95 -
I agree that solo yes it can be useful, but it depends on what else you're taking. On my Mind Dom I had Dominate, Confuse, and Levitate which easily covered all of my solo'ing needs, so I left out Mezmerize. Should you not be taking one of those three for whatever reason, then yeah it can be a useful addition. I will note that I did pick it up much later specifically for the LRSF.
If nothing else it can be a good and cheap IO set mule. -
I too would like to see how its implemented before I decide. The devil is always in the details. My WS might be a candidate for going Rogue as he's a former low level mafia guy and card shark who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He might like the opportunity to soar his evil oats, but ultimately he would probably switch back to blue side (one of those shady characters with a conscience kinda thing). My PB is solidly hero type though, so he'll be staying put.
Is there anywhere in the game with power suppression that isn't on it's own, separate map?
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I don't know of any constant ones. But the Devs seem to be able to turn it off and on as something like an AoE toggle. I've seen both Ghost Widow and BaB turn suppression on during different events. It certainly didn't seem to be affecting those who were far away from them.
[/ QUOTE ] They should have turned it on for ten second bursts during the recent event with all the monsters and AVs.
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I actually did at one point, right before spawning in a Blue Mito.
Kicker is, you guys still managed to kill it!
I'm NEVER listening to another complaint about nerfed powers again!
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Pets > Power of BABs.
My arc involves my SG and VG and as such there are several bits of dialog in there that can stand on their own, but have added flavor if you know the member of the SG they are named after. One in particular is a non-required boss spawn named after an SG mate who has a knack for falling asleep at the keyboard during TFs. The boss says something about being tired and having his cohorts wake him up if something exciting happens.
BABs just posted this. Not necessarily related to i15 and only in reference to Mind Doms, but a buff is a buff.
Arc ID: 6916
"A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste"
Four mission arc involving my SG/VG. Medium difficulty I suppose with Crey and a custom group, has 2 regular EB's and one AV/EB. It's pretty straightforward, nothing fancy as it is my first foray into the MA. My VG is hatching a nefarious scheme to take control of Paragon City, and my SG is asking for your help to stop them! -
There are three or four Portal Corp maps that are probably what you're looking for. I think they're under Unique then Tech (maybe Unique then Unique again).
Bill Murray? (does that make me old??)
"Jane, you Ignorant..."
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Actually that was Dan Akroyd... -
And here I was just wondering about this a couple hours ago. Thanks!
Last night was my first experience with this bug (never got into a stalker before this guy). Solo'ing Luminary EB, Placate->Build Up->Assasins Strike starts anima-WHAM! BONE SMASHER TO THE FACE! WTF?!?
Now I see why some people have just left placate out of their build. I rarely use it as it is, except for hard targets. My stalker is 32 and as mentioned this is my first encounter with this so thats not too terribly bad, but looking a head to all the EB's in the late game....uhh, yeah. -
Had fun on that Sis Psyche last night (I was the Warshade) - was a good, steamrolling team. I'll have to check out what you're putting together next Friday.
Best part was his inclusion of Propel at the end of the video.
My first 50 on Pinnacle! Ka Noh Wuupahs, DB/WP/GW brute hit late last night.
4b) Character Ownership....
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I had never really thought about it, but this paragraph is one of the big things for me in CoX. I tried many (but by no means all) MMO's and was never able to sink my teeth into one. CoH came along and I was finally able to really make a character that I felt some part of. For me I guess it felt more like my days of D&D way back when (way, way, way back when), where the charaters I ran definitley had a very big piece of "me" in them. I recently relented and tried (for the fourth time mind you) the other stupidly popular MMO that shall not be named, at the request of a friend who plays it a lot. I actually got farther into it than I had on any of the other trials, mainly because teaming with a friend who knew what they were doing helped. But eventually it just felt as though I was playing some Random Undead Guy #456. I didn't feel as though any part of him had any of "me" in it.
I've been playing CoX for a little over 30 months, and I don't consider myself to have alt-itis. I currently have around 20-25 toons on 3 servers, and in the almost 3 years I've probably not made more than 60 total. But for every single one I've made, I have never seen a duplicate of it. Sure some are similar in look, or similiar in theme, but there is always something about the other toons that really distiguishes them and makes them more of a reflection of their owner.
So yeah, the gist of all that meandering was I like the costume creater. -
Well, I finally got a SG base up and running. The cost was around 800K or so (I think). It's for a one-man SG. Mostly decorative, but it does have some functionality.
Tell me what you folks think?
LINK to album page.
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Nice job! Very impressive for a one man SG. I especially like the meeting room (with the big SG boardroom table) and the secret entrance way. I even saw a couple ideas that I may have to steal for my own base.
This accusation surprises me -- would you care to provide an example (actual quotes, please) of any case at all where I have "defended" or "justified" someone who is guilty of "egregious errors or misbehaviors"? Since you say I have a "long history" of doing this, surely you can come up with some examples? If not, you owe me an apology.
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And here's your "shocked martyr" routine. You must have a patent on this.
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Ah hah! I have been searching for what to call this little routine he does. "Shocked martyr" is very good. You get the bonus cookie for the day.
And no, I have absolutely nothing else to add. -
Wow...gotta love how a red-name post brings out all the loonies who are suddenly experts on the AT.
Ah well...At least we are getting some attention apparently. I would like to say though that however this mez resistance ends up manifesting, please, please, please, do not tie it in with domination. Posi said it in his post with the Jekyl and Hyde comment. We have too much wrapped up in domination as it its. In fact...get rid of the damage bonus while you are at it and give us AT damage modifiers of 80 range and 85 melee. -
I really dont like hotfeet on a dominator, its damage is well.... lacking unless you are under domination.
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Hotfeet doesnt have to be used for damage. Its very effective at damage mitigation too.