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The game "warrants" open pvp perfectly, its heroes vs. villains after all. They just need to give the whole pvp system a revamp. I agree it's not done well. Fix the current pvp system while its in controlled areas and server wide "controlled pvp" would work fine. Anyway you cut it your always going to have clueless, pestering noobs and annoying, frustrating players. Since the implementation of AE those two things have increased dramatically anyway and original players and people in general are still here.
I couldn't of put it better Shadow State nor would i want to. And what is with the posts saying "WE" dont want vehicles or "WE" dont want this or that...i guess some individuals in humanity have become part of a greater collective now? And to Forbin project: <Suggestions and Ideas Have an idea or suggestion? Talk about them here!>
Dosen't say: <Suggestions and ideas Have an idea or suggestion? Argue about it here or place ur idea and have others tear it to shreads.>
A simple that wont work, its been tried, or i dont agree with or like that idea is sufficient if you dont agree with somethin someone says. thiers no need to try and go into all this detail and try to make urself seem "holier-then-thou" and make people that post their idea feel stupid or like a clueless a**. -
Some weapons i'd love to see added:
(1)NUNCHAKU: In my opinion one of the coolest and overlooked weapons in martial arts. It would be awesome to swing a set of these ingame if your the type that plays a martial arts style hero or villain. Would probably have to be a whole new weapon set though...dont see how u could incorporate it into the current sets.
(2)CROSSBOW: Added to bows. Maybe a pistol sized one and a normal sized one.
(3)ALIEN SCI-FI TECH AXE: added to axes set.
(4)TECH/FANTASY STYLE STAFF: Wood and metal. possibly added to mace set?
Of course i'd also love to see more "particle effect" type weapons like some others have stated. -
yep thats my counter argument. If you want to call it that. its short, factual, to the point and the truth. no other "argument" is needed. besides im not here to argue ideas or suggestions. im here for this particular forums purpose, which is to post ideas and suggestions for the game and thats what i did. Nuff said.
I dont understand whats with all the balance talk. like the "classes" are balanced as they are right now? Stalkers are a perfect example of unbalance currently in game if ur speakin in pvp terms. ive been one or two hit killed many times by one. As for control. obvioulsy the powers that are specific to certain sets, like hide for stalkers wouldnt be able to be "moved" or used in custom power sets. As for making all higher tier power sets and being way overpowered you wouldnt be able to take all the most powerful powers to form a set. The custom set would have to be similar in makeup to a standard set. Primary powers would have to stay with primary powers and you could only choose tier 1 powers for a tier 1 power in your custom set. same for the secondary power sets primary..im not sure how to explain it.for instance
(Tank primary:Ice armor)---------(Defender primary:kinetics)
(tier1) Frozen armor--------------Transfusion
(tier2) hoarfrost------------------Syphon power
(tier3) chilling embrace-----------Repel
(tier4) wet ice-------------------Syphon speed
(tier5) permafrost----------------Increase density
(tier6) icicles--------------------Speed boost
(tier7) glacial armor--------------inertial reduction
(tier8) energy absorption---------transferance
(tier9) hibernate-----------------fulcrum shift
So you could make a set that looks like this:
Custom primary power set:
Frozen armor (tier 1)
syphon power (tier 2)
chilling embrace (tier 3)
syphon speed (tier 4)
permafrost (tier 5)
speed boost (tier 6)
glacial armor (tier 7)
transferance (tier 8)
hibernate (tier 9)
And that would be your primary set. powers in thier intended tiers and your not able to take all higher lvl tier powers to make uber builds or all lower tier powers and gimp yourself. It would just allow more flexability in play and choice in character creation.
As for how i started each of my points with "i dont know about others" does it really matter? I word things how i word them just like everyone else does. thiers really no need to knock how i express myself or write. -
In response to broken prey...some of the points u make are interesting and have merit but some are also mute. Implementation of certain types of vehicles into the game is VERY possible to do and would work fine. A perfect example is World of warcraft. One of the "mounts" you get is an actual motorcycle and it works just fine in game, so obviously such a thing is possible to implement and CAN work. As for the new battle textures and such you said would have to be implemented, thats not really an issue either since the "vehicles" would be strictly for transportation purposes and character ambience. You wouldnt be able to fight while using them nor would u be able to use them in an indoor mission. They would simply be meant for travel, and something fun for people to have. As i said in my previous post, maybe not make it a "travel power" per say. maybe make it an invention type thing. You make one and you can pop it out if you want and ride or fly it around to get places, its not intended to fight on or in nor to use in missions. just for travel and fun. Just a little something extra to add ambience to your character. It can be done and its been done.
Just a brief supplement to my original post for the nay sayers: Maybe i wasn't totally clear in how i presented this idea, if so i apologize. I just meant to GIVE THE OPTION of CONTROLLED pvp across all mid to high lvl zones for heroes and villains. NOT MAKE PVP REQUIRED. I even gave some ideas as to how to keep it comfortable for the poeple that dont want to pvp or dont like pvp. I know theres people that dont like pvp that much. Im one of them. But I also have to admit that if pvp is implemented properly it can be fun sometimes. I also suggested this because theirs just as many gamers that enjoy pvp, the fact of the matter is that this games player base is very small compared to alot of other mmo games. If OPTION of CONTROLLED PVP across all zones is added it would make the game more appealing to a broader base of players and hopefully help build up the player base. Once again, im not saying make pvp across all zones REQUIRED but make it an option atleast.
Suggestion: Allow players to mix and match powers from all existing power sets to make "original" power sets. This includes the "pool power sets" once their of sufficient level to access them.
(1) I dont know about others but when creating a character i often times find myself saying "Hmmm, i dont know what to be...i want to be able to help others if i have to but i also dont want to have to rely on others the whole game and want to be able to "hold my own" if necessary...what should i be? WHAT SHOULD I BE??!! The reason this happens alot of times in my opinion is becasue ur "options" are "limited" in the sense that you want to be something, but you dont really want to be that something. You want "real options", not to have to settle for whats available. Not everyone wants to pick, enjoys being "Stuck" in or appreciates being forced into a certain specific role. You want flexability, real "choices". Allowing players to mix and match powers from different sets to make "original" sets would alleviate this confusion. It would also allow players more flexability as well as allow them to REALLY "Choose" their roles during the game, rather then being forced to "choose" a certain role or being "stuck" in a specific "role" from the very beginning of the game and throughout the entire game.
(2) I dont know about others but i often times have a specific idea for a character, (persona wise), id like to make but the power-sets i am ALLOWED to "choose" from dont fit the persona i want my character to have so i end up taking forever to "choose" a power set and often times "settle" for something that dosent fit the persona of the character i want to make and thus i end up not enjoying the character(s) as much as i could or would like. (not every super-hero/villain is limited to specific powers, (exp. Super-man who possesses super strength, heat vision, frost breath and invulnerability. This is only one example but by no means the only example. It's just one of the most well-known examples i could give.) Allowing players to mix & match powers from different sets would alleviate the frustration of the situation above, allow for more flexability and originality in character customization and persona creation as well as open up a world of new "play-type" options.
(3) I dont know about others but one of the biggest problems i have playing coh/cov is i become bored with my "chosen" powers (power-sets) quickly, especially after ive played the various different available ones over and over again. They tend to become "stale" and old. This leads me to constantly creating new characters and not getting anywhere fast other then the city of boredom. Allowing players to mix and match powers from different sets would give player created characters more "lasting appeal and longterm playability".
**Obviously a boundary would have to be set with this. Attack powers would have to stay in attack power sets and defensive (support) powers would have to be kept in defensive(support) type sets. So you'd still have your primary and secondary sets, one focused on offense and one focused on defense(support) but you could choose what attack powers to have in your attack set and what defense(support) powers to have in ur defensive set. The same would go for the "pool powers". Or something of the sort. this is just a general idea and can be molded obviously.
Ty for listening. -
Many super-heroes/villains have had or have a signature vehicle (batman+batmoblie, Fantastic-four+fantasticar, Ghost rider+his flaming motorcycle) and many mmo games offer the option of having a "mount" which seems to be a popular feature "option" among players. I thought it might be an interesting idea to add the feature ("option") to coh/cov of being able to obtain your very own super hero/villain signature customizable vehicle. If "mounts" can be done in other mmo's then something like this could be done in coh/cov. This could give players another option for a travel "power", or just be something extra they could work to earn or create through the invention system. This would also add more "realism" to the Natural origin heroes and villains since obvioulsy if ur making a Natural origin character it really dosent feel right or "natural" to be eventually using teleport, fly, super speed and such for a movement power. If this were implemented maybe a "base" vehicle (mount) could be made available either though invention system or a new more "natural" feeling power pools set. Options (like a motorcycle, jetpack, etc) could be offered and then allow it to be somewhat customizable, like with color, accessories, auras and what not to have the option of making it "your own". This would give Natural origin players the option for more of a "Natural" feel as well as give other players something more to strive for and make "their own" as well as add to thier characters persona. Ty for listening.
I Couldn't think of a better title for this but i was thinking it might be a fun idea to allow villains to cross over into hero zones and vice versa allowing for more interaction between heroes and villains making the game more interesting and "realistic" rather then having the current "boundaries" the game has where villains and heroes can only meet in designated zones for pvp or otherwise. Joining the two worlds and allowing acces of cov areas to heroes and coh areas to villains only makes sense and makes the game more "real". In comics, movies and any medium, even other mmo games, "villains" dont live and stay in thier own "world" and only come out to cause mayhem in particualr cities in the heroes own "world". Epic hero battles arent fought with villains in only certain parts of a city or "world". Obviously heroes couldnt use villain contacts, sources, stores etc., or do villain missions and vice versa. This could not only make the game more fun, interesting and "real" feeling but would allow for more open-ended pvp options also making the game more "real". Obviously the pvp would have to be controlled for those that dont enjoy pvp and to keep more higher lvl players from ruining the fun of lesser lower lvl players that dont want pvp or would find something like this a nuisance or frustrating. To alleviate that issue a system could be implemented that would allow players to enable and disable pvp at thier leisure so they have the option of pvp and being pvp'd or not. Or a lvl restriction could be implemented that would allow players to only attack other players within a 5 lvl difference or something. . If their arent already plans for something like this to be implemented with the GOING ROUGUE expansion coming out, this would be the perfect opportunity to do somehing like this. I've been playing this game for 2 years an i enjoy it more then any other mmo so far because its so different and players ideas are taken seriously. this seems to be a game for the players and that is a very nice thing. But i feel the game needs more "options", flexability game wise in order to grow its playability and broaden its player appeal. Ty for listening.
Sooo if i had 2 pick only 2 new power sets and only from the ones we were given id have 2 say ( energy blade, Revised Martial Arts Set <instead of streetfightin> and for defense i guess id go with Density Control and Willpower <long as willpower is along the lines im thinkin it will b= Dmg. resist and psyonic resist>
umm the powers ur suggesting dont seem to b "Vibration" related powers to me. Maybe Time Shift or Transparancy Powers.
ok growth may b a bit difficult to implement power set wise. But water would b easy. they already have nearly all other element power sets y not finish it out with water.
O Tidal Wave (Aoe with knockdown, high dmg)
O Hydro Blast (moderate dmg, moderate rech., knockback)
O Water Field (suffocates and immobilizes a single enemy)
O Fog (AOE dramaticaly reduces enemies accuracy,Can cause mass confusion.)
O Water Spout (Minor Dmg, Fast Recharge, slight chance to dissorient single enemie)
* see thier plenty of neat powers u can come up with for anything if u take the time. These r only a few for water i thoiught of. A strictly Air (wind) set might b fun to, finish out those elemntal power sets! ;0p -
*New powersets have long been needed. mostly but not just for tanks and scrappers. Of the ones suggested....
(1) <Street Fighting> ( could b an easy but similar set to add. all the moves r already created and can just b pulled from other similar sets such as but not limited to: Martial Arts+Fighting+and even SS <Flurry> so in a sense thier is or u can put 2gether a "street fight set" already. <But heres a suggestions ive posted b4>:
Since the term Martial Arts entails many different "forms" (karate, tae kwon do, jujitsu, etc.) of the "Art" and specifies none y not just revise Martial Arts power set to b more authentic and real rather then all kicks?
(Improved (more accurate and fun)) Martial Arts Set Examlpe.
0 Flurry Punch (From Super Speed set) ( replaced with something more unique and fitting to and 4 ss auxiliary set)
0 Storm Kick (From martial arts set)
0 Channel Chi (Works like telkenetic blast <punch>
0 Krane Kick (from martial arts set)
0 Warriors Challenge (From martial arts set)
0 Palm Thrust (works like Punch from Super Strength set ) o.O)
0 Essence of Chi ( Works like buildup)
0 Bo Staff (Replaces The boring Dragons Tail) (<Dmg>:Moderate-high Dot <Speed>:Fast +Chance of Stun <attack will b a series of 3 or 4 quick hits with a Bo staff> )
0 Eagles Claw (from Martial Arts set)
(2) <Electric Hammer> (For Tank? <DEFINATELY>Could b interestin if done right and besides tanks already use every other element pretty much already lol and has potential for some awesome unique moves.
(3) <Energy Blade> ( For Scrapper? <DEFINATELY> but get rid of broadsword if thism is implemented BS is WAY 2 similar to Katana and an Energy Blade could b a nice different type of sword with potential for some awesome moves and graphics that many would enjoy )
(4) <Psionic Weaponry> ( <NOOO>. This just sounds dull. And comon, serioulsy, shooting Psionics from weapons?! Thought Psionics had to do with mental or brain powers o.O )
(5) <Dual Blades> ( <NO>. would b my vote. Dont c any purpose to it and all its doin is addin another blade to a power already there: Katana and Broadsword. Boring)
(6) <Ball And Chain> ( <MAYBE> For a Tank Power set, especially for natural tanks )
(7) <Shield Fighting> ( <MAYBE> i could c this being a nice power for Scrapper (Natural especially) also has potetial for some neat graphics.
<Revised> "Martial Arts" Set as shown above or similar.
<New> "ShapeShifting" (Animal Morphing or Sublimation)
<New> "Poison Or Radiation Melee"
<New> "Gadget or Tek Melee Set"
+ <TANK>
<New> Tek Cannon
<New> Wind melle
<New> Water and/or Wind Control
<New> Chemical Production / Secretion
<New> Reality Manipulation / Genetic Manipulation
<New> Power Mimicry / Absorbtion
<New> Cosmic or Divine Powers
<New> Wind Blast Power set
** As for New Defensive Sets:
<Denstiy Control> YES. Alot of potetial and unique!
<Force Field> NO. Enough forcefield already!
<Willpower> MAYBE. Could b an interesting addition to scrapper. especially if of natural origin.
<Vibration> NOT SURE. Seems like it would b to similar to Sonic.
<Growth> YES. Could have some very fun and interesting applications.
<Shield Defense> MAYBE. But i think Shield Set would b better for attack set. Course Shield Defense could go along with Shield Attack set.