Is it possible to build a GREEN SCREEN room?
I had a friend that made a small pure white wall and platform. Can't remember what he used to make it, but it worked very well as a green screen.
I was wondering if anyone has had any luck building a green screen room in base so members can pose for photos and I can drop a background behind them easily. I tried, but was unable to find any simple color only floor or wall textures. I thought someone more creative than I may have come up with a way to do it with objects.
Pictures of the Heirs of Talos super group base:
Video tour (720p HD with music):

Happiness is a blast.
Wall Banners can get a *fairly* uniform color going on. There's a little bit of texture shading to contend with for certain shades, but nothing too bad. Most colors will show up slightly grayed out.
For a large screen, I'd recommend using the large wall banners from the Wall Items tab. Just set both your SG colors (on the Supergroup Settings page) to the desired color and go to town.
I'm not aware of any means to get a green floor, however. We can get white, gray, and several shades of brown pretty easily with desks and cabinets. There are some items that are 'invisible' from below, though. Depending on the angles you need, you could place a Floor Tile from the Room Details tab for your subject to stand on midway up a wall of large banners, then put your camera below the tile and have a full-body shot of the character in a sea of green.
Have you tried the flat white modern frame? I used that to make a movie screen and it resulted in a pretty uniform white surface.
When I get home I'll see if I have a screenshot.
EDIT: You can see what mine looks like here:
I've found it pretty easy to magic wand the background in Photoshop, and replace with a background of my choosing.
The Sixth Column
"Good company and good discourse are the very sinews of virtue."
Izaak Walton
I was wondering if anyone has had any luck building a green screen room in base so members can pose for photos and I can drop a background behind them easily. I tried, but was unable to find any simple color only floor or wall textures. I thought someone more creative than I may have come up with a way to do it with objects.
Founder of The Obsidian Oath as Briarthorne