What Would Macgyver Do?




you know you want to join this VG.

@robo bug



things are going well.



you guys are missing out on this gravy train.



Originally Posted by RoboBug View Post
you guys are missing out on this gravy train.
You didn't tell us there would be gravy!

.. is there bacon too?



He'd do that Stargate stuff, right?

ST:TOS would never have an episode where everyone is a marionette.



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
You didn't tell us there would be gravy!

.. is there bacon too?
bacon gravy

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Originally Posted by Slax View Post
bacon gravy

i've made bacon gravy before. it was just as good as you would expect



mmmm...BACON....GRAVY......(que Homer Simpson right here)...lol

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker



i'm a little upset no one has asked to join yet.



i'm a little upset no one has asked to join yet.
Well, you haven't told us anything yet. What's is your VG about? Is it active? Do you Role-play? Are you hardcore, or casual? Do you run weekly Strike Forces/Trials? Do you have a base? nobody is asking because all you've basically said is "Come join my VG, it's awesome,"
Which is about as informative as a blind invite.

Arc ID: 348998 - Becoming a villain
Arc ID: 373341 - To Save a Hero

Got Inf?



Originally Posted by Smash_Zone View Post
Well, you haven't told us anything yet. What's is your VG about? Is it active? Do you Role-play? Are you hardcore, or casual? Do you run weekly Strike Forces/Trials? Do you have a base? nobody is asking because all you've basically said is "Come join my VG, it's awesome,"
Which is about as informative as a blind invite.

It is about cutting the front of your hair but not the back. it is about resourcefulness and creativity in the face of eminent peril. It is about laughing in the face of those that would say "that wouldn't happen in real life" and then making it happen. it is about having a base that has a couple of teleporters and will soon have some basic storage stuff. it is about being marginally active at best and really only consisting of 3-4 people's alts. It is also about being the #1 Macgyver based VG (or SG for that matter) in the entire history of CoX.

In short, it is about being a part of something that is truly great and honoring an american icon.

you wouldn't run over a nest of baby bald eagles being fed by its parents would you? if you would, you aren't welcome, if you wouldn't... why haven't you joined?



Originally Posted by RoboBug View Post
you wouldn't run over a nest of baby bald eagles being fed by its parents would you?
You had me up until this. Bald eagle egg omelets are the best!



Originally Posted by Mister_Laser View Post
You had me up until this. Bald eagle egg omelets are the best!
well, this group isn't for everyone.



Originally Posted by Mister_Laser View Post
You had me up until this. Bald eagle egg omelets are the best!
also, point of clarification... if the babies are being fed as in my example, they are probably no longer eggs and thus would make a very unsatisfying omlete



Originally Posted by RoboBug View Post
also, point of clarification... if the babies are being fed as in my example, they are probably no longer eggs and thus would make a very unsatisfying omlete
Well you can poach (as in steal) all the Baby Eagle eggs except for one, let that one hatch, snatch the baby and then grind it all up in a magic bullet for a bald eagle family reunion omelet.



that is a valid and disgusting point but it is distracting from the VG



Originally Posted by RoboBug View Post
also, point of clarification... if the babies are being fed as in my example, they are probably no longer eggs and thus would make a very unsatisfying omlete
I would like to amend my recipe to deep fried on a stick.

/em drool



go ahead and post your toon names so i can send invites.



Originally Posted by RoboBug View Post
go ahead and post your toon names so i can send invites.



i'm starting to think you aren't taking this seriously.



Originally Posted by Smash_Zone View Post
Well, you haven't told us anything yet. What's is your VG about? Is it active? Do you Role-play? Are you hardcore, or casual? Do you run weekly Strike Forces/Trials? Do you have a base? nobody is asking because all you've basically said is "Come join my VG, it's awesome,"
Which is about as informative as a blind invite.
I'm pretty sure that all of these questions can be answered by combining the Post Title with a paperclip, rubberbands, and a watch battery.

All the information is there, you just didn't feel like trying. Admit it.



Originally Posted by RoboBug View Post
i'm starting to think you aren't taking this seriously.
They rarely do. :P

However, welcome to the server! If you have an empty VG, you might want to think about making an alt and joining another VG for socialization... or perhaps just seeing who might be interested in game...?

There will be activities in January to promote VGs and SGs for the newbies on the server, so just keep an eye out on the boards!

J-Man- Lieran, if you were Paris Hilton, I'd be the chihuahua in your purse.



Originally Posted by RoboBug View Post
i'm starting to think you aren't taking this seriously.
Sadly, they are serious. Trix was telling me just last night about how excited he is to be switching guilds. And Laser has always been a turn-coat. Off at the drop of an inspiration for the next shiny thing.

My chars names are:

OtterGyver the great
Rubberbands r my friends
paperclip powergirl

=. .=



o.O.. pick me!

...... ?




tempty, you are welcome to join my VG.