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I was wondering if anyone has had any luck building a green screen room in base so members can pose for photos and I can drop a background behind them easily. I tried, but was unable to find any simple color only floor or wall textures. I thought someone more creative than I may have come up with a way to do it with objects.
Quote:I've since heard on the grapevine that we CANNOT claim vmerits for sig arc 1 AND sig arc 2 in same week. Supposedly the fact that we could do so week one of sig arc 2 was a bug/glitch that the update "fixed."3. I've seen multiple posts from people who say it has not been consistent between one character and the next, suggesting there's a bug.
I have several toons who had previously confirmed their hero or villain alignment, but I have not run the SSA with them since the patch as I have been busy running alignment missions on OTHER toons that never confirmed.
If true, SO LAME. I think as VIP Players we should be able to run all the arcs once a week for vmerit rewards. -
Quote:Just looking for SOMETHING to explain why my main (who is and has always been a villain - and has been running villain tips and villain MM since they were introduced) is still ineligible to take a vmerit - even though I last claimed a vmerit when i ran sig arc pt 2 when it was introduced on Tuesday Oct 11.Are you suggesting that every character will need to rerun a morality mission and confirm their hero/villain status to get the A Merit option even if they've already confirmed in the past?
Only possible explanations I can think of are...
1. Toons must have run a MM AFTER the recent update that added the requirement to have run a MM to confirm alignment?
2. Toons MUST have run a MM SINCE they last claimed a vmerit from sig arc before they can claim another - even if it has been more than 7 days?
can anyone confirm either option or have tested and found the answer? -
I read that with update they made it so you need to have run tips and a MM before u can claim a vmerit... Toon in question HAS run tips and MM since he got a vmerit last week, but NOT since the update came out. Hopefully that is the problem - gonna run tips again. Let u know if it makes a difference.
Quote:Then I can't figure out why my main is not eligible for Villain merits. I ran sig arc pt 2 on the day it came out (Tuesday Oct11th) - but for some reason I STILL unable to claim a villain merit. I should have been able to claim vmerit as of Tuesday - but as of today - still not eligible???It doesn't matter when you last ran it, only when you last took a particular reward. You can run it as often as you want, but if you take the AM reward, you can't take that particular reward for a week. So in your example, you would be able to get another VM on Monday and then another astral on Wednesday.
This is with my main - who HAS recently completed a villain morality mish. -
I know its "7 days" BUT does that mean if I run the arc on Monday at noon and get a villain merit and again on... lets say noon Wednesday for an astral merit - will I be able to get another villain merit the next monday at 12:01? or do i have to wait a week from when I LAST ran it?
And for that matter WHY ISN'T THERE A TIMER BUILT IN???? I have 20 lvl 50s, its too much to keep track of who ran what when. -
Will the "Rocket Board" have multiple 3D models/animations to choose from like guns or claws? Seems to be there could be all kinds of versions of this... rocket board, magic carpet or in terms of characters we know... cosmic surfboard, fantasticar, goblin glider whatever, MANY possibilities.
Still looking for confirmation if this is happening in all bases or not. I was told on base builder's channel that it is - yet I see screenshots of items working - are all the shots I see with the FX working taken right after they were put in?
I know its unlikely - but since the only official comment I have gotten in a year was "post on the forum" I thought I'd give it a shot.
Quote:Could this be GOOD news? If SG/VG are going to be part of the content you need a paid account to experience doesn't it make it more likely that the SG bases MAY become less of a red-headed stepchild and get a little attention at some point in the future?Going Free to Play While I do agree that going F2P will bring in lots of new players, it says right in the Side-by-Side Comparison that free accounts cannot join SGs/VGs.
I can see why they would keep for SGs paid players only - to try and ensure that current players don't switch to free accounts. Same reason the incarnate trials and Going Rogue content are not for free players. But it still gives me hope? Am I grasping at straws? -
I mentioned this in a previous thread. But after trying YET AGAIN (I've been sending them since mid 2010) to submit a bug report for the Base FX Glitch (some items that generate special effects appear to work fine when installed, but the FX are gone when you return), this time I FINALLY got a reply from a real human and the reply I got said I should be "posting to the forums about this issue, as strongly as (I) feel about it." So, I'm posting!
Glitched items (arcane and tech are glitched) include: Force Field generators, Stealth Suppressor lasers, Slow fields etc. (if you are experiencing the issue - please leave a reply and list the items you are having problems with - with screenshots if possible)
I know others are experiencing this issue - I'm curious what the percentage is. How many bases is this happening to? I assume there ARE some bases within which these items are working fine... if that is the fact, then it is COMPLETELY UNFAIR to have these FX arbitrarily working in some bases but not all. PLEASE find out what the problem is and FIX IT for everyone?!?!?!?!
Stealth Suppressors - JUST PLACED
Stealth Suppressors - ONE HOUR LATER (and thereafter)
It would be GREAT if someone official could address the issue - since in game support has basically passed the buck to the forum, I hope the official CoH/CoV reps on here will have something to say? Please? -
I'd also like to see a pack with some kind of Arena and AE portals for bases as well... or better yet a portal to to something that combines the two - custom layouts designed especially for PVP rumbles - something akin to the X-Men's Danger Room.
There REALLY should be AT LEAST 2 windows per server. Virtue is consistently the most popular server and you plan the Virtue event for a Wednesday evening? Which happend to be my BFs Birthday so I won't be able to game. Thanks for nothing. I've been playing this game almost since the beginning - too bad you made it so I can't participate in the anniversary event.
Quote:yup same thing happened to me.Now that we can finally "use" the Jet Pack on the iTrials. The temp powers in their entirety are borked. Every now and then, they will randomly ALL get greyed out. And then after about a minute or so they'll re-enable themselves again (well, the ones that we're supposed to be able to use anyways).
but its the occasional irrelevant comment that makes threads fun!
I agree the Devs are marvelous. I said nothing against them - I just said that the suits who are ULTIMATELY in charge decide where to allocate resources so any base upgrade (whether an issue release OR a Expansion Pack) will have to bring in revenue EITHER in the form of an influx of gamers or the price of a booster pack that MANY (not just the builders) would want.
DEFINITELY!!!! Bases should allow SG members who have "gone rogue" to collect exploration badges and collect beacons that would allow the Sg to add TPs to opposite zones (for those who can enter).
Having your SG access and prestige earning capability END when u switch over is stupid. No one ever heard of a double agent? -
all FUTURE wants and desires aside - the one CRUCIAL thing i have on my plate as a base builder is to get the BUG that causes many effects generating items to STOP generating FX (like force fields and the stealth suppressor lasers that are the closest thing we get to Pocket D lighting). This bug has gone on long enough - I have filed multiple reports (over a year and a half period - but I think many others have experienced it longer) and I've heard it is fairly common - so if you are experiencing it too - file a report. Mention it here.
If they want to do ANYTHING to upgrade bases... making CURRENT items work as advertised is an EXCELLENT start! -
I'd love to see some pics of these sorts of items. Could builders that made some perhaps post images in here for inspiration?
As much as I want an issue dedicated to base building, the issue would have to be more about personal lairs (customizable mini-bases - yet possibly with some pre-fab options for those not into base building) in order to hook those who don't have access to base editor. IMHO, an issue devoted specifically to the players who use base editor won't happen without something to make it relevant and essential for all.
As long as THAT is the main feature, all kinds of great things could get added in too. Of course a deluge of all the in game objects we all crave. Personal lairs can also house same items as base - but in far more limited numbers (maybe 1/2 capacity of smallest base plot). But that could lead to some new interface items... recipe storage, tailor, vendor, trainer.
The new playable content could be quests to... find your personal lair, meet NPC's to work in your lair (or base if completed by SG team) get items used to enhance / upgrade base items by incrementally increased storage amounts (in lair or base if completed by SG team)
We need to present ideas that are not just of interest to base builders. The sort of things we want for bases can be added in easily once they find a hook that works for more players. And what they don't just give us - they could sell with base expansion packs - once personal lairs available. -
Quote:what is prohibitive about construction and upkeep costs? Items aren't very expensive until you get into the Dimensional Vortex / Mystic Orrey price range. As for upkeep costs - pocket change.No. Not with the current prohibitive construction and upkeep costs.
I know what is meant about the bugs that need to be fixed. First Hand. My base has the bug that causes FX generated by some defensive items to appear fine when the object is placed, but when I go back later, object is still there, but projected FX don't work.So no Force Fields or Stealth Suppressor lasers.
I've sent a number of bug reports on it - best I usually get is a "someone will look into it and get back to you" but is never followed up upon. Most recently I DID get a real person (not generic response) to tell me they would have a "Senior Specialist" get back to me. I would like to encourage all with the same problem to generate a new bug report - and cite all previous unanswered reports. This bug has gone on way to long without a fix.
Including a "personal apartment space" with the first Base Expansion Pack would go a long way towards making these relevant to those who are not currently base editors. I like theidea that these could be accessible from the base - but I envision another teleporter or a wall item door that would cennect to it rather than have the room actually take up space in the plot. It would connect to your apartment the way the vault door connects to your vault storage - IF YOU HAVE A BASE EXPANSION PACK. So each new pack would allow user to have a personal apartment.
The idea that each Pack would include an interactive NPC (trainer, vendor, tailor) and/or items (recipe storage, etc) for the base would also make it desirable by non-base editors.- You would need to have the pack to make it work. Otherwise would just be another decor item. -
I was trying to suggest usage for already existing items... but i LOVE these ideas (Trainer, Tailor, etc).
I'd also love a NPC Concierge / Calendar that could hang out in base and let SG members schedule and keep track of events.
I like the idea that you have to have the pack to use interactive elements... but anyone using base can see decorative items. -
The more I read in this section, the more I realize it is all about the bottom line to the suits in charge of the Devs. No improvements will be made unless they bring in new players or revenue, so I was thinking... what if there were Expansion Packs you could buy that gave you access to place a variety of themed objects - either adding the new objects to base editor OR just making them placeable "personal items." Like other personal items placed in base - anyone can see them. I'm sure it's been mentioned B4 (tho I couldn't find it).
1. Would you buy Base Expansion Packs?
2. How much would you pay?
3. What themed Base Expansion Packs would you like to see?
4. How many items should a Base Expansion Pack contain?
a few I'd like to see are...
Circle of Thorns PACK: Multi-colored crystals and sconces, altars and other decorative Arcane items
Carnival of Shadows PACK: various objects from Carnie missions etc.
Longbow: steel boxes, etc -
What about a SERIES of purchasable expansion packs... Circle of Thorns items, Carnie items, Rikti Items. I bet these would sell well. Would be like personal items - all could see them once placed but only base editors who have the pack con place them.
The KNOW we want them. Sell them to us one group at a time?
or make them more vet reward placeable items?