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  1. first post after Robo...

    I win.

    hi Roboo.
  2. tempty

    Panacea Set

    looking to trade panacea set (all except for the proc) on villain side for hero side

    willing to trade the whole set or individual pieces as well

    mostly looking to trade on freedom... however am willing to transfer and trade on other servers.

    PM me or reply here...

    ty! =)
  3. tempty

    Panacea Set

    looking to trade panacea set (all except for the proc) on villain side for hero side

    willing to trade the whole set or individual pieces as well

    PM me or reply here...

    ty! =)
  4. o.O good observation on me not being the leader... or even part of the team for that matter.

    I was asked to update the roster, so I did b/c I was being nice and helping out... I know -- strange concept for you.
  5. D8 Team:
    (Showed up to practice)
    1. @The Eagle Clan
    2. @the Bobster
    3. @Golden Jo1t -- we need the correct global ... this one does not work.
    4. @Evo2, Evolution X

    (Didn't show up to practice)
    5. @MaSs DEsTrUcTi0n
    6. @ Grey Walker
    7. @Xoeei2
    8. @Lila
    9. @Frozen Slurs -- we need the correct global ... this one does not work.
    10. @Burst Effects
    11. @jlite
    12. @ms Psycho Witch -- we need the correct global ... this one does not work.

    D6 Team:
    (Showed up to practice)
    1. @Dyekid1 @Dyekid2
    2. @Divine @Divvy @Divine'
    3. @Fairy Heal
    4. @Project X01 and Project X02
    5. @Xionian @Gnoe Wae
    6. @AresSupreme @AresSupreme2
    7. @ScooterTwo @Scooter Two

    (Didn't show up to practice)
    8. @Pwn University @Pwn University.
    9. @Jeminiks
    10. @Mariama @Tenno
    11. @Monster Lobster
    12. @TwigDeath
    13. @Luna Vera
    14. @White Star
    15. @Suprememan
    16. @Negative Ritual
    17. @Chartreuse -- replacement for @EnD-Reitanna -- was not informed of practice times.

    Not with the team anymore:
    18. Banned -- ??
    19. @Madame Pistacio @Schatzie -- Quit.

    Filled in at practice:

    ************************************************** ************************************************
    if you were at practice and I have you under the "no-show" list send me a PM or just post in the thread and I will update it...

    everyone should have gotten offline msges w/ the practice time for tomorrow night, except for 3 people who I have incorrect globals for. >.< if anyone knows their globals, pst to myself or divine so that we can get the roster updated.

    .....ty. =)
  6. What are your in-game Globals?:

    What characters do you have on Freedom?:
    IO'd / PVP Ready Toons:
    Emp / Dark Defender (<-preferred pvp toon)
    Pain Dom Corruptor

    LVL 50 toons that need IO's still:
    Therm / Sonic Corruptor
    Grav/Rad Controller
    Ice / Kin Corruptor

    Work in Progress:
    Mind / Psi Dominator (lvl 45)
    Grav / Sonic Controller (lvl 35)
    Spines / Regen Scrapper (lvl 32)
    Ill / Emp Controller (lvl 32)
    Fire / Kin Corruptor (lvl 35)
    NRG / Invul Brute (lvl 47)

    Willing to Transfer from Other Servers:
    Ill / Storm Controller (lvl 50, 1/2 IO'd on Liberty)
    Ice / Rad Controller (lvl 50, no IO's on Triumph)
    Spines / Regen Scrapper (lvl 50, no IO's on Triumph)

    Are you willing to respec into a PvP build?:
    yes .... =)

    Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?:
    sure -- but I can't garuntee that I'll play it if I end up not liking the AT.

    Briefly describe your PvP experience:
    I've been in active Server PVP SG's since arena came out... got involved in test PVP the week before things blew up. >.< took a year break, now am back and have been playing emp in the zones and arena KB's for the past month or so on Freedom. =P
  7. Sorry I haven't been following this thread / the boards -- I've been out of town for the past week. =/

    As of now Sunday is fine -- I should know by this evening if anything comes up that would prevent me from joining.

    (not sure if this has been discussed)
    Are we using ventrillo?

    If we want to and need a server, I have one that will hold up to 45 people on it. =)

    I'm good for the controller team - I need to IO mine, should be able to do that tonight or tomorrow.

    if we end up having more controllers than defenders, I'd like to play my emp def. - she has IOs already. =P
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JeetKuneDo View Post
    Well that's a start. Charged may have plenty of time to get a toon to 50. Would be best to set it up here on the board. You never know what you are going to get with PuG's.

    I've heard tales of all-Defender teams, but never got to experience one.
    lol PuG's can be a bit scary >.<

    I have an emp that I can offer to this and the friends I spoke of has a rad/psi defender to add =)

    my work schedule is all over the place but I am generally on in the evenings during the week and it varies on the weekend.
  9. I've done a few all defender TFs... but haven't done an all controller one.

    I'd be down for either of the teams =)

    I also have a friend who would probably like to join on one of her toons as well..

    If there is any other interest in this, I have two controllers and one defender at lvl 50 on freedom to offer.
  10. o.O.. pick me!

    ...... ?

  11. tempty

    She said yes...

    o.O? I think I'll have to dust off one of my triumph toons to attend this. =)

    last ingame wedding I attended was my own to feyrazor a lifetime ago.. lol.

    soo can't wait-- congrats!

  12. tempty



    hihi =) V side in RV has more people, it seems... if you count that. =P

    aand are you coming back? do itt.
  13. tempty

    Never Fear


    I am ok now, thanks for being here. whew.
  14. my cake was missing too.. lame.

    but happy be-lated birthday, all the same. =P
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Marsquake View Post
    That's what DVRs are for.

    ...I recorded House and Heroes. =)
  16. tempty

    New to game

    welcome to the game.... you're off to a good start by choosing liberty. =P

    if you need help, just ask... most people around here don't bite, the ones that do generally don't bite too hard.
  17. tempty

    spinal tap

    o.O ? =(

    well I hope that you have a fast recovery D... keep intouch / updated on myspace, yeah?

  18. tempty

    Hello all!

    Originally Posted by prophet_NA View Post
    Well I am glad to see some familar faces here! Miss you all (miss you tempty).
    have missed you too.

    Originally Posted by prophet_NA View Post
    Will probably see my face around the server Nov. time frame. Looks like I have a lot of catching up to do!
    my game account is active through December, I think.. lol I got convinced to renew for 6mos. >.< ha... so I'll see you around, yayy.

    Originally Posted by prophet_NA View Post
    As for the military front, We (Marines) have kicked *** and taken names in Afgan. and finally gaining ground and trust. Will see you guys soon!
    happy to hear that you're gaining ground... as always - thank you for doing what you do. =)
  19. tempty

    Hello all!

    <--still around. >.< lol

    hihi =)

    happy to see you.. when are you coming back?
