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  1. lol thank you synth, well that makes it even easier then i thought
  2. yeah i might aswell give up , i cant even get the binds that are writen in this thread to work
  3. AHhh, it can be done, but requires some tricky stuff - check this out

    /bind B "+down$$-down$$powexec_name Deflection Shield$$bind_load_file <filepath>\bubble-1.txt"

    Then you need to save two files at <filepath>, bubble-0.txt and bubble-1.txt

    B "+down$$-down$$powexec_name Deflection Shield$$bind_load_file <filepath>\bubble-1.txt"

    B "+down$$-down$$powexec_name Insulation Shield$$bind_load_file <filepath>\bubble-0.txt"

    This is for the defender/MM bubbles, but can easily be adapted for the others.

    In no way do I take credit for this - it was, I think, Jetstream from my SG who came up with it.

    could this be working , copyied it from another thread ???
    to activate 2 shields with 1 click ?
  4. its not working , when im in a team i just use my fire attacks when i press 1 , and if i remove my attack from tray 1 on space 1 nothing is happening ,
  5. okay i will and thanks for taking time to write down the binds .. but i was thinking , there was a guy that asked if you could bind a key so you could use plasma and fire shield with the same key button , and then a guy wrote how to do , but he wasent sure if it worked becuase he have never tried it - -do you think thats possible ?
  6. okay ty , i never did keybinding before so it is a little overwhelming and with pressing shift and alt and everything , but i guess i will get used to it if i play long enough and use it from low lvls
  7. i think im gonna have some problems dealing with all the powers i have so much to click and watch , becareful of whos dying , remember to put shields on ppl . . i have decided to put attacks on the 1st spots so i cant use . 1-2-3-4 etc. to attack and then click with mouse to heal and put up shields , but i feel this is 2 much work , is there maybe an easier way that im just 2 much of a noob to realize
  8. im just a noob , but im pretty sure 3 acc in sniper isnt neccesarry
  9. yeah i can see its hard with all the things i need to do , looks pretty tough
  10. sry but, [censored] is archmage ?????
  11. is whirling sword a good choice , not many ppl seems to take it and those who does dont slot it ???
  12. okay , what is the buff ? 30 % ? 50 % etc.
  13. i have a lvl 9 claws/invul now , but i dont know if i should take follow up ? it looks like most ppl takes it becuase of the damg
  14. sarhfire


    okay that helped , thank you
  15. sarhfire


    all those powers , is there like an anchor ? that if you use all those bufs and debuffs will on a foe and it dies , will all the buffs go away until you use it on another 1 ?

    like with radiation
  16. sarhfire


    i might have to reconsider taking regen then i mean i can might aswell do it , i have a dark/dark .. a kata/regen . . a ma/sr so i have almost tried them all
  17. sarhfire


    im gonna make a spines , i have always wanted it to be 1 but for some reason i never made 1 ,

    can i get any suggestions what fits best for a spines ?? and i dont wanna have regen , already have a kata/reg
  18. sarhfire


    yeah i forgot about total focus , so i guess sloting is 2 acc and 3 damg in all attacks , and some reachargs in build up, aim, hasten and rain of arrow ?
  19. sarhfire


    can someone give me a build or something ? dont know if its possible but im aiming for this to be only ranged not have 1 single melee attack . should be good in both pvp and pve , dont know if i should take fly or sj , becuase in pvp fly would be hard to escape with becuase of the slow speed and the hover thing after an attack

    and snap shot ? know its a weak attack but it recharges fast and if im only ranged . ??
  20. with targeting drones i dont think u need all those acc in your attacks
  21. sarhfire

    MA/Regen Build

    i would get boht axe and dragon tail ,
  22. i must say im not sure , actually i thought it was impale , but i think quills can hit a stalker with hide thats comming 2 close.
  23. Okay thx [img]/uk/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]. Should i 3 slot combat j ?
  24. yeah thx [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] it works normally now
  25. no , every time i click that "look here" it doesn't worked , it used to , but since the server have been down it just says , "the page couldn't be found" (i think)