
Story Teller 1/13/12
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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
    +100% XP boosters next Tuesday, ladies and gentlemen.
    Huh, that's much more useful than what I was guessing- a staff vanity pet which runs on four legs.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by seebs View Post
    Honestly? It would be awesome. It would be terrifying, evil, and consistent with some existing comic lore.

    But I also realize it might be a bit... specialized.
    Maybe too terrifying.

    Maybe too evil.

    And yes, maybe too consistent with some existing comic lore.

    I just hope this doesn't rule out special agent masterminds in spite of them having no connection whatsoever to clowns for some illogical reason.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    Nine grand (ish) for a custom power set?

    How about, say... five grand, and we get improved demorecording and support for it again? Hmm? Prithee? Hmm?

    Nine grand if it comes with a videocamera emote. Final offer.

    And forget the liger - I want the next pet to be a platypus, damn it! EVOLUTION GONE WEIRD!

    So wait would that be instead of the power set or would it be, like, part of a video recording power set?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pimpstress_Bambi View Post
    It's rude.
    Not rude, funny.

    This thread really should have ended with Aneko and DarkGob's replies; they said it all.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pimpstress_Bambi View Post
    800 points is what they said was the price in the joke... that is not 8 grand...
    Let's see. Maybe this will help illustrate.

    Originally Posted by venombeyond82 View Post
    While this is a Joke, I'd like to point out 750,000 points, is only a little over 8000 dollars, considering you get 9,600 for $100. Don't forget bulk bonus points.
    Ignoring for the moment the fact that the update is an April Fool's Day joke.

    You were posting about all the people who were requesting clown summoning for - I think it was three to four years you said?

    So they're listing clown summoning. The power you've repeatedly said was 'requested often.'

    They also list the ability to create any power set you want on the next joke entry.

    Are you seeing the link between the two yet?

    Originally Posted by Pimpstress_Bambi View Post
    The fist time they joked about it was bad enough.... but they did it at least twice...

    When you take the time to tell the devs you would like to play this powerset and their reply is to use it as an April Fools joke.... it is like telling ya to F-Off.... If they are not going to make the set... FINE... but quit using it as the APRIL FOOLS JOKE...
    I don't remember any prior year using a clown summoning joke. Refresh my memory?

    I am not sure if I should reply to the part where you feel cursed out by an April Fool's day joke about clowns with sarcasm or if I should try to treat it seriously.

    I'm not saying this as a way of telling you to eff off, or to imply you're a horrible person, or to slap, kick, punch, bully or gag you, but you've got to admit, a topic like clown summoning is perfect fodder for an April Fool's Day prank.


    Would you not get annoyed if you asked for something and then the only reply you see to it is Here ya go... April Fools....
    I'd try to maintain my dignity and respond with.. oh wait no, sorry; this is an internet message board, isn't it? I should probably respond to everything (including innocent greetings and compliments) by getting annoyed and offended. Duh.

    J/ Wilde
    Much of the above was meant with affectionate sarcasm
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
    Apparently there are some people out there who SERIOUSLY want this set, and are offended that this was done as an April Fools. Personally I think they need to chill out and learn to take a joke.
    It would seem if you were yearning for a clown based power, you'd also have the sense of humor to appreciate the April Fool's Day joke.

    I wonder if this had been legit, if they'd be losing out on the eight grand someone would have paid for clown summoning. hmmm...
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pimpstress_Bambi View Post
    (We have been asking for this for 3 or 4 years)
    In all fairness, I got the sincere impression most of the requests for clown summoning were done in jest as well.
  8. I totally loved the update! I'm already having fun daydreaming over how I imagine various players would spend the money on the custom power set if they had the money/ could. (I wonder what gold blast would be like.)

    I'd never be able to pick from my list of whacky ideas. Cookie armor, breakdance fighting, or Feline Mastermind, maybe.

    I found it amusing how it basically promised to be overpowered too.

    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    It would be hard. You would have to contact CS because I think there is a $400 limit for card purchases in the store. I guess you could spread it out across different cards, but that may take a while.

    Now, if had that kind of money I would do it.
    They could always sell (up to) thousand dollar cards at select retailers. *laughs*

    If they actually sold store items for six figure points, I'm thinking they'd also start offering larger points bundles, maybe with bonus items instead of extra points.

    The overall store selection was pretty solid. My fav. update ever!

    J/ Wilde

    Edit: There's always the dream feature for sharing points too. Or being able to pool up points from different players.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
    Philanthropy is all well and good, but the question was "how would you enhance your COH experience?"
    I would assume having a higher quality of orchestrated music to listen to while playing would be a significant boost to the City of Heroes experience.

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    The issue isn't that problems occur, since preventing that wholesale would mean never getting any work done, or very slowly. I understand that.

    What gets me is that the text errors in this game never get fixed. Ever.

    You ARE aware that issue after issue after issue after issue of patch notes includes the phrase 'corrected spelling errors for,' right?

    The whole post is painfully hyperbolic. What exactly are you basing "these mistakes never get fixed?"

    If you don't have time to 'compile a list' of the small issue you're painting to be a major problem, how in the world are you able to, as you just did, authoritatively state that they've never fixed a typing mistake ever?

    Hyperbolic, like most of the thread.

    PS- You do know when you unsubscribe they have a form that asks you why you're unsubscribing right? How many of those do you think honestly read, "The only problem I have with this game is running into a typo once every few/ several missions?"
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zhasji View Post
    I would love to see the actual numbers on how many people REALLY buy this pet for this insane price. Personally I plan on asking anyone I see with a leperchaun out for 2 billion influence since they OBVIOUSLY enjoy throwing their money away.
    I don't see how it's OBVIOUS they're wasting money. At the very least, I don't see how it's more of a waste of money than being a VIP when you could be playing for free. I've often seen console fans claim any game you pay a subscription fee to is an obvious waste of money, ignoring the fact that (presumably) we see a value in it that those people don't.

    There is a fairly obvious (see, it CAN be spelled without being all in capital letters) between 'throwing money away' and disagreeing with your opinion on the value of a single item, even if it is a subjective difference.

    By the way, leprechaun, not leperchaun.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    oversized image
    If we're dropping these things at the slightest and weakest of excuses now, can someone at least start doing them in pocketsized versions instead of fullscreen sized versions?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
    Battle Axe, War Mace, Broadsword, and Katana.

    I didn't like any of those except Katana. I just have way too many katana toons >_>;
    I'd probably say broadsword for a very similar reason. I like it a good deal. I like the concept and it's fun to play, but it's the primary for my main scrapper, whom I still play more than any other character of mine.

    I am pretty sure any time I spent trying to start up a new broadsword character would just make me want to play either my main, or my stalker alt of the same character.

    That said, I do think this is a very interesting and informative thread. I'm glad to see something other than "I don't play x power set because lol it sucks (is underpowered)."
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
    The legal system is a joke and all that's left in the free world are kangaroo courts. Just look at the Casey Anthony trial.
    Yes, I compare an optional purchase in a virtual game environment to the real world killing of a child all the time as well. It's totally not hyperbolic, missing and distorting the entire point of the discussion, and insensitive to the point of absurdity to trivialize it by comparing it to "I can't get exactly what I want in exactly the way I want it, every single time?!"

    Why in the world would any one think that?

    Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post

    Key words: SIZE="7"
    Did you use preview? That's obnoxiously big.

    That's more than a random observation. I very much agree with your post. It's sane, despite the obvious flaw of not having a self superior sense of an "I only know of law cases with a minimum of one million hours coverage on a major television network" example. But that's okay. You can work on that.

    But back to the main point. I happen to agree with what you said, but if I disagreed, I don't think I'd find the use of obnoxious fonts would persuade me to see your logic. If anything, it'd make me more likely to dismiss any agreeable points you had as hyperbole.

    Heck, even agreeing with you, I'd be tempted to ignore it.

    Still not as bad as a good solid "Look at that court case about the dead toddler."
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Though I do reserve to say that people spending hundreds of dollars on these packs have more money than brains. I use the same term for those that get involved with CCG games now.
    The same insult which ignorant people use for anyone who would dare to buy a game which they then have to pay a monthly fee to pay. EG, an MMO.

    I'm guessing people are going to dismiss your judgment of the unfortunately named super packs in the same way MMO players presumably dismiss the judgment of.. others.
  16. Just a note: I'm not seeing the 12 pack option under featured, although it comes up on search. Intentional or an oversight?

    I look forward to buying some of these!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
    That's a crappy discount...

    I was looking for something along these lines

    15 Packs 800 Points

    45 Packs 1600 Points

    I guess I was crazy to think the Bulk discount would actually mean something...

    So where's the option for those of us who have Reward Tokens banked for these things? It's not live yet?

    How convenient...
    The sane stance to take would be to remember this is actually subjective. Sure, they could have gone with your demands. Then we'd get someone posting something along the lines of...

    Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
    That's a crappy discount...

    I was looking for something along these lines

    18 Packs 750 Points

    52 Packs 1750 Points

    I guess I was crazy to think the Bulk discount would actually mean something...
    It's easy but meaningless to dismiss any reasonable discount as 'meaningless crap.'

    Personally, I think the deal seems fine, or at least far from 'useless.' That's rather hyperdramatic.

    Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
    These remain a devastating disappointment, really. Exactly as when they were first announced, this is nothing more than a blatant money grab that's not even disguised as quality content.

    I'll be using my outstanding tier-9 reward tokens for these, since I've racked a ton up anyway and most of the stuff in that tier is just as useless, but I won't be putting down any actual money on these.
    Offering them as a veteran reward, however, would seem to me to take a good deal of the steam out of the idea of it being a 'money grab.' The tokens are just a little extra reward for buying points. For anything. If they were pulling a simple money grab, I would expect this would be a part of the store and nothing else.

    I'd also expect way more exclusive 'can't get anywhere else' items beyond a simple outfit and a pet.

    I, personally, see this as something I'd spend money on. Mostly because I've been pleasantly surprised with the dual inspirations so far. Espeically the duration of effect. They're kind of like a deluxe sized candy bar to me.

    Very nice against a boss I'm having problems with or to save for an especially meaningful team effort.

    Also.. I'm saving my tokens for when they hit the veteran's reward table as well.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    Stopped reading here. Never joining your teams, appreciate the warning.

    I came up with a set of rules for my teams and task forces. The only reason they're in place is to keep me in check, not the team.
    I read the rest of it. You made the right decision.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
    Think of it this way:


    If I know that they won't be available after X date, I may be tempted to buy them all NOW just in case I discover a good use for something later on and can't get it.
    I get that part, but weighed against the counter lost potential sales of people who might have brought it later in the year but can't, and it seems like the math would swing in favor of the year round sales.

    I suppose there's also the appeal of exclusiveness to it. Owning a piece that not everyone was able to grab, which won't be around until next year, if ever. Of course, that already applies to any limited time costume pieces, so this is hardly anything new.

    From the way people are posting, it sounds like the other issue is it's the only way to get quality shirts. I've yet to see the images from the pack, so I can't comment on that.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
    Don't you want new players in March through January of next year to see this level of quality in the costume creator?
    It doesn't seem like nearly as big of a deal as people are making out of it, but I don't really see a reason for it being time limited other than the holiday theme, either.

    Unless, of course, they think it actually works and gives them higher sales.

  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    Ah that's right, my mind kept jumping between 8 and 12.
    That must really be a pain when you're cooking. *Grins*
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tidbit View Post
    Same for me - says I don't have permission to access the page.
    Same here. It looks like it's linked to the page to edit a comment, I wonder if that's why or is that too obvious?
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by 7deCoeur View Post

    This week's Screenshot:

    Originally Posted by my submission

    Playing pool under the interdimensional rules of Pocket D, where cause often follows effect, requires you to hit the holes in order to unsink the poolballs from them. Needless to say, it's a difficult sport to master at best.
    If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
    Gotta admit, this made me LOL

    Congrats on the win!
    Good, glad ya liked!
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Freitag View Post
    Congratulations Joshdex! You have won the Tell a Story Contest! Please send me a PM with your desired costume code, and whether or not you want the forum title!

    Thank you all for participating!

    To think, I was only setting out to make sure someone won this time.. finally a winner and it only took reducing the requirement by 90%.

    It was Fun! I'll PM you now, Frietag.