overseers items




how can a lv 50 mm ninja get the itms the overseers give for killing 100 of them? DO i need to go total hero and then the badge will show up or is there no way to get them at my lv now?



if you flashback one of technician naylors arcs you will get the costume unlocks from completing it



hate to be a newbie but, were do i find this arc at? i didnt do many arcs on the evil side so not sure were to find it



You can do the Technician Naylor arc necessary to unlock the Rularuu bow in Ouroboros. Go to the crystal and select arcs ranging from 35-39. The arc is called either (can't remember which name it uses in Ouroboros) "Last Stand on Mole Point Bravo" or "Bravo for the Shadow Shard".

Paragon Wiki also has a couple of other ways villains can unlock that weapon (http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Unlockable_Weapons).

Good luck!