279 -
i dunno, i read over PK's rename thread and he mentioned name and i think avatar, but i dunno where to source that.
but really, there is rp, there's pocket D which isn't the Antichrist like one would say, but it suffices at times, SG rp and other event rp which is quite easy to get into, just keep an eye on these forums for events and groups looking for more to help it along. -
Besides the piddly little badge, i don't get why the posi tf is just avoided all together, though i secretly admit to wanting to try it on a 3 or two man team sometime.
Aslo add me to like/tolerate PK, for being passive aggressive, you're not openly hostile and likeable. -
my main concern is what to pick for my *PERMINET NON CHANGING EVER* avatar, vault boy...or the medic?
PMs well...no one ever writes me *sits on porch like lonely old man* -
we all decided rp was stupid and took to acting like freedom.
Hm, i got work on thursday, what time?
Elderly world, Everyone is over 80, there are no cars because they are all flaming piles of metal, bran and prunes are always out of stock, everyone gets those annoying emails from your mother, and no one bothers with CNN because fox is favored.
3) The Long Shot Universe - You are a person with moderate superpowers but you routinely fight universe detroying megalomaniacs. Say you got bit by a radioactive cockroach... figure you're going to be busting bank robbers and lower-end baddies? HECK NO! Let's introduce you to this dude in purple armor who eats planets for breakfast.. literally! The only thing stranger than that is you'll probably end up winning.
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Heroside: Citideil because he's the gentle giant of the group, you have two tankers in the FP, both are have no idea of the word humility, yet he seems to be the only one who can hug a kid so he feels safe and say "i pinky promise" (forgot which comic that was, it was the first in the arc that had to do with breakneck)
Villianside: Mako for several reasons, one in comics i prefer mauly, agile, clawing types; guess who fits that? he has a mutant back story that's interesting, i've rarely seen one. and like foxy said he has an element of human tragedy to him, trying to find acceptance and show his humanity; which promptly fails and emotionally backsteps a hundred paces.
the kicker to this is in his first patron arc he tries to indoctrinate you into this, by making you do cold empathy-less acts, keep trying to make you understand the whole Hunt -> kill -> throw entrails around like confetti process; and just to make sure, a mutagen in the end that's a temporary form of rabies, slobbering and all. -
hm, can my fire blaster tint their fire green? demonic fire? pink or red zombies on my MM? i kinda like this...
well i've been trying to get in contact with stormy there, and i'm on during those times, global is @Gila if ya wanna talk to me, or you can post yours; i'll explain the character and backround in tells cause i don't think anyone would care about it that much.
i got a level 17 or so blaster that i wanna rp and is SGless, want me to come on monday?
mreh, no foxy around and i'm sitting with DJ angel, i'm bored!
AM or PM?
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PM, like hell i'm throwing boulders at you that early -
uh...job interview today, tommorow around 6 est?
i'd love if we could set body portion girth and size, arms, torso, hands, anything else you mentioned; that could add so many levels of customization without setting cards ablaze
i hear there way to simple, thing that bugs me is they're a pin at a low level.
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Simple? Simple? Thou art a roguish knave, sir, and my honor shalt not stand to such an affront!
Aguilo, I would have words with thee! (Cue thunder here.) We have business that shalt be settled here and now, and end with thee greeting whatever gods would hold such scoundrels close at heart. Personally.
(P.S.: You still owe me a duel. :<
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But....but...say....KILL NOW!
(want agilo, gila austain or...anyone else? i refuse to admit i have altitis) -
i hear there way to simple, thing that bugs me is they're a pin at a low level.
Meh ,my character is a teenager. I got the idea from reading Young Avengers... Big Zero...
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RP with me anyways dammit, i'm offering help and bored.
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MEH! this wouldn't have happened if i wasn't a eq junkie and your Frankenstein monster idea went to the altisis dogs! -
Meh ,my character is a teenager. I got the idea from reading Young Avengers... Big Zero...
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RP with me anyways dammit, i'm offering help and bored.