Sound Off... Who has items with glitched (absent) FX in their bases?
I hope the official CoH/CoV reps on here will have something to say? Please?
A: highly unlikely
At least not here.

Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

I know its unlikely - but since the only official comment I have gotten in a year was "post on the forum" I thought I'd give it a shot.
Founder of The Obsidian Oath as Briarthorne
Still looking for confirmation if this is happening in all bases or not. I was told on base builder's channel that it is - yet I see screenshots of items working - are all the shots I see with the FX working taken right after they were put in?
Founder of The Obsidian Oath as Briarthorne
This is a very old bug.
First listed in Mad Scientist's Big List back in '08
Included in my updated Big List of '10 (specifically the Base Building Bugs section).
Nothing has been done to fix it.
Don't hold your breath.
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

This happens in all bases with these items, the only way they come back to life is to move them or let let the power go out pay the bill to restore power and they will come back.....I have been asking about this for 3 years as well. The offical answer of posting it here is because its the one place they never look or care to look...hell i dont even think the fourm mods even look in here for the fear they might have to tell someone higher up that the base community has their torches and pich forks and are marching to paragon studios.
Hi Pixel --
This issue has been a bone of contention for many years now.
Some items clearly function and display their effect when they are placed (Stealth Strippers, Force Field Generators, etc., etc) but after everyone leaves the base and it is unloaded from the Base Server's memory, they all appear "off" upon subsequent entry / re-loading of the Base.
Real Raids were taken offline early on (along with the Cathedral of Pain), and then even Instant Base Raids were disabled in Issue 13. That's when I stopped asking the question of support, "Even though we don't see the animation to indicate these items are functioning, are they indeed providing their effect?" I.e., were they actually OFF and not providing the effect they were supposed to in a real Base Raid?
Although I asked many times (pre-Issue-13), I never once got an actual answer. I don't think anyone in the Customer Support Group actually knows... it's really something that only a programmer who has worked in the engine / still works in the engine could tell us, and even then probably only after actually sitting down and checking it out.
Personally (and this is just my own unverifiable two cents), I suspect they are "off" and provide no protection or benefit during an actual Raid, as I have noticed absolutely no difference in how rapidly items or weapons with a Force Field Generator beside them get taken down versus not having one. Nor did I ever see anyone who was using Stealth (including Invisibility, Grant Invisibility, Cloaking Device, etc) inconvenienced in any way from passing beneath a Stealth Stripper.
-- Vivian
Agreed to all. My slow field works, the arcane and tech force fields don't. I'm okay with that as I use them, now, for other things.
Of course if they ever do start working again (yeah, right, won't hold my breath) I might have to rework some things.
The Devs never come in here. I really don't know why they sent you here to post.
"If I fail, they write me off as another statistic. If I succeed, they pay me a million bucks to fly out to Hollywood and fart." --- George A. Romero
"If I had any dignity, that would have been humiliating" --- Adam Savage
Virtue Server: Kheprera, Malefic Elf, Lady Omen, Night Rune, La Muerte Roja, Scarab Lafayette, Serena Ravensong, Kyrse, and Arachnavoodoo among others.
The Devs never come in here. I really don't know why they sent you here to post.
Although -- if that's the case -- it would be nicer for Customer Support to just say that, rather than send people here with the thought that the Dev Team is avidly searching the forums and answering questions of this sort.
-- Vivian
Real Raids were taken offline early on (along with the Cathedral of Pain), and then even Instant Base Raids were disabled in Issue 13. That's when I stopped asking the question of support, "Even though we don't see the animation to indicate these items are functioning, are they indeed providing their effect?" I.e., were they actually OFF and not providing the effect they were supposed to in a real Base Raid?
Although I asked many times (pre-Issue-13), I never once got an actual answer. I don't think anyone in the Customer Support Group actually knows... it's really something that only a programmer who has worked in the engine / still works in the engine could tell us, and even then probably only after actually sitting down and checking it out. Personally (and this is just my own unverifiable two cents), I suspect they are "off" and provide no protection or benefit during an actual Raid, as I have noticed absolutely no difference in how rapidly items or weapons with a Force Field Generator beside them get taken down versus not having one. Nor did I ever see anyone who was using Stealth (including Invisibility, Grant Invisibility, Cloaking Device, etc) inconvenienced in any way from passing beneath a Stealth Stripper. |
The current bug, which has Base Defensive systems active and attacking anyone who is nearby, combined with another tool which was not available pre-Issue-13, the Power Analyzer III, permitted me to absolutely confirm, without a shadow of a doubt, that Force Field Generators are NOT working. I.e., they are not only not generating the effect they display when they are installed but they are not providing any DEF to devices in their immediate vicinity. Stealth Strippers are also still not displaying an effect or functioning in any way to turn off any kind of Stealth, from a Stealth Unique and Cloaking Device all the way up to Superior Invisibility.
Hopefully the current "Base Bug" is a sign that bases are being worked on off-camera (although why any such in-progress code would be pushed to the live servers, I am uncertain), and this all amounts to yet another sign that our much-beloved and long-missed Base Raids are returning to CoX!
-- Vivian
I mentioned this in a previous thread. But after trying YET AGAIN (I've been sending them since mid 2010) to submit a bug report for the Base FX Glitch (some items that generate special effects appear to work fine when installed, but the FX are gone when you return), this time I FINALLY got a reply from a real human and the reply I got said I should be "posting to the forums about this issue, as strongly as (I) feel about it." So, I'm posting!

Glitched items (arcane and tech are glitched) include: Force Field generators, Stealth Suppressor lasers, Slow fields etc. (if you are experiencing the issue - please leave a reply and list the items you are having problems with - with screenshots if possible)
I know others are experiencing this issue - I'm curious what the percentage is. How many bases is this happening to? I assume there ARE some bases within which these items are working fine... if that is the fact, then it is COMPLETELY UNFAIR to have these FX arbitrarily working in some bases but not all. PLEASE find out what the problem is and FIX IT for everyone?!?!?!?!
Stealth Suppressors - JUST PLACED
Stealth Suppressors - ONE HOUR LATER (and thereafter)
It would be GREAT if someone official could address the issue - since in game support has basically passed the buck to the forum, I hope the official CoH/CoV reps on here will have something to say? Please?
Founder of The Obsidian Oath as Briarthorne