23 -
... at one time or another...
... and I'm in a smartalec mood after the "too dark" bit...
Is my picture done yet?
[/ QUOTE ]
*giggles* TA could use that one as a threatening icon!
It says "Fear me, or I shall eat your soul!"
>.< what? I can't be the only one that sees that.
[/ QUOTE ]
How does he eat the souls? He has no mouth.
[/ QUOTE ]
osmosis? -
just dampen a cloth rag with some luke warm water...
DONT SOAK IT to the point it's dripping water everywhere though
keep it damp enough to provide some 'cleaning power' to get the grime off, but dry enough that it wont let water run/drip down the screen.
water on the cloth first, then wipe it off ...not the monitor first :P -
Was going to say the same thingabout the breats, lol.
Also the torso rotation seems kinda off. Here is why I think so.
If she is running strait the legs and torso should be aligned. If she is turning to her left the torso would actually turn 1st not the legs. Go run a little and feel how your body moves. When you go to turn your, shoulder leans in the direction of the turn 1st then your legs follow. Here she looks to be going to her left (she is looking to the left) and you have the legs going 1st while her torso almost looks to be making a right turn.
If I am wrong please one of the beter artists correct me.
Overall a nice start otherwise.
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i just thought it looked as though she was reaching back to throw a punch...mid-sprint -
try moving blaze. make it so she's coming out of the alley maybe. or if you wanted to, you could have her running from left to right across the screen...
maybe some blowing debris in the road...like newspaper blowing in the wind that caught on fire from her "blazing" speed/trail/thing
for the signage detail? make the locksmith into the SO shop for her origin maybe... -
No prob Draco. Thanks for the info!
Here's a collage of all the characters I've done so far. (in no particular order)
So far, so good.
[/ QUOTE ]
nice work, sweetThang, lovin' 'em! -
and here's another one of MM that I spent a LONG time on. Like 2 hours I think.
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ack! Chuck Norris! run! -
always nice to see the quiet ones pop out of hiding to show off once in a while....
some promising work you've got here, keep at it! -
SweetThang: i'm jealous, fantabulous work yet again! I just love this animated style!
nice dude... definitely made for an interesting night
the new version definitely has a certain level of [censored]-kickery over the 1st....
lookin impressive so far... -
Madkap all the way.. showing his hysterical side could only be pulled off in a cartoon i'd think
Name: Madkap
Type: Technology Controller (gravity/storm)
Madkap Front
Madkap Back
Madkap Left
Madkap Right -
you could put a night sky....big moon perhaps ? in the background...
/2 cents -
i use Corel over PS. definitely not for beginners (stay far away)
all i got so far, now keep in mind that i havent picked up a pencil to draw anything more than a Network Diagram since High School (10 yrs now). The head is going to be a bit of a challenge, simply cause im FAR too picky for my own good.
Madkap (headless atm) - drawn & hand inked, then scanned.
Madkap (headless still) - looks all clip-art-ish cause i can't color for #$*! with Corel
Here's the mug i have to stick on that twig of a body he's got
I'll prolly put a brick wall behind him, with a street corner in the background, something like this. -
i'm also liking the 1st one. it has more attitude to it. more aggression & personality.
/em vote_for_1st -
nice style you've got going here so far, keep it up
this, looks freakin sweet so far...but, aside from the wedgie & the hand, i'd say maybe the lips. they just look out of perspective imo.
could just be me, but it IS a w.i.p. right? -
maybe print out a color pallet from somewhere and compare it with what shows up on your screen... manual way to do it, but it'd fix it.
yea, i've also discovered the bane of home WiFi network issues, typically it's the Wireless Zero Configuration service that's the culprit. at least, for me it's the culprit.
What I've got going on, is a Count Olaf becomes a Ringmaster look. Sofisticated & Arrogant, with a sense of humor on par with The Riddler & The Joker; equally as slim...but not quite anorexic-thin.
Name: Madkap
Type: Technology Controller (gravity/storm)
Madkap Front
Madkap Back
Madkap Left
Madkap Right -
heh. i made a Hamburglar Mastermind w/Ninjas the other day... ran around for about 10 minutes before I got bored with him...thought it was pretty hilarious at the time though...
we just need pirates for our MM's now ;-)