4197 -
Quote:Manga already posted what the cause probably is. I've also posted the logs for the exact same crash under Transgaming's G.T.L. code-base.I don't want to sound like a jerk or anything, but why hasn't this been fixed? This is like a fatal error and I want to give feedback on the whole issue but a massive part of the issue is unavailable to me because of this. Any idea on what the cause is?
As to why it has not been fixed yet?
If you want a gut-reaction / opinion... NCSoft decided to throw all their OSX / Linux users under a bus; Making the game compatibility so bad or the barrier to run so difficult that subscribers would go find something else to do. Presto, everybody homogenizes and chants the "Oh Great Microsoft" line. Neither Manga nor I were invited to the Beta before the VIP beta, which meant that the two players who have given the most feedback / aid to the developers and Transgaming to locate and determine these types of bugs... were not involved in any stage before the effective "open-beta".
Now, I cannot answer why NCSoft made that decision, if it was indeed the decision they decided to make.
My personal opinion is that it was a critically bad decision to make. I do not think that NCSoft has the luxury of deliberately antagonizing any portion of their player-base, but that is what NCSoft seems intent on doing.
Changing the direction apparently taken by NCSoft likely won't be easy. As evidenced by the .NET launcher and the Linux compatibility problem, I've been banging on that drum since... well.. January of this year when Second Measure mentioned the "new" launcher. Did any other subscribers get involved in attempting to address the problem / send feedback / "do anything"? Nope, not until AFTER the launcher change had gone into effect: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=267988
Kind of late there.
Apple users are pretty much in the same boat. The development decision / resource management was already set in stone. Everybody was scheduled. Now that the "die" as it were has been cast, only NOW are OSX subscribers starting to speak up. Again... a little late.
Sadly, until or unless the non-Microsoft-Windows-Operating-System users are more Pro-active in raising living hell for design directions... NCSoft really has no incentive to change the direction they apparently have decided to take. -
Quote:Oh yeah, as an afterthought.After trying Driver Sweeper I'll make a post on the AMD forums if my problem persists.
You need to make a post even if the Catalyst 11.4 drivers and Driver-Sweeper resolves the problem.
All City of Heroes subscribers experiencing problems with AMD graphics chips need to let AMD know about the problems. -
Quote:http://phyxion.net/item/driver-sweeper.htmlI have not tried Driver Sweeper, but am absolutely willing to. You wouldn't happen to have a reliable link would you?
After trying Driver Sweeper I'll make a post on the AMD forums if my problem persists.
Also, try Catalyst 11-4: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownloa...ition&rev=11.4
You'll likely need to use the Mobility Modder to get it to install: http://www.hardwareheaven.com/modtool.php -
Quote:out of wondering, did you run Driver Sweeper to clear out the crippled HP drivers before installing the new Catalyst Drivers?After upgrading to catalyst 11.7, I am still having this issue. Does anyone have any suggestions?
* * *
Also, there is a thread on the AMD forums for problems with Catalyst drivers and City of Heroes: http://forums.amd.com/devforum/messa...&enterthread=y
So far nobody BUT me has actually posted there. If you are having a driver issue with City of Heroes and an AMD graphics card: Please Post in the Thread on the AMD Forums. -
Quote:There's an ongoing OpenGL bug with the Catalyst driver set. The bug has only reliably presented itself since 11.5. For the most part Catalyst 11.4 is stable for most players, but some system configurations can trigger problems in the Catalyst 11.4 set.Admittedly on Windows, but I don't know of anyone (and I've AMD as well) that had 11.6 running right. For me, it was constant "snagging" vs. full rubberbanding, and my cpu usage doubled while running CoH under those drivers.
A thread for the OpenGL issues in Catalyst 11 series has been opened on the AMD general discussion forums: http://forums.amd.com/devforum/messa...&enterthread=y
To date no-body BUT me has actually posted about their problems there.
(hint hint, if you have a crashing driver issue with an AMD graphics card, GO POST IN THAT AMD FORUM THREAD) -
The exact numbers will likely not be finalized until the on-going VIP beta ends.
Quote:one hell of a necropost.When trying to run the game I get the following errors:
Code:fixme:wgl:X11DRV_wglGetPixelFormatAttribivARB unsupported 2009 WGL Attribute fixme:wgl:X11DRV_wglGetPixelFormatAttribivARB unsupported 2006 WGL Attribute fixme:wgl:X11DRV_wglGetPixelFormatAttribivARB unsupported 2008 WGL Attribute
I am trying to find a solution right now.
Anyways, this problem seems to be more often associated with Nvidia graphics cards: http://www.winehq.org/pipermail/wine...ry/267186.html
Which version of Catalyst are you using? -
I've started a thread on the AMD Developer forums here: http://forums.amd.com/devforum/messa...&enterthread=y
If you are receiving a Crash with an AMD graphics card in City of Heroes, please reply to this thread.
If you are using a Microsoft Windows Operating System you may want to copy the Application Error Log in the Event Viewer section of the Administrative Tools.
The Windows Error logs pretty much are useless, but whatever. -
I've started a thread on the AMD Developer forums here: http://forums.amd.com/devforum/messa...&enterthread=y
If you are receiving a Crash with an AMD graphics card in City of Heroes, please reply to this thread.
If you are using a Microsoft Windows Operating System you may want to copy the Application Error Log in the Event Viewer section of the Administrative Tools.
The Windows Error logs pretty much are useless, but whatever. -
Tried out the AMD drivers...
they... work for about an hour or so... then crash out... -
*insert snarky comment about SteelClaw being on the "The Ball"
I love the idea of the Carnies / Knives doing the "Field Goal" emote on a successful attack. -
Quote:Pardon Xenos. I'd like to borrow what you said here and mod it a bit.Personally I am hoping that Freedom will give many more Mac users the opportunity to try COH, and we all know about first impressions.
Personally I am hoping that Freedom will give many more Mac and Linux users the opportunity to try City of Heroes, and we all know about first impressions.
Okay, I think I'm done. -
hmm. right now the perl-script is pulling game version 2050.201107131807.1.0
The game version on Live is reported as 2060.201108050059.1 -
Okay, got the perl script running. I tried it on one of the pre-existing G.T.L. installs that was out of date.
Updater ran and showed a complete patching, and I was able to get to the name servers, but when I tried to log-in I ran into an invalid game version.
Trying it again through a fresh install. -
Quote:working on it.hi je, still no joy.
i need the -renderthread 0 or it will hang at the loading bar, and even with -project "Coh", i'm still getting that one UNNAMED server. =/ thanks though. any other thoughts?
The un-named server problem was one of the reasons I provided the pre-install enviroments for my two Game-Tree-Linux guides.
* * *
Also, as a note because I didn't see it mentioned, for the perl script, it looks like libxml-simple-perl should satisfy the XML::Simple requirement linked to by the perl-script author. -
Quote:You need to use quote marks, and take the renderthread out.Mark, the author, has put up a new version which seems to fix the patching issue.
let me know if it works for you guys.
mine seems to patch ok, but when i try to run cityofheroes.exe -project coh -renderthread 0, all i see is one Unnamed server. =/ this may be because i use CrossOver and not straight wine, so the launcher won't actually launch for me (thought it will patch.)
Jsut do :
-project "Coh"
-project "CohTest"
-project "CohBeta" -
Lxdr: currently there is reliable method that I'm aware of to get around having to use either the OSX or Windows Patcher to bring the game up to date.
Quote:It is quite a necro-past. Perhaps it will be allowed to stand.Old post but I thought I chime in on how I have been searching about it..and still nothing about it but seeing this post.
Quote:I certainly don't understand why I can't use my 3d in COH but games like "Dark Age of Camelot" has it!??!?!
I wish this game allowed it.
Quote:For most of the games supported by Nvidia 3D Vision, TriDef, or IZ3D, steroescopic support is delivered through a driver and there is zero input or development from the developer of the game itself.
Quote:It would really change the experience for me. All of my old games I have pulled out to play in 3d and it really makes play through much more replay fun.
As before, you'll need to take support up with your graphics card vendor. -
Quote:... um...I understand that programming pets AI so they will just stay in one place when you want them to is probably a technical nightmare, but what about just giving the MM the ability to put an Immobilize effect on them, say magnitude 2 bazillion? No matter how their AI works, they will quite certainly stay put if they are immobilized.
You can use the existing MM controls to tell each individual pet exactly where to stand. -
Sales of the comic weren't exactly... "great" if I remember.
I don't know what the download numbers on the comics are either, could be low or could be high.
Keep in mind that a good number of people who play CoH don't read the comics... and there are good number of new players in the game today that don't know those comics are available on the web-site to download and read. -
Quote:It's assumed from here: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Surviving_EightPosted to Twitter a few minutes ago:
I tweeted Matt that "people assume" but if there IS someplace where he's specifically stated to be in the Phalanx, it's probably a good idea to point it out.
The rest of the Surviving 8 were all Freedom Phalanx members.
BaB's has also appeared in promotional art with the other Freedom Phalanx members, such as the recently stated Who Will Die promotional campaign.
There is also the Lord Recluse Strike Force where BaB's is one of the combatents, and the mission objective is to defeat "Statesman and the Freedom Phalanx... not "Statesman, the Freedom Phalanx, and the Remaining Regulator: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Lord_Rec...reedom_Phalanx
For the same promotional reasons, Miss Liberty is also commonly lumped in with the Freedom Phalanx as she is Statesman's Sidekick, despite her own affiliation being The Vindicators. -
Quote:I seriously doubt that: http://www.techarp.com/showarticle.aspx?artno=98&pgno=3ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 is able to run Ultra Mode. At least, that's what I'm using and I have most of the settings one notch from being maxed out.
The Mobility RadeonHD 4250 has a theoretical Megatexel / MegaPixel throughput of 2,000 M/T / 2,000 M/P; and it's best performing memory configuration has 8.53 GB/s.
The Mobility RadeonHD 2600, which I have on hand, has a theoretical Megatexel / MegaPixel throughput of 4,000 M/T / 2,000 M/P; and it came with a bandwidth configuration of 12.8 GB/s.
While I can't say how a RadeonHD 4250 would perform, I can tell you how the more powerful 2600 performs:
Even in a low resolution, in this case 1024 * 768, I would be hard pressed to describe these frame-rates as playable. -
well, that you are still working with Transgaming is encouraging.
I'd also like to thank an NCSoft rep for stepping forward and saying something.