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  1. Hi,

    a bit confused about a single attack chain here.

    Every shiny new alt I roll immediately has a 4 attack chain, no sorry I mean 5.

    The first attack power I have to take, followed by Sands of Mu or Ghost Slaying Axe, followed by Nemi Staff, followed by Blackwand, followed by Brawl, followed by Throwing Knives.

    Oh sorry again, that makes a chain of 6!

    Same as I use all the time during DfB runs.

    Wow, I am a killing machine and I never knew it

  2. Hi Guys,

    thank you all very much

    I can now go ahead with my SS travel pick and concentrate on the other slotting stuff as usual.

    Muchly appreciated.

  3. Hello,

    Dark Armour, first time using this set.

    Have a Dark/Dark tanker.

    Does "Cloak of Darkness" interact with Super Speed to give "proper" invisibility in the same way as Shadow Fall does?

    If not is there any way apart from the pool power Invisibility I can boost the Cloak effect?

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
    There's a setting within Twitter where you can have it send you an email automatically whenever you get a DM. I don't know if that's enabled by default or not, but it might be worth looking into for everyone who doesn't plan to remain Twitter-active.

    (Also, it possible to set it up so you get a text message on your phone every time a specific user -- say, CoH -- tweets.)

    Oh, and about ten minutes ago, they tweeted that the next round (for Dark matter again) starts "in a few minutes."

    EDIT: There it is. Only five minutes this time! Half as much work for Zwill and Hit Streak (in theory), I suppose.
    Hi Guys, I only created my twitter account about 4 hours ago and I got an e-mail notification of a new DM so it must be enabled by default as I have not changed anything on the setup.

  5. Hi Guys,

    well I was a lucky one and got a code and applied it no problem (got into master account via link on game login splash screen cause the web link was broken).

    After I did all that I checked my regular e-mails and saw that I had 3 new ones, 2 from NcSoft about a code being applied and one about it being activated.

    The third was from Twitter informing me of a new DM from CoH and showing a copy of the content which of course had the code included.

    So even if I had not found the message from inside Twitter I would have gotten it via my normal e-mail system.

    See if you have got that as well if you are still waiting for a response about your code.

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pauper View Post
    Same here -- though I seem to recall that if you're following someone, they should be able to see if you RT something with their Twitter handle in the RT.

    It's the direct-message thing that has me scratching my head, because I've actually tried DMing people and been informed by Twitter that I can't DM someone who isn't following me -- and CoH isn't following me...yet.

    Hi Guys, complete twitter newbie here that only got up and running today with the kind and generous help of Thirty-Seven

    So actually got the start message and the one 10 mins later saying the codes were coming soon. After nearly an hour with no sign of a DM (remembering I am clueless about Twitter) I was idly clicking on the various icons and opened up my profile page. There in the lists and bolded was a new DM notification. It was my code.

    If you have not yet checked that location do so now as it might be waiting for you as well. Fingers crossed.

    Now to go input it into my account.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
    We mentioned this yesterday on Twitter but I wanted to post it here. Due to yesterday's PlayNC outage, we will be hosting Tweet Code Thursday on Twitter today starting at 10AM PDT (less than one hour from now).

    And just to make sure we get involved at the right time, that will be a starting time of 6 pm (18.00 hours) UK time. Rest of Europe will be +1 hour to that.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zaloopa View Post
    Actually they've changed it so you need to re-tweet their tweet to get the code, so you do indeed need a Twitter account.

    Okay, have never seen a twit or whatever and have no idea about how I go about "refreshing" or "retweeting" anything. Do I have to have a telephone or do I use my computer?

    I do know how to create an account.

    Please can somebody explain in "old codger" talk how, when I have an account, I do both of the above. Thanks.
  9. So,

    Shark week: Scale....Zero!

    Think about it
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    I'm just going to be completely honest here...
    The fact that this company is continuing down the path of making costume and customization options exclusive grabs and at the end of long carrot'ed sticks... is really, truly turning me off of being a subscriber here.

    We daydream of, and suggest, bazillions of costume and aura ideas for this game that we would love to use for our characters from level 1 and on...
    And the company uses the time and resources to create things...
    And you go against one of the greatest aspects of this game: The open, non-competitive, not-loot-based, not-exclusive-club-uber-player-based, wear whatever you want your character to wear character costumization of this casual friendly game...
    So that these studio resources can result in the exact B.S. exclusivity parade of special costume items?

    Seriously... It's getting really obnoxious and counter productive.

    This game has excelled based around it being friendly and non-competitive and a vehicle for creating your character concept, true to form, from the beginning of your character's play.
    Stop. Pancaking. That. Up.
    Absolutely THIS.... /signed

    CR print this out and go stick it on every forehead of the marketing team:


    And just in case they still miss the point, you can also try the old marketing adage:

    "Stick to the knitting!"

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    I've often been the first to zone in - it has always had one or the other listed to do.
    "What Rajani says for all my 28 runs so far!"

    There should be a badge for "Fast Zoner!" No...I said Zoner.......
  12. Hi,

    thank you all for the responses. Lots to ponder over.

    Am I right in guessing that the Monkey/Ninja phases are on a timer and that all we have to do is kill fast?

    Most of the fails I have been involved with still had ample foes standing when the "Run out of..." message goes off which seems to indicate that a timer had expired.

    fast kills = fast spawns?

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    1. They are currently bugged and are not properly attuning. They drop at the level of the character claiming them (and thus can be slotted down to -3 of that level), and stay there, even when sent to lower characters.
    Just so I am reading this right, does it mean that any of the 11 IO's I got by completing the event on my lvl 50 alts can at present not be used by my lvl 21 Grav troller? "Propel" I am looking at you for the KB IO!

    Have we seen anything about a hotfix?

    Maybe for this live publish in progress as I type this?

  14. Hi Guys,

    have run the event about a dozen times now on various alts and only got the badge once (luckily on my main badger) but even that seemed to be more luck than method.

    We seem to get about 18/20 Monkeys and about 30 Ninja's before the killing stops.

    I have done the gather together at one spawn point and the all spread out methods but it still feels really random.

    How does it work, so that when I got the star I can get it for the guys on a regular basis?

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eric Nelson View Post
    I think jack was referring to the thread in the post listing, Snow, not the information within your thread itself...

    Hi Eric,

    I was indeed, but of course (as usual) about a nanosecond after I posted, the event went live and created a deal of interest in Snowie's thread which bumped it to the top!

    I think the OP got what he wanted, so alls well
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Llydia View Post
    BTW, The Really Hard Way badge is in Accolades, not in Achievement.


    Copy/Pasted from Snowie's OP above:

    • Ethereal Drifter
      • Badges Needed -
        • Nocturnal Pilgrim
        • Happy Camper
        • House Hunter
        • Abandoned Soul
        • Dead But Dreaming
        • Follow the Light
        • Monolithic
        • Stargazer
      • Hint Text - Obtain this accolade by earning the following Exploration badges in Night Ward: Nocturnal Pilgrim, Happy Camper, House Hunter, Abandoned Soul, Dead But Dreaming, Follow the Light, Monolithic, Stargazer.
      • Completion text - You've obtained this Accolade by earning every Exploration badge within Night Ward.
    • Hybrid Unlocked
      • Badges Needed - None
      • Hint Text -
      • Completion text - You unlocked your Hybrid Incarnate slot allowing you to create powerful new abilities that can be slotted there.
    • The Really Hard Way
      • Category - Accolade
      • How to get - During the final battle with Tyrant, defeat Tyrant without destroying any Lights of the Well, then complete the trial.
      • Hint text - During the final battle with Tyrant, defeat Tyrant without destroying any Lights of the Well, then complete the trial.
      • Completion text - You have accomplished that which was seemingly impossible - defeating the champion of the Well of the Furies while he was at his full power! Congratulations to you - you are one of the strongest superpowered beings ever to walk the multiverse.
  17. Hi,

    or go here


    Snow Globes Issue 23 and Summer Event consolidated badge lists

    It is about 10 threads down the same page as your post.

    See you at the movies.
  18. Hi Guys,

    this happened for real last night and made me spit coffee at screen and think of this thread

    Names and Servers have been omitted for confidentiality.

    So was just chilling in Atlas and see in the new LFG channel:

    "What TF's can I run as a lvl 48 without exemping?"

    About 3 replies referring Asker to the Wiki lists and one that says:

    "If you hit the LFG tab and select TF's tab and then mouse hover over the ones listed you get all that info pop up. They start at the highest lvl and then reduce in lvl as they get lower in listing. You can do the first three at lvl 45"

    After a minute or two the Asker posts:

    "Tyvm where do I find the LFG tab please?"

    Couple of posts with directions. We then hear nothing for about 10 minutes followed by:

    "So at 48 I can do a lvl 45 Statesman?"

    Couple of posts saying yes.

    Few more minutes silence then:

    "But I have to be a VIP to run that!"

    Couple of posts explaining that the VIP mention is only to be able to claim the VIP reward choice from the completion table.

    Another few minutes silence then:

    "Okay what City is Statesman in so I can go start one?"

    Silence.........ongoing. (Well apart from a few futile shouts for members needed for Statesman TF!)

    So in ending, this addresses both parts of the OP's thread.

    Leaders at least have an inkling about your mission and Members, just know when to walk away or in this case flee at full speed
  19. Hi,

    just to nod in agreement with Spatch.

    As a badging player I tried a dozen times and got dced each and every one of them using all the powers available.

    I then read the badge forum section, and went off to try the mad and tedious single strike powers only method.

    First attempt and using only the two single target powers, Laser Beam Eyes and duh ????, was a complete success. Not one flicker of a mapserve.

    Took about 15 minutes to do them one by one and completed normally with the badge award Just like the old street sweeping for defeat X/Y badges.

    Madness and tedious most certainly, but for a badge....bring it on!

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eric Nelson View Post
    Temps (such as the ones you're asking about) aren't available in Incarnate trials.

    apologies, I guess I got mixed up not running them very often, but I know we used the 3 nukes during the Issue 19 release of the Tin Mage run to get the "Midnight Dodges...." badge, and I had to unlock my Alpha to run it.

    The Dev's have moved the goalposts I suppose.

    Just one more reason not to go replay the Warburg temp content sadly

  21. Hi,

    thanks for all above info and grats on the run

    What about the use/value of our "Old Style" temps such as the 3 Warburg Nukes and Shivans and Heavies et cetera? Envenomed Dagger?

    Have they any place in this trial and if so when strategically would be best to pop them? Would you drop them all together or on a rolling basis (looking at the 3 Nukes here)?

    Any thoughts will be muchly appreciated.

  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by firespray View Post
    I'm not a huge fan of it either, simply because I now have to keep all those things in my e-mail and have the e-mail icon flashing red all the time. Plus I know in the past things have had a habit of disappearing from e-mail and never coming back.
    Item 3. There is a toggle to stop it flashing in the options menu! It does still stay red but better than the flashy thing!
  23. Hi,

    guess you need the badge settitle numbers.

    Link to the page on Wiki:


    This tells you how and I guess Badge Hunters have any that this list is missing.

    Hope this helps.
  24. Hi,

    Taken from Snow Globe's consolidated list (non spoiler version):

    "Positron's Pal will be awarded through running the current Maria Jenkin's arc, or the arc, "A Hero's Epic" ".

    Is the "Hero's Epic" a stand alone arc or just one mish in the new MJ arc?

    My main badge alt ran the old Maria Jenkins way back and now just gets the non arc missions from her.

    I guess I will need to join a team running it for the first time?

    Do I need to do the whole arc or just the one "Hero's Epic" mish in her arc?

    Does the whole team get the badge credit or just the mission holder? (am guessing the whole team fingers crossed).

    Is it possible to farm the mission? Does the badge award at the mission end or when the guard is defeated if that is earlier in the mish?

    Thanks for any help. Appreciated

    EDIT: Please ignore the whole of above, just realised it is available via flashback duh, my brain is now officially too old for this game, sorry for spurious post. My bad! Edit 2 Sorry Snow, please add my eyes to the list of decrepit body parts
  25. Hello,

    was running the above earlier and getting mapserved every time at the end battle, so was having to relog back in and restart it. (was unaware of the bug in this mish at the time)

    I had literally just started a fresh run when I see a shout for the new Penny Yin arc that I also needed for the badge.

    I was still in the very first map room so turned to exit before asking for an invite.

    No exit door!

    It seems that there is no way to exit this mission apart from being dced or logging out or (and I only thought about this after the event) using the TP powers such as the Pocket D/O portal.

    I actually logged out of game and restarted the session.

    Any reasons why there would not be a proper exit door on this mish, even if just to pop out and reset/abandon it?
