healing and stuff




1)ok has anyone made a total custom healer,and how do you get it to heal your allies? i have tried all combos map, boss, minion, arch, small, bigg, etc and mine still wont heal a single ally is this a bug if so its been going on for days now
2) what is the most equevelant nUmber most peps solo at? im trying to make the arc soloable and team so i dont want to put to many in and then they cant solo it at same time i dont want it to be boring either
3) how if possable do i get just 1 custom made villian to be by the custom made boss? It seems its based on the number of equevlent that is picked. Its a bit confusing because say as an example i solo it at 1 equevelant then i will have 1 villian with boss.but say i bring a group of 3 and have it set for 3 equevelant how many villians will i have by the boss? i will probly have to get some peps to come with me and see for sure with the settings just thought id ask you guys also.
4) im still looking for the place were i can set the number of mish in my arc i still dont see it all i can find is the final, work in progress,and feedback selection.i guess i need to make the title and add mish 1 ,2,3, etc for it to work.Any ideas on what im missing?



I'm having some trouble deciphering your questions, but I'll try to answer what I can.

1. Only the very first 'ally' (or escort or rescue) you 'free' will actually use buffs on you (including heals). That change was implemented to shut down farms that used small armies of AV-level buff-bots to put even a squishy character in god-mode for quick and easy map clearing. That *might* be what's causing you a problem (since if you're noticing your heal-bot is not healing your 'ally', that implies you might have gotten that ally first, which would cause your healer to not use their buffing abilities.)

2. This is a matter of opinion, and even of characters. I can solo my incarnate Brute set for 8 people with little effort. But I rarely have my fire scrapper set to more than x2. My advice (which is, of course, only my opinion) is to always design an arc to be balanced for a player at x1, but, that said, *always* make sure that your custom groups are designed in a way so that if you've got mobs with significant buffing or debuffing powers, that they are relatively rare spawns (the best way to accomplish this is to make sure the minion and lt. ranks have several 'non-buffing (or debuffing)' mobs for every one with buffing abilities. For example, if you have five types of minions and four types of lts., but only one type in each category has buffing or debuffing abilities, then if a player's settings cause 5 minions and 2 lts. to spawn (as an example), on *average* only 1 of the minions will have buffing/debuffing abilities, and a 'buffing' lt. will only spawn about every other spawn. (Again, that's 'on average' - you'll certainly get some spawns with no buffers, and others with a painfully large number of them). Compare that to every minion and every lt. having buffing powers, and now you're consistently producing spawns were *everything* can (and will) buff everything else in the spawn (and/or debuff you into oblivion).

3. Huh?

4. Click that little book looking thing with the plus sign. That'll add a mission to your arc. At least I think that's what you're asking...

M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)



Originally Posted by talestar View Post
3) how if possable do i get just 1 custom made villian to be by the custom made boss? It seems its based on the number of equevlent that is picked. Its a bit confusing because say as an example i solo it at 1 equevelant then i will have 1 villian with boss.but say i bring a group of 3 and have it set for 3 equevelant how many villians will i have by the boss? i will probly have to get some peps to come with me and see for sure with the settings just thought id ask you guys also.
If you're asking what I think you're asking, you want specific enemies to be unique. If so, go into the group settings, right-click the enemy name and set it to Do Not Autospawn



lol thx that answerd the questions. # 3 ill just figure it out, not that bigg a deal



ok i found the + sing to add mish i guess i have to redo the other in that link lol oh well and as far as clicking dont spawn that wont work i want it to spawn but i want it to spawn only one (1 boss 1 villian so whe team gets there there not fighting 1 boss and 2 or more villians) right now if i have it set to 1 persons equevleant it will sapwn 1 boss and 1 villian, if i set it to 2 persons equevlant it will spawn 1 boss and 2 vilians wich i dont want because if somone plays it at 8 persons it will spawn 1 boss and 8 villians and it will be to hard to complete. This boss is an elite at full power and the villian is also a boss at full power.seems like that will tick someone off tryign to finish the arc and cant.I just want 1 elits boss and 1 villian boss to spawn no mater how bigg the group playing it is. thanks for the idea tho guys, ill keep working at it