Hello all!
yo yo dawg
Oh my snap! Good to hear from you, proph!
Hope you come back soon, its been a while
<--still around. >.< lol
hihi =)
happy to see you.. when are you coming back?
Welcome to Triumph, We have too many people here, GTFO or get karl or sun to quit, actually, make sun quit. NOW.
Hai, I'm Epsilon, Triumphs Resident Anti-Socialite.
Well I am glad to see some familar faces here! Miss you all (miss you tempty). Will probably see my face around the server Nov. time frame. Looks like I have a lot of catching up to do!
As for the military front, We (Marines) have kicked *** and taken names in Afgan. and finally gaining ground and trust. Will see you guys soon!
As for the military front, We (Marines) have kicked *** and taken names in Afgan. and finally gaining ground and trust. Will see you guys soon!
Prophet |

We'll give you a Triumph Hero's welcome when ya get home and all drop our pants.
Well I am glad to see some familar faces here! Miss you all (miss you tempty).
Will probably see my face around the server Nov. time frame. Looks like I have a lot of catching up to do!
happy to hear that you're gaining ground... as always - thank you for doing what you do. =)
Hey good to hear from you man. Hope to see you around soon. Stay safe and all that **** too.
Good to see your safe and coming back to tri proph.
Thank you all for the post, Now Firi get to power leveling a new toon for me to try out when I get back lol
Glad to have you back.
Not sure if anyone I know still plays but I am coming back from the middle east soon and will be on the Triumph getting my skills back. Hope to see you all around