310 -
Fixed that observer walk bug as well.
And they can't all be winners. -
Quote:Because not everyone has Going Rogue.=/ Why not have these in Pocket D or in Praetoria so everyone can go?
And some folks would prefer not to go to Pocket D.
Is it that big of a deal for a hero side group to hold their CC in one of the low level entry zones? -
I was going to post some references to get things going...but I'd hate to win and take the prize from someone else.
Name: The Praetorian Legion
Currently Recruiting: Accepting new members
RP Level: RP-friendly, but never a requirement
PvP Level: Casual
Theme/Concept: During the war with the Devouring Earth, shortly after Cole was elected Consul in the Praetorian Earth dimension, he created a personal army, the Praetorian Guard. A special unit, the Praetorian Legion (or 'The Legion,' as its members called it) was formed; members were selected from the ranks of Cole's Praetorian Guard for myriad reasons, but they all shared several core qualitites, namely: unscrupulousness in achieving end results, their seemingly unshakable dedication to Cole, and powerful metahuman abilitites.
After Cole had successfully defeated the Devouring Earth, the people hailed him a saviour and crowned him emperor. Cole immediately began rebuilding the world as he saw fit. Cole's new Earth became one of austere order. Many within the Praetorian Guard who had distinguished themselves were asked to fill key administrative roles in Cole's government, however it quickly became obvious to the men and women of the Praetorian Legion that they had no real cohesive function any longer, and surely had no place in Cole's new utopia. After its decommission, many of Cole's closest advisors urged him to have the members of the Legion detained, as most were considered nothing more than goons, sociopaths, and sycophants. Eventually the newly-formed bureaucracy convinced Cole that these individuals were a real danger to society, and proclamations were issued for all former Praetorian Legion members' arrests.
It was at this time that the men and women of the Praetorian Legion, feeling betrayed by the people they had helped to save from utter destruction, fled from the Praetorian Earth dimension and found themselves in our world. Finding no quarter in Paragon City, the Legion set up headquarters in the Rogue Isles. The Legion now vows to build an army here in Primal Earth, and eventually force their way back into the gilded world of Praetorian Earth and crush Cole under their boots.
Activity: We have over 20 really active members. Most are on the East Coast/Central time zone.
Requirements for Membership: Enjoy playing the game
Leadership: Praetorian Legion, Malice Maiden, and Nazzek
In-Game Contact(s): @Beans, @Alamo, @terribledeli
Out-of-Game Contact(s): terrible_deli
URL: theamericanlegion.guildportal.com
Coalition(s): The She-Devils
Other Details: We are the villain side group of the American Legion. We are recently broke the top 100 groups on Virtue. -
Quote:Links them together.Just to clarify if you've already previously downloaded Test, Beta and Live, does it try to reinstall them again? Or does it just download the launcher and link the necessary COH-related server connections to it?
But for some reason, my Test server is red. But Live and Beta work fine. -
So will you be treating this thread similar to The American Legion one? With pictures and themes and such?
42 on virtue
Camping two names.
Too lazy to list them all...but...
15 Heroes
15 Villains
2 Loyalist
2 Resistance
2 Vigilante
2 Rogue
1 Peacebringer
1 Warshade
1 Widow
1 Soldier of Arachnos -
In front of that building really is a primo spot to hold a CC.
I think one length of the water fountain is roughly half of the Atlas Park square. -
One small request...
Please add the new emotes to the list of emotes under quick chat.
Thanks! -
I think the OP missed his mark.
Also, Second Measure said...
"For our more casual players, we have added an option for you to continue to build your way up the Incarnate Tree by collecting Incarnate Shards without doing any Incarnate Trials--you will even get Incarnate Shards when you are exemplared down. It will take longer than it will take by participating in Incarnate Trials, and you'll miss out on some epic storylines, but you will be able to claim your seat at the Incarnate table nevertheless."
in his February Producer letter.
Perhaps it was bad form to start it prior to the I20 patch? I'm not calling their (Paragon Studios) judgment into question, I don't work there.
If you'll excuse me, I have several level 25+ character that would experience bonus and double merits. -
Hmm. Know what would be great? If Cami had a private chat channel she could post what she was working on before she went to broadcast....
With War Witch announcing that we'll be ready to pounce on the new booster pack and that the looks are going to be pretty wild, can we get confirmation of the animal pack?
I am having a love affair with these pita chips.
Also, mental note to self, pre-order LBP2. -
Plenty of wonderful winter...rain.
Also, I regret every day not pulling the trigger on the $2.50 copy of Knights of the Old Republic, even though it shows up very often. -
I was just being goofy.
I try not to ask for art.
If she's not interested in something (as in her heart isn't in it), she's never happy with the final product and it won't leave the assembly floor, so to speak. -
Boo to Cami for not making the art I want.
One method I've heard that works is using the NCSoft Launcher to download the patch.
http://us.ncsoft.com/en/launcher/ncsoft-launcher.html -
"Hello! Would you be interested in hanging Christmas lights around Paragon City?"
Was able to only get the mac pack for my second account before getting the "please try again later or tomorrow" nonsense.