it means ok, but how did people come to start using kk instead of ok?

[/ QUOTE ]

I thought everybody (like me) just used "k" for that. Maybe "kk" is an emphatic form?



Nope, sorry..99% of people i've seen in game use

SC: Steel Canyon
Sky : Skyway City

Only a noob doesn't know what SC is.

[/ QUOTE ]

For those who aren't schmucks, SC is too ambiguous. Use 'Steel' and 'Sky' instead.



don't forget the most important!

Bio = That ain't the happy dance I'm doing

Phone = Gotta convince the boss that I really AM sick



Phone = Gotta convince the boss that I really AM sick

[/ QUOTE ] Heh, what about Dad=Be back in 30 mins, dads [Censored] at me for wasting my life.


