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  1. talestar

    clarion alpha

    ok now that clears up all my questions thanks a million guys. oh and for the record Doctoer kumquat that defender 6th rule, No one told us blastrs we could die,honest we never got that messege. ya got to understand we fight with a throwback attitude to our EverQuest days as wizards, were like a tank or warrior on crack with an attitude is all and if they would just have given us a good dodge skill everything would have turned out just fine. lol thanks again.
  2. talestar

    clarion alpha

    ok ill reask the question does Dark Armor have any secondary effects? that clarion will boost?
  3. talestar

    clarion alpha

    does dark armor have any secondary effects that Clarion will boost? im not entirely sure how to understand status and secondary effects
  4. talestar

    i hope so

    do the destiny alpha's buff only the allys or my toon also? I know there was a link to all the alpha breakdown but i cant find it now
  5. talestar

    can they?

    can a lv 50 toon do trials and work on their judgement and interface and slot them if they havent done and sloted andy alphas we make with shards?
  6. talestar

    trial crashes

    is anyone else having trouble zoning in at begining of trials? i have benn kicked to mapsever because of lost connect 9 times in a row and missed 2 trial altogether i know this cant be because of my computer i do RWZ raids and they are lagg city and never get kikced becasue of mapp server lost connectivety. Any ides on what is causeing this or any word from the deves as to how we or they fix it and when?
  7. talestar

    trials only?

    just wanted to know if the incarnate threads only drop in issue 20 trails,or will they drop form regular Tf and mish
  8. Will the allys we summon leach exp form us like they do in Ae player made tf? and if so whay do you guys give us one of the best options in a game and then penilize us for using them?
  9. talestar

    overseers items

    hate to be a newbie but, were do i find this arc at? i didnt do many arcs on the evil side so not sure were to find it
  10. talestar


    ok thanks again ill PM them
  11. talestar

    overseers items

    how can a lv 50 mm ninja get the itms the overseers give for killing 100 of them? DO i need to go total hero and then the badge will show up or is there no way to get them at my lv now?
  12. talestar


    ok coulomb2 thanks for info just reread this post. Do you know if making allys with less damage attacks but still have them as say a boss lv or elite will effect the formula? or is it based only on the damage they do and not thier lv? And also bieng you have a DEV choice award ,how do i PM them for questions on this topic? thanks
  13. yup i had the same problem also as of today or this week it seems to have gone, not sure what the cause was though
  14. ok didnt know that policy, i just wanted to ask some questions that only they can give a correct answer to without speculation as we do.And if thier liky not to answer a pm anytime soon. ill wait till 20 is done. thanks
  15. if THEY will answer a post on the AE constuction.How do i go about doing that besides just posting a question?
  16. talestar


    bah! i have ally s all through my arc tf. no wonder no ones playing it. I read the complaint on arc bienge to hard to kill Av so i gave it some help with allys, oh well. i still get good exp with higher lv toons it just seems a waste of time to use a toon lower then 15 on it. thanks Clave
  17. talestar


    can anyone tell me if adding ally's in arc mish tf decreases your amount of exp? because if i dont do any damage to an enemy i dont get exp and when i do do damage to the same enemy the exp is very low compared to our normal mish we get from contacts?
  18. talestar

    thanks a million

    just wanted to thank all the peps who helped with my questions on making an arc. That bieng siad i have finaly finished my arc tf the name is stop the threat to the super groups.Im not sure if the Ae arc system is open to all servers if so please try it out if the sytem is for only the sever its made on then its on the Victory server.I made the taskforce so that any class should be able to solo it and then add players lv and difficulty, its ideal for blasters because i have ally's in ther to do the tanking and stuff I did what i could with the story it seems the DEVs forgot to let us switch contcts so you cant realy develope a good story if its bieng told form a 1 side perspective.i dont have any defenders or controlers in there because i dont play any so i didnt know how to make them but they should be able to solo it just as well as a blaster. please feel free to give me feed back in game or on this sight id like to know if its good,bad to easy at lv 8 or to hard etc.. enjoy(ps on the second mish i goofed a little to end the mish just go to the exit once all are defeted and then you can exit the escort didnt work for me.)
  19. is there anyway to change to a diffrent contact in an arc tf from mish to mish just wanted to know cause my story will go better if we can
  20. ok i found the + sing to add mish i guess i have to redo the other in that link lol oh well and as far as clicking dont spawn that wont work i want it to spawn but i want it to spawn only one (1 boss 1 villian so whe team gets there there not fighting 1 boss and 2 or more villians) right now if i have it set to 1 persons equevleant it will sapwn 1 boss and 1 villian, if i set it to 2 persons equevlant it will spawn 1 boss and 2 vilians wich i dont want because if somone plays it at 8 persons it will spawn 1 boss and 8 villians and it will be to hard to complete. This boss is an elite at full power and the villian is also a boss at full power.seems like that will tick someone off tryign to finish the arc and cant.I just want 1 elits boss and 1 villian boss to spawn no mater how bigg the group playing it is. thanks for the idea tho guys, ill keep working at it
  21. lol thx that answerd the questions. # 3 ill just figure it out, not that bigg a deal
  22. 1)ok has anyone made a total custom healer,and how do you get it to heal your allies? i have tried all combos map, boss, minion, arch, small, bigg, etc and mine still wont heal a single ally is this a bug if so its been going on for days now
    2) what is the most equevelant nUmber most peps solo at? im trying to make the arc soloable and team so i dont want to put to many in and then they cant solo it at same time i dont want it to be boring either
    3) how if possable do i get just 1 custom made villian to be by the custom made boss? It seems its based on the number of equevlent that is picked. Its a bit confusing because say as an example i solo it at 1 equevelant then i will have 1 villian with boss.but say i bring a group of 3 and have it set for 3 equevelant how many villians will i have by the boss? i will probly have to get some peps to come with me and see for sure with the settings just thought id ask you guys also.
    4) im still looking for the place were i can set the number of mish in my arc i still dont see it all i can find is the final, work in progress,and feedback selection.i guess i need to make the title and add mish 1 ,2,3, etc for it to work.Any ideas on what im missing?