
  • Posts

  • Joined

  1. Sure. I'm going to go someplace else and continue only putting consideration into caring about people who directly contact me.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    I roar 'No' to every single one.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [/ QUOTE ]

    You haven't ever spoken to me in-game, you wouldn't know anyway.
  3. The idea that it's because it's 'unrealistic' amuses me. Obviously, none of those villains are going to put the pieces of the puzzle together when they see heroes constantly visiting the spot Flux insists he has to be at every day.

    And how Meg Mason manages to have her nose to the street with an inexplicable massive amount of police protection is...well, suffice to say the Trolls are recruiting for someone to work out what's going on there because it's gonna need a genius to crack.

    And funny that Julius hasn't been beaten to death by his fellow Trolls for that highly coincidental and regular occurance of heroes constantly talking to him and then jumping right off the bridge to have a big ol' Troll smashin' jamboree.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    But they might sense the barbaric fury all the same

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I say 'No thankyou' to every single one.
  5. [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    A lot. I never actually play my namesake character anymore so it's not like anyone knows who they're talking to.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    And, let's be honest, some (not all!) of those leaving posts certainly seemed measured for dramatic impact.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Pretty much. Drama was demanded either way, I'd rather have it happen on more representative terms than trying to make the Devs think the whole EU community is up in arms against them, which it quite clearly isn't.

    Allow me to make the most pertinent point possible about this; it takes two to tango. I handed over the opportunity for drama, everyone ran with it. Feel free to blame me if it makes anyone feel better, but me and everyone else wading in on 'my side' simply couldn't have managed anything at all if we hadn't been given a load of ammo by the....heh, 'innocent victims'.
  7. He's from Finland. If anything is going to come out of him, it'll be those damnable Daim bars the frosty Norse* love so much.

    *potential insult to Finns for lumping them in with the Swedes and Norwegians fully recognised and personally amusing
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Issue 16: Solo or farm? Your choice!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I've been getting exactly the same number of tells as before I14 for normal teams.
  9. I like those farm maps being available for when I want them. Nothing gets one of my stalled toons out of a rut better than smashing it up a level or two.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah. Man-amphibian love is still forbidden in this society of ours

    [/ QUOTE ]

  11. [ QUOTE ]
    I was expecting Khorak here...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm not depressing dear, everything I do has way more passion than that.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I think I need to be kissed by a cute emo chick, that's the only way to make sure I turn out just fine when I'm de-amphibianfied.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ....I could dye my gorgeous long hair black?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What about the cutting and bad poetry part?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'll cut him until he makes some bad poetry about it.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    I think I need to be kissed by a cute emo chick, that's the only way to make sure I turn out just fine when I'm de-amphibianfied.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ....I could dye my gorgeous long hair black?
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I like hugging. Can I hug you?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    He's an amphibian right now - kiss him, and he may turn back to his normal form.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *hugs GG*
  15. I like hugging. Can I hug you?
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Take Hover, they recently sped it up, go over the mines.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    They sped up Hover?


    [/ QUOTE ]

    It was my favourite part of I14, considering the amount of non-stop hovering toons I make.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    I'll try not to step on a landmine

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Way more people are probably killed when trying not to step on landmines than those who are. Stamp on every landmine you find, properly interpreted statistics are with you! Trust me*! And God speed!

    *Do not trust this man. Take Hover, they recently sped it up, go over the mines.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Us long term veterans

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Not in my name.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Indeed. Apologies for the broad tarring, but in lieu of copy pasting a list I decided derogative use of the term 'veteran' sufficed to get the point across. I figured the majority of sane long term players and forumites would understand the distinction, and those who didn't....well if someone actually tricked themself into thinking I care about bad opinions of me, they can probably make up for lost time and good a good hate-on while I eat the leftover beef from dinner.
  19. I'm Khorak, and I spent all of yesterday hoping Positrons speech would suck so I could laugh at people.
  20. khorak_EU

    i15 moaners.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I am a paying customer, and am entitled to make my feelings known. If you don't like that then please, feel free to not read my posts.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hahaha! Cram it. You don't get to 'make your feelings known' and then complain I'm doing the same thing.
  21. khorak_EU

    i15 moaners.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm not particularly optimistic or pessimistic. I'm just not bored with the game yet.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yup. It's a game, when I'm bored with it I'll stop playing it. It's that simple. Wasn't too impressed with I14, not big on the Mission Architect, I just played Empire: Total War until I felt like playing CoX again, which I now am.
  22. khorak_EU

    Theyre back.....

    [ QUOTE ]
    Actually, I've never threatened to leave before, and I'm not threatening now.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah you are. It was "Positron better say what I want to hear or I'm leaving."

    It's a threat, and it's pathetic. Just go.
  23. khorak_EU

    Theyre back.....

    [ QUOTE ]
    Many people are just sick and tired of waiting.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Same here. Could you all just go instead of complaining that you're going to go?
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    So to everone canceling their sub, can i have your st00f plx?!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Way ahead of you this time. That stuff's all mine.
  25. *yawn* Dibs on all your stuff.