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Quote:Suggesting they delete the powersets that you don't play or find interesting is rather short-sighted and selfish. A change to even one power in a powerset has dramatic implications for how it plays, and removing an entire powerset from the game would either force players using that powerset to change to something else (radically changing the character) or the character would become literally unplayable overnight.
It's a terrible decision from a Dev perspective as it adds nothing to the game and would make many players angry - some of them angry enough to quit the game forever. Not a very well-thought-out suggestion to make as it honestly has no possible upside for anyone.
ridiculous to whom? The forum is called everything pvp. The last time I ran into a mace tank in pvp, the game was called "small village of helpful people"..lol as in never. -
em still hits like a truck. KM gives you some ranged follow ups..BS because you get a big sword!...
Quote:Delete Powersets?? Are you crazy? Also, what kind of new damage type could you possibly think the game needs after nearly 8 Years with the ones we have now?
Also, I have a question. How is the title of this thread accurate? There is no way to NOT PvE in this game.
Yes Delete Powersets - mace, battle axe ...lol...seriously.
There are plenty of new dmg types to introduce with powersets, say Magical Damange...There is a whole zone of witches ya know. Create a spell caster powerset, expand the role of toxic damage and create a poison damage power set to match poison control...
Ice blast is one that can use reworking, change the special to stacking - recharge and even out the dmg with other blast sets, same goes for elec blast...as it stands right now thunderous blast does more dmg to the caster than the target...and it is a tier 9 primary!
They could introduce cosmic powered heroes and villians, and create a cosmic dmg...just saying we have had the same dmg types forever.. -
Quote:Delete Powersets?? Are you crazy? Also, what kind of new damage type could you possibly think the game needs after nearly 8 Years with the ones we have now?
Also, I have a question. How is the title of this thread accurate? There is no way to NOT PvE in this game.
There are plenty of ways for ME not to pve...but if you want it phrased more accurately, i avoid a lot of pve so I am not sure if the above character indicates a new powerset? -
the only thing I would suggest is maybe drop one out of tf to put a range in placate..other than that good, expensive but good!
they need to delete some ...or invent some new dmg type
sd/ss is not bad if you want to zone 1v1 or arena 1v1 - you probably have to do a second build for pvp...you at least get a start and can duke it out and learn what works what does not, get advice from other melee players. If you want to team a tank is still a vialble option you just have to change your tactics. Taunt and immob/holds become your major contributions. Being able to taunt the dmg off your support or dmg, throwing webs or earth holds - if you want to go that route make sure your build has a lot of hp and a lot of res or at least an escape power.
5 * 70.72 Smashing damage every 0.4s over 1.7s
That's 353 base damage in less animation time than the old concentrated strike or KoB.
It's somewhat like the new CS that was taken away from KM.
That's brute staff btw. Try it out.
EDIT: Scrappers in Overload will hit their HP cap of 2409, while brutes will hit their cap of 3212. There's a very big difference there.
that is a cone though not a single target? and the dmg is s/l? Does staff have any stacking moves like dual blades? -
lies look how quickly they nerfed psi........oh I see what you mean!
on the banner it looks like the lady has a psi blade like Psylocke...
are they adding psychic melee to the powerset? -
Quote:add in the full scale pvp events cross server in the zones - Where the devs brought in the avs and the community leaders teamed with the players..I'm not sure I can agree with this. Events were being run across servers regularly after the arena hit in i4. PvP has existed for a majority of this game's lifespan, test server was active for years, even after i13 changed up the rules for how we PvPed.
A lot of players have fretted on the forums, argued and complained, but we've also put a lot of work into analyzing many of the problems that we were having in order to fix them.
Do you not remember the constant posts were making concerning arena crashes per Ex Libris' request so that we could alleviate that problem? What about the PvP leagues held on Infinity, Champion and Freedom? Lethal Lotteries? Lethal Lottery 2v2s? Iron Man Tourneys?
Maybe you don't remember that stuff, but I certainly do. If that isn't the playerbase getting active and making the most of a system that honestly feels like it was cast aside from the get-go, I don't know what is.
Rift putting on a pvp PR event in Pocket D where the top tier teams did exhibition matches.
The whole pvpec putting together the ladder and ranking system for the test teams...and then meeting and running monthly events on each server. The Test PVP League that incorporated all the servers and ran a full scale league on test to get new players in pvp....plus all the separate villain team activity...
so +1 with Vindizzle -
I had an elec/mm - scare was good not sure if it got nerfed in duration - I think Drain Psyche does stack if I remember the farming on the psi dom.
I call bs . They won't even let you ASK about pvp in the conferences..it's taboo.
Seriously they can tack on all the crap the want on this game and create 100 new powersets which are all just based off the original powersets with different animations..throw out more incarnates...but in the end - in a game that is based on supervillians and superheroes if you don't create a viable pvp environment you're doomed. -
That is what the report a bug function is for....you report it they come back and say "hey it is supposed to be like that" or "thanks we will fix that right after we make new hats for chicks"
a good start to zone pvp is a stalker - go regen or will power you can io out cheap just need the stealth io to slot in for max stealth.
you can do a pretty cheap fire kin build on reg ios and still farm, fulcrum and pets...do the time for some lore pets go vill side and get an epic pet and you will have a small army to fulcrum. Go in ae and ask what is a good money farm someone should tell you most people don't hide those things for too long.
btw that was just my christmas card list.
What ever happened to the pvp developer they hired? The guy who showed up in Pocket D and said "guess what guys we are adding perception to the cameras in arena! Isn't that cool?" Ten minutes of being called various forms of massingal he said "but..it was on the pvp wish list".....you know the one stickied in i9 and never unstickied?
ps the devs are on twitter...so fun to see how fast you get blocked. -
No one answered my question, now you are all on my list....
Corruptor...there now you know!
You have a 50 fire kin and have no idea how to get monies>>??
Do you just want to zone pvp or do 1v1 arena slug fests?