504 -
There are a handful of badges that require you to be Hero/Villain to earn; six Day Jobs on each side and I imagine their associated accolade badges are included in that list.
However, you can earn full progress on these badges while Rogue/Vigilante, and upon full switch, you will be awarded the badges in 'escrow.' -
As always, apologies if this has been brought up before. I did a search and didn't find anything related on search.
If you respec during your 'Countdown to Duplicity' period as a Rogue (that is the 7 days you have to hold the alignment for the badge), upon finishing the respec you will be granted the Duplicity power (PBAoE Confuse) and the Trickster badge, regardless of how few days you've actually held the alignment. (My Dom had held it about 5 days, my MM about 4.)
I have /bugged this.
I assume this behaviour is the same for those in transition to any alignment, but have only encountered it on two Rogues thus far. (They're the only respecs I've done recently.) -
I've had this happen before and found that logging out, waiting 15-20mins and logging back in fixed the problem.
Quote:When I click "Hide Useful Salvage Warning," I MEAN IT!
When I click "Hide Large Auction House Fee Warning," I MEAN IT!
What I do NOT mean is, "Warn me again, every time I try to sell anything forever, because nothing makes me happier than unnecessary mouse clicks and focus interrupts." No, that is not what HIDE means. HIDE means HIDE. As in, go the hell away.
I hate to dredge up old posts, but there doesn't seem to have been any change/progress on this since its inception. On all my toons I have under Menu -> Options for both the 'Hide Large Auction House Fee Warning' and the 'Hide Useful Salvage Warning' set to Enabled. Regardless, every time I post something for a large fee, I get asked for confirmation. Every time I drop in salvage, I get asked for confirmation.
One of the Menu -> Options doesn't even stick; reloading my options from file changes the Useful Salvage to Enabled every time. Yes, I do hit apply. It will only stop bugging me if I hit the radio button on the confirmation window, and even then, when I end that session I'll have to do it again on the next one.
The behavior is consistent amoung all my toons; new, old, any alignment.
And yes, I've /bugged it in game many times over the past handful of months. I know it's not a game-breaking bug but it's terribly obnoxious and got old real fast. -
I agree, at least in regard to city zones where I can 'see' where badges/plaques are with the greyed fog, and know if I've been to that location or not yet. For Hazard zones, I adore my vet Fog revealer.
Add me to the list. Game hangs at the login screen, then I get the generic 'client was unable to connect to the login server' error. I've had no troubles logging in the past few days, and this is the first time I've tried today.
LOL I got negative rep because I only had 5 people pre-signed up for my TF night. Some people are so funny. :]
Actually I ended up with two full teams and we had a total blast. <3 You, Triumph! -
Don't tell anyone about the 2 TFs I'm hosting on Triumph tonight, with at least 5 confirmed attendees thus far. -
Japanese pants don't appear to be an option for the ladies anymore. I'm not sure the reasoning behind this, but it sure would be nice to use them instead of baggy.
THANK YOU! <3's!
For those worried about losing INF because you're storing it on the market, just take some time shortly before GR goes live to clear it off the market and email yourself to hold for a day or two. (That's my plan!) -
Quote:Well. Color me stupid.The Numbers have nothing to do the the Somerton Man mystery. Despite their placement in the Cracked article, the Numbers are not related to the secret code the Somerton Man left behind, his code consisted entirely of letters. The Cracked article just put the Numbers there for dramatic effect.
Pardon if I am _the last person_ to discover/read about this, but back to the numbers thing: 4 8 15 16 23 42, the Tamam Shud mystery, first article?
Maybe the brains behind LOST thought it would be neat/funny/annoying to those of us who want to piece together the mysteries/etc to use that sequence of numbers, then later call it part of the Valenzetti Equasion?
Also, damn you cracked, I have been reading your stuff for two hours now. This is why I prefer to spend large amounts of time in art programs, rather than surfing the web. :รพ -
Actually the church made me think of airport churches, which I thought was fitting.
Tho' them all being dead does make great sense of the consistent, regular parallels all over the series. People 'stuck in a loop,' having trouble moving on.
I'm.... not sure how to feel about this right now.
So... they all end up side-shifting to the alternate reality (or vice versa?) while Flocke goes down with the island?
edit: Also, someone's always lookin' down a hole for Desmond. -
Uh oh, it's an angry island now.
Thus mortal, Flocke can now finally leave? -
Charlotte: ''Sup Charlie, Daniel, show time.'
Did those red flowers appear anywhere else on the island, or are they local to the light cave area?