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  1. mystie_EU

    Speed Painting

    Great work Catz. Very nice picture.
  2. Hello everyone

    I've had some welcome responses by people who saw our Omega Taskforce team entry. Thank you to those that have had a look.

    All animals were harmed during the making of this team started off as a vote in our SG's forums between 3 different concept ideas. (Funnily enough, one of those ideas were for a team of international superheroes with flag coloured costumes! /em shakefist @ the awesome Hero Idol team )

    The characters and costumes were designed and created by all the Ancient Legacy members taking part, and they're great. The fun was creating a story that would benefit all of the animals. A Crey testing facility came to mind. Hopefully giving the team a solid link to the overall CoH universe.

    I created a website to showcase our story and ideas. You see, we knew we weren't going to contest for the quickest time, so having fun with the concept was a great opportunity for us all to take part.

    I hope we did a good job

    Check it out at and tell us what you think


  3. mystie_EU

    City of Kittenz.

    Another great Kitten Mum!
  4. "Wear Caiips"

    ROFL - Love it Coin, well done
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    I've done some Player-Meet Badges especially for you...x

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Mum, in that link I've just noticed the background.

    ...are those black satin sheets?!
  6. Brilliant! Love it! You get Cake.
  7. Great work Excellent stuff
  8. mystie_EU

    City of Kittenz.

    Well done Mum Brilliant!!... again!!

    Looking forward to the next one
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Gopher it!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    lol! Mum, remember to take your pills...
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    And I want to see either Mystie's blue locks or Happy Buddhas shaved head 'n' topknot at the next playermeet! ,
    I'll leave it between you and your girlfriend whos to sport which.
    <evil laugh>

    [/ QUOTE ]'s not the Blue locks, but the Hot pants me and the Mrs will have to fight over

    Great links Mum! G, what are you making the helmet for may I ask? Will it be for decoration, or are you planning to wear it?
  11. ...and I want to see you wearing it at the next comic con

    Yeah I think that Motorbike helmet idea would work. Have fun building it
  12. mystie_EU

    City of Kittenz.

    Excellent work as always mum Put your feet up, have a cuppa and relax before the requests come flooding in
  13. mystie_EU

    Acting Avatars

    That's great, ty!

    (...I'm guessing that it's very hard to get anything else bar the face into such a small square )
  14. mystie_EU

    Acting Avatars

    Hello If you can't beat them, join them The ones I've seen all look great Is is cheeky to ask for one?

    Miss Blue Myst, Magic Defender...

    Thank you!
  15. Wow derailment city! haha

    btw - Not that it's probably going to make any difference, with the high number of nominatinos for Max and Pious, but I'd like to nominate Healing.

    The picture on the thread just finished me off... They had to drag me to the white van, laughing all the way...
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Vids are usually bad quality fraps'd and using some random music from the creator's downloaded mp3 collection.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Couldn't have put it better myself! The vids I've seen are alright and I'm really glad people are exploring the game system finding ways to make these little pieces of art, but this is the first vid I've found that really looks slick and very carefully thought out. The scene where the Sword and Martial Art kicks combos are seemless, and the scene with the gargoyle flying from the roof top is brilliantly done.

    Other vids can tend to feel clunky and disjointed, like the creator has really battled to bring it all together. But this is very fluid and effortless.
  17. I don't normally look at vids shot in game, but with the praise it's had I thought I would.

    I'm very glad I did. It's really very very good. It's the best I've seen.

    Impressed with, well... everything really. Download it now!
  18. If you check out the preview art, I think that may very well be a Mummy Kat in the shadows...
  19. Ah, so *this* is the 'Secret Art Project' you've been working on all that time Looking forward to it Mum!
  20. ...when you get ASd by 2 stalkers in Sirens only to have popped Reconstruction, Dull Pain, turned around and handed their bottoms back to them on a plate. All whilst firing off binds telling them to 'Be gone, fowl creature!' and such.

    Only, afterwards, to be accused of 'Using insps'... and then adding more insult to their injury, by mocking them with their lack of Regen's animation knowledge.

    Ah, so petty, but so much fun.
  21. Or in some cases, lowbies having teamed with an Empath before seem to think that every Defender or Controller is an Empath and the enevitable "Heals please!" makes it's appearance.

    We Empaths are undervalued in the higher levels... it is true. But by this time, even though you will be doing less healing and more attacking, remember that we can contribute in the way of buffs. We get higher bonuses for the leadership pool power. (Defs gain the highest % bonus than any other AT) Plus Grant Invis is a great buff you can take.

    ...and let's not forget. Everyone remembers and loves a great Empath. The crazy amount of invites you get in the first 30 levels or so will no doubt help fill up your friends list. Brilliant if you're relativly new to CoH. Players will sometimes bend over backwards to get you in their team (Is there an emote for that?!). It's how I joined my SG and I'm still teaming with them for all sorts of missions and fun, 18 months later!!
  22. Thanks for letting me join in late Mystie's on 315 badges now
  23. mystie_EU

    Epic Help.

    I picked the Power Epics for Mystie in my last respec and really liked them. Especially if you are going for more of an attacking defender.

    Total focus when used with Build Up is great. In fact the build up power is fantastic. Makes you feel like a blaster! (I'll let you decide if that's a good or bad thing, lol) Also on top of Total Focus' huge damage (more powerful [to a single target] than the Elec's nuke!), it has a nice secondary chance of stunning the baddie.

    Temp Inv is ok. Takes the edge off of any big hits you may suffer from in the heat of a battle.

    ...I haven't tried the Elec Epics, but Power Sink looks very good for PvE, rather than PvP??

    ((Just for the record - Mystie now has Psy Epics again with the i9 respec... It fits well into he Empath/Psy build. Gives her 2 holds [Dominate and Telekinesis], with Telekinesis workin very well in PvP... and added Psy protection with Mind over Body.))

    All in all, I'd go for the Power Mastery if you play more like a blaster and want more damage options.

    Hope that helps?
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    make knockback protection in your SG base (assuming they have the facility to do that) prior to going in to PvP zones

    [/ QUOTE ]

    They do and I completely forgot about that!! That sounds a better option that respec'ing my whole build for acrobatics. That way I get to keep fly!!

    [ QUOTE ]
    As an empath, I would take Swift, Hurdle and Stamina, you have little use for Health.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    True, but with my re-think about now keeping fly, I'll keep health... even unslotted, it's still an extra 40% increase to my health bar, and as a certain overbearing supermarket says, 'Every Little Helps'.

    [ QUOTE ]
    so swapped Psionic mastery for Power mastery

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have thought of that... Build Up looks great, but the Temp Innvun doesn't look as good as Mind Over Body in the Psy Epics. Also Total Focus looks quite powerful, but I think it's a close range attack, and I'd like to keep my distance if possible. Dominate doesn't always hold, no, but it's been successful once or twice, plus it's another ranged attack in the tray. Also, I've seen Mother's Love use Telekinesis alot lately and I remember it being really good against certain builds in PvP when I had it in a previous build.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Buffem just bribes the villains with cookies to attack Bimble first, errrr, don't check your cookie stocks, they may be a little low.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'll just whip up another batch of pancakes, seeing that it's pancake day!

    Hey great advice and ideas guys I'll post a rethink of my build soon
  25. I'm looking for as many badges as possible. The reason for the respec is that I'm finding myself being held alot in PvP areas, and it's making general PvP (mostly been playing in RV lately) pretty frustrating.

    Absorb pain - no need for more slots it's not used that much, it's just a nice power to have. I'll see if I can fit acrobatics and SS in earlier... No need to slot CM either as it cycles round quick enough as it is. Especially with Hasten that I'm thinking of adding into the build.

    Good point about the Fort. I'll take out a couple Tohit Buffs and swap them for Recharge Enhants