
Ms. Infinity 2011
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  1. Take care, Beastyle. Thanks for everything. You are awesome and I wish you the very best on you new endeavours.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Traegus View Post
    dude, considering i look like Dante from clerks, consider yourself lucky. i'm not upset about it, i love the pic, but i've had the line "I'm not even supposed to be here todayyyyy" on a continuous loop in my head ever since i saw it.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    Does my mouth really look like that, though?
    No, it was the best way I could convey sneaky satisfaction.
  4. Ohhhh Razr Naga mouse, yes please! *crosses fingers*

    Also, wondering if this Dave and Busters has DDR, as I may want to bring shoes for it.
  5. Since Quas went Desdemona I'll take Maelstrom. I'm cool with Liz instead of my forum handle.
  6. I can head up earlier to make a 3pm get together. Provided I get on the road before the DC lunch rush there shouldn't be a traffic issue.

    As a side note, I will be bringing cheap sketch vouches to hand out to anyone who would be interested in such a thing. And of course the door prize sketch voucher.
  7. Delete a 50? What is this I don't even.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post

    Not always
    I strap prime rib to my feet, cover myself with raw meat.
    I bet you've never seen a skirt-steak worn this way.
    -Weird Al
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by elvnsword09 View Post
    We are also going to TRY and organize a door prize if finances allow.
    I can offer up a sketch as a door price.
  10. I'll be there. Damned if I know what I'll be wearing clothes wise, but I'll don the blinking Awesome button. But also I'll be showing up with Quasadu who is very tall.
  11. I didn't want to leave discussion in the voting thread (and clutter it up after I'd voted), but I want to explain that for me, Henri's piece really solidified the idea of the this month's challenge. Why else would a superspeeder pace a vehicle?

    Additionally, because I could read into it as both participants showing off, even though one was (probably) a normal person.
  12. syrusbLiz

    amazing 3D

    If I could two thumbs up that picture I would.
  13. So I just want to make sure this thing is still on as we're coming up on the date relatively soon.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Henri View Post
    Wow Syrusb, wow...

    That's talent I just don't have O.o
    Don't sweat it, Henri, your piece has my vote for this month.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
    @Liz: Is there a story behind how he lost his middle finger?
    He didn't. But the first finger and thumb kinda get lost in the fire effects.

  16. This is Demonseed, my Fire/Dark Corrupter. The original sketch was done shortly after he hit 40, when that was the Villain's level cap. He's an original character I have made a City adaptation for, and his stylization is inspired by Yoshitaka Amano's designs for Vamp D: Bloodlust.
  17. Thank you Tony, for continuing to make the Titan Network an amazing resource for us.
  18. So. This has possibly already been covered. Here's my piece and hope that giving out some info will help those that do the TPN trial. As someone who plays on many servers, I can say these issues are not unique to just one.


    We can stop having heart attacks over these things. I get why leaders restrict Judgements/AoEs in the opening stage and when (or if) you have a team working on Telepathists. They cost you time and/or favor. Keeping instructions simple means players are more likely to remember them later. On the other hand, being totalitarian about it makes a trial experience considerably less enjoyable.

    Popping these wee floating objects causes you to lose favourability, which translates to taking longer to get to the next stage by a few seconds a camera. So while one should never condone wide spread destruction of cameras, a couple being defeated is not going to make a difference. Roll with it and go find yourself another Commander to punch in the face. (They're beefy, they can take it.)

    There is a short window when you first get into the trial where there are no cameras in play. You do get an announcement when they begin appearing. So, go nuts when you first get in. Make a big splash. It's ok. Stay near the streets if you are wary.

    Cameras are near the main building, at the top of the steps. I think they can be pulled to a degree. (Why would you want to?) But near the streets, in the barricade areas and in front of the bottom set of stairs? Lots of IDF and no cameras.

    Thanks to the weekly u-stream I know that when a Telapathist appears there's a short window of time before their first citizen is converted and until they do the citizens are completely invulnerable. (I still weep over not being able to use Power Push on them, however.) So yeah, in those first few seconds you can use an AoE or two to knock these ladies out. The issues come later if you have converted citz following you around; watch out for them. Chances are you're moving with others and mowing down the Telepathists quickly enough that converted citz won't be a problem.

    Again, one should not encourage players to go AoE nuts on the citizens and a certain amount of caution should be exercised with AoEs and uncontrolled pets. But a defeated citizen here or there won't be the cause of trial failure.

    2) Technicians
    I still see players wailing on Techs at the consoles when they are completely invulnerable. You have to pull away and/or defeat all their buddies before they'll take a hit.

    3) Maelstrom:
    Is a JERK.

    4) Marked for Death:
    When fighting jerkface players can get a red and yellow target 'Marked for Death.' Remaining in melee with him is well... certain death. Luckily, I found that about 50 feet away is sufficient distance to be out of range. Which doesn't help the meleers much but ranged damage toons can still dish out the pain.

    Anyway. I hope this gives people a certain amount of breathing room in regard to TPN mechanics. I'm one of those unfortunate players that likes to know the how and why and enjoys passing along that information.

    1a) AoEs/Judgements are okay near the streets, at the barricades.
    1b) Citz are safe until converted.
    2) Technicians are like Masterminds; only without their buddies they are squishy.
    3) Maelstrom is a jerk.
    4) Marked for Death: Move 50ft away. Keep firing!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    ugh no. There's enough spamming of text and fx already.
    Half the time the special warning announcement texts are partially obscured for me anyway. Chat and league windows are left and right of my screen. With so much going on I generally don't have time to move windows fast enough to get the whole message.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    See, that's where debate can pop up - on tankers, I think one should sacrifice for survivability, and I totally agree with you. Others might say they give up too much to get to mag 12 kb prot, since 8 pts is worthless.
    Personally I've found that 12pts protection is barely different from 8, but 8 is a huge leap from 4 and 16 is another huge leap from 8. So, when on something like a Fire or Dark Amour I'm either going for 8 or 16pts of protection, and with the great assortment of KB IOs available it's generally not difficult.

    On a meleer I especially despise KB and do my best to negate as much as I can. YMMV in what is enough.
  21. On my first TPN I did similar. I was on the outside team; my toon is Kin/Energy, so nice buff/debuff and I'm very single target focused. Initially Telepathists were susceptible to knockback; so I would Power Push them away from the cits, making it easier for the other league mates to take 'em down.

    Four or five Telepathists in I hit Ion instead of Power Push. Yes, it was an accident. I announced it in league immediately. And apologized. Profusely.

    Luckily everyone was new to the trial and forgiving. We were able to rebuild PR and had a successful completion. I was terribly careful the next few runs, but now the Telepathists are immune to KB so I don't bother with Power Push on that stage.

    I dunno about the guy on your trial; it might have been a mistake, it might have been on purpose. I wasn't there. I certainly wouldn't appreciate some kind of special badge or title for a mistake like that.

    Some people seem to close their chat windows when they get on a trial. Others just don't pay attention. It sucks but it happens.