
Forum Cartel
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  1. I don't post here very often anymore because I have almost no time, but I've done pretty well.

    As of last week, I had 26 billion influence and 7 billion infamy. I had just bought a Mod for 5 billion influence, so it had just taken a hit.

    Since July, I've averaged about 2 hours of playtime a week. I'm averaging about 1-1.5 billion a week.

    Last May, I began blueside with 4 million influence. In September, I was given 500 million infamy by a friend to see what I could do there.

    In May, I'll give away either everything I have or 50 billion influence and 10 billion infamy (or so, not set in stone yet). Then, I'll start again.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neon_Bolt View Post
    Gratz Witty now whats the next step?
    High school, of course.

    Gratz Nerd.
  3. Thanks for the help, everyone, it was as successful as could be hoped for.
  4. iltat

    OK I lol'd...

    Okay, I lol'd at the first UD definition of penguin.

    For the record, the 4th definition is the correct one.
  5. iltat

    Dear Champion II

    Sure, I can provide another bleep.
  6. iltat

    Champions united

    Sorry for the late arrival, but if anyone has any issues with the moderating, as always, feel free to send me a tell, and I'll be happy to discuss it with you. My globals are listed below.

    And for the record, this made me lol:
    because its a FREE SPEECH CHANNEL. Leave the drama out
  7. iltat

    Sg/Vg Recruting

    Doesn't ELITE LEGENDS GOLD sound like one of those Time Life 47 piece CD series that are sold through late night infomercials?
  8. iltat

    For the Pingu's

    I hate olives, but those are awesome!
  9. iltat


    One of my SGs got genericed. Order of the Peckerhead is now Order of the Censored.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Peterbilt View Post
    people who leave neg rep without leaving a reason or a name. (Of course the new posting rules might eliminate some of the trolling.)

    people at conventions who don't have hiphop on their computers. (wait, that's iltat's PP.)
    That was ridiculous.

    As for the game, eh, there's a lot of things. I just /kick and it fixes everything though.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GenderPoison View Post
    Nice Moves Ping. What are the tats of on those calves? Where was the oil and feathers?
    Left one says patience, confidence, and compassion.
    Right one says life, wisdom, and honor.

    Yes, you *******, I am ******* compassionate.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Moderator 08 View Post
    This link has now been forwarded around the Paragon Office. I love my job.
    Aww, **** me.
  13. You smell Asian.

    So offensive.
  14. She was damn hot. That accent sure didn't hurt either.

    Good thing you presented her with a transvestite plastic surgery failure hermaphroditic doll to show her your appreciation.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KayMoonpetal View Post

    Based on what I saw and heard, I would not expect more than 1 issue before GR hits. GR is HUGE and they are working on making it a great financial success going forward.

    Also, "The Ocho" is a very cool guy as well as another Mod, Tia "the amazing French-Tahitian mod who's board name I forget"
    We can just refer to her as The Hot One.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KayMoonpetal View Post
    This must have been friday night
    Sunday afternoon. Pulse and the Kays had already departed.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dazz_Marvelous View Post
    Can you ask if we will ever get player housing??? Some of us like AngieB, Steel, and myself miss that kind of stuff from SWG and Player Housing and an Alter Ego mode had been mentioned lightly but never answered seriously!

    Also... has anything been revealed about i17 - i19 since GR is not coming till i20? It does seem like the focus is all on GR but what do we play to pass the time till April through June (GR Release Span)???
    You're expecting i17, i18, and i19 to all come out in the next 5-7 months? A new issue every 2 months?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
    I see several people in a hotel room of both sexes laying on beds and I just wanna know what did I miss that the tape isn't showing?

    My audience.

    The folks in the room at that time were, IIRC, Pallas (I don't know her entire name, sorry), Dark Friar, Disciple of Horus, Acious Nihilist, Cobalt, MajorTom, Saiko Yuki Onna, Yuki's friend Jen, and myself.
  19. Quote:
    This one I disagree with. Redo animations? Fix jump jets? Nicer graphics? Um, with GR you're going to have villains ("reformed") in the Shard anyway. The only reason in that list that makes much sense to me is "new arcs"... which I would put in the category of "nice", not "necessary". It's not like most of the existing SFs are all that much more friendly than the Shard TFs...
    I can respond to this one. Basically, they don't want to give new access to the zone without taking the time to make the zone magnificent in their eyes. Thus, they said that really the only way they would do new content for the Shadow Shard is if they did it all at once, and that would include new baddies/models/animations, storyarcs, designs, etc.

    Personally, I think that's a little silly. It seems like adding 1 storyarc each issue and opening it up to villains would be enough to add quite a bit of content to a side of the game that is lacking without having to really dedicate too much into it. The jumpjets can be annoying, but they aren't something that's getting hundreds of requests to fix.

    The concept of "do it completely right or not at all" is being taken to an extreme, in my opinion. They flat out said that if they were to take the time to revamp the Shard (because they feel that's the only way to improve the zone, is with an entire revamp a la Faultline), then we won't get a whole new zone like Praetoria. Personally, that's silly to me, but it's their ball, so they get to play with it how they want.

    Someone was "leaking"/suggesting flame whip (different thread, I'll find the link if asked) as the attack for Demon Summoning, and a dev has to "look into" a whip emote?
    This wasn't a leak, this was flat out given to us at the con. This is true, 100%.

    As for the wip emote, it's a matter of being an entirely different thing than the whip attack animations. Similar to how SR had Elude's double backflip for years before a backflip emote was adjusted and inserted for everyone else. He said he'll look into adjusting it so everyone can have it as just an emote.
  20. Thanks for the compliments, folks. I wasn't aware (at the time), that I was being videotaped, so I'm just glad I didn't bust my *** doing some **** I wasn't in shape for.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
    Lmao, are you kidding me? While Bud might be an ******* most the time the SG that he runs is full of very helpful and experienced gamers. Hell his head council is full of some of the best Vets this server has to offer. They are like so many other very active SG's on the server, they are always doing stuff within their own SG and teaming with their own SG that you won't see them on PUG's as much as you might some less active SG's.

    YOur self imposed importance never ceases to amaze me. Refusing to team with entire SG's because you don't deem them to be good enough? JFC you are a koolkid. Please add LES to your list of SG's you refuse to team with, I don't want my guys to accidently get infected with your ****** cooties. While you are adding them to that list can you send me a list of what it is that makes you such a fabulous gamer compared to everyone else? I am thinking I need to improve my gaming skills because I don't think even after 4 years and 23 content leveled 50's that I am remotely good enough to look down at the masses like you do.

    Ok I am going to sleep now, I am feeling grumpy.
    Solo AVs in 15 seconds. Duh.
  22. Wow, that was really terrible.

    I give you a grade of Living Up to Expectations.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by XxBudweiser8xX View Post
    Hmmmmm so what im thinking here is if they would have left everything alone.... Then we would have a game about actual SUPER HEROES and SUPER VILLIANS.
    You're not able to survive getting shot by bullets or chopped by axes anymore?

    You should try playing my toons. They're ******* super.

    They take away AE, after giving it and FULLY KNOWING what it was capable of producing. Yet they have done nothing about purple Io's that sell for 250-500million each.
    90+% of purples could be had in the last 7 days for less than 75M a piece.

    Numbers. The more you know, the less dumb you look.

    They have cut the effectiveness of farming down to the most minimal impact possible. thus cutting the influence earning potential for the purple io's mentioned earlier, But still did nothing to effect market values.
    By moving farmers back out into real content, they've dropped the prices of purples, uncommon salvage, and rare pool A drops in less than a month by a range of 50 to 75%.

    I'm gonna petition PBS to start an Adding Rainbow program just for you.

    Wouldnt it be great if the DEVS, mods, owners, stock holders, or whoever it may be, just took the time to LISTEN to some of the people with the suggestions.... and not just the ones suggesting PINK IMPS
    Wouldn't it be great if the whiners, bitchers, moaners, PLers, or whoever it may be just took the time to LISTEN to some of the people with basic mathematical comprehension...oh, and if they noticed that the vast majority of the playerbase called for an end to the AE farming and for customizable power colors to be added? (Question mark added for dramatic effect since it's a ******* question.)
  24. iltat

    Hero Con '09

    I heard only the nerds post on the forums.
  25. iltat

    The way I feel!

    Originally Posted by ELF_STALKER View Post
    and for the market there should be cap or better oppertunities to gain purples or rare recipe.. maybe earning a purple for completing a hard taskforce or for gain certain accomplisments.
    Listen to the deer! Do eet!
