Free Oekaki (post screens, please :3)




As part of my continuing quest to Get Better At Art and Reclaim Lost PaintBBS Skills (but certainly not Spite Those Who Didn't Commission Me at Otakon), I'd like to offer my oekaki services to anyone interested. I figure promising art to people will make me feel obligated to draw.

I think I can do about five before I lose interest and go back to Resident Evil 4, so feel free to give me screens. They'll be a couple hundred pix wide/long each, as those are the limits of oekaki pics.

+I mostly draw pretty boys and the occasional girl. I won't refuse to draw giant muscly guys, but it might come out a little weird. No promises.
+I'll post what I'm currently working on up here, so there's no confusion.
+This is a first come, first serve deal unless you have some sort of Dire Burning Need or have never had your toon drawn ever or something.
+if you feel your toon's personality is important, might as well give me a quick rundown.

Samples: (hopefully I won't draw yours with a mouse, so the lines will be cleaner. I'll also try not to watercolor yours too much, cause it looks like we're mortal enemies.)

Requiem.EXE/Suzumura and Tsubame

Originals: (err... ignore Prelude being totally the wrong color >__&gt


Thanks, all :3

1) Replete [done]
2) Dealus[done]
2.5) Cuppa Bubble(???)
3) Thor's Assassin
4) Radey Ayte
5) Shadow Speaker ([censored]? How would he look good in my style o.O?)

-------------above here definitely gets a picture--------------------
++++++++++++++laziness cutoff line+++++++++++++
------------------will you get your picture? Who knows...----------

6) Mina-ko
7) War Bride
8) Madcap
9) Katfood
10) Green Regis
11) Vortex Reborn
12) Hems
13) Rylie/Moiread
14) Dark Kerse <-- the list is not unlucky anymore!

People Who I am Not Entirely Sure Want Me to Draw Them
1) CuppaRox

P.S. Don't PM me, please... Going back and forth between threads and PMs for pictures is making my tabs sad.



Oh cool, bishounen style. If you could take a shot at my angsty katana scrapper (in any costume) I'd be happy.
(his hair is suppossed to be up in a short ponytail but, sadly, that hairstyle doesn't exist in coh. which makes me sad)

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