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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by flipside View Post
    Will team composition and level play into this? Why I ask is this:
    - Aren't shards dropped by eligible critters, not players? I.e., if a lvl47 defeats a lvl50 critter that critter may have dropped a shard but the lvl47 player was unable to receive it.

    - In a team setting, aren't shards distributed only to eligible Alpha unlocked characters? Meaning, if I'm on a team of 8, where only 4 of us are Alpha unlocked, then when a shard is created it's randomly rolled to only the 4, not the entire team of 8?

    I'm pulling this from memory and not certain if it's true, so please debunk if incorrect.
    Just wanting to repost my question here. Can anyone confirm or deny these for me?
  2. flipside

    Master of Lambda

    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    Still not enamored with having to do it 3 times without the grenades, but at least it won't be as bad now.
    Hate the idea as well, but chances of being able to finish it in just 3 times is much higher now with this patch, as opposed to the 12 fails I've had so far.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Grim Heaper View Post
    I've refined the spreadsheet a little after determining what herostats can actually track. Basically the two statistics you need from herostats are "Villains defeated: you or team" (put this under K) and "Villains defeated: final blow" (this one goes under L).
    Will team composition and level play into this? Why I ask is this:
    - Aren't shards dropped by eligible critters, not players? I.e., if a lvl47 defeats a lvl50 critter that critter may have dropped a shard but the lvl47 player was unable to receive it.

    - In a team setting, aren't shards distributed only to eligible Alpha unlocked characters? Meaning, if I'm on a team of 8, where only 4 of us are Alpha unlocked, then when a shard is created it's randomly rolled to only the 4, not the entire team of 8?

    I'm pulling this from memory and not certain if it's true, so please debunk if incorrect.
  4. flipside

    Master of Lambda

    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    This is awesome news. No more MoLambda runs for me till this hits live.
  5. Have never tried using the EoE's on the LGTF, but I do know that the order in which you take down the pylons, etc. does not matter. I've seen it done first, last, middle, etc. and nothing changes. I run the LGTF's that I lead exactly as you do.
  6. Oh, I believe it's a true story. I was just making a funny there.

    I have a cat as well and, while she's not deaf, is extremely skittish due to my young son. She may know you are coming up on her, but it's not until you touch her that she jumps to the roof.
  7. flipside

    Master of Lambda

    Originally Posted by Bohmfalk View Post
    Only 4 failed attempts for me, but that's not because I've had any successes....I just don't have the time to get on and try. This whole system is starting to bore me.....The BAF is more fun and better for rewards, but Lambda is the only one I have left to get badges on. On top of that, I have all the new redside badges to get, except that those all take at least a tf-worth of time to run. I'm starting to get antsy waiting for SW:TOR to come out....
    I'm up to 10 failed runs now. I've gone so far as making a separate build that use the Psi Controller epic and have a Rare Seer Lore pet set to bring out. Still no dice. I will note that using the Super Inspirations to get a +1 level is a complete waste of influence. I tried on 3 separate occasions to do this and ended up wasting around 400 million on getting them. They have made zero difference to me and the success of the run.

    I completely agree that the BAF is more stable to run. I've been having trouble getting Lambda's going while BAFs are filling and running with relative ease. It's just the sheer amount of rewards for the time spent. Perhaps whenever they give us that patch that increases Lambda's rewards that'll change...
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
    Then there's the whole issue of AoE damage. As things stand now, frankly, Reactive Interface + Freezing Rain is probably all the AoE you'd ever want or need on an Ice/Storm character. And the devs have said (apparently) that pseudo pets' interaction with Interface procs is working as intended -- but is that assurance truly worth building around?
    And we have confirmation that the updated patch on Test removes all the Reactive Interface damage glory that rain powers have received. This hasn't changed much for me in terms of what Incarnate powers I'll go for, but it does remove my want to gather up the needed salvage to try for the other Rare Reactive slot.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    And if the cat wasn't deaf, would he actually understand, "YOUR TAIL IS ON FIRE!"
    I was with the story except for this part. I call shenanigans.
  10. Coming from Justice here, and I agree that the LFG queue system is a broken mess. I have tried, on 5 different occasions, to get into a league using the queue. All 5 times I waited for a minimum of 25 minutes and a maximum of about an hour as I forgot I was in the queue when I logged out. All of those times, the highest "average wait time" was 2 minutes. I don't use it and simply head to the "pre-formed team areas" of Pocket D and RWZ which seem to be the hot spots on Justice, and also rely on global channels. Never had an issue with that method, but the LFG is completely useless to me.

    I understand the mechanics behind it and that entering a pre-formed team into the queue to get into the trial messes with the "average wait time". And I understand that the queue system puts you in a trial when the minimum threshold of players is reach for that trial. All those things considered are just poor design decisions.

    If I were to do it? I'd make a queue system available as I like the idea of putting up the flag from anywhere in creation in the game and eventually getting into one while I'm marketing, street sweeping, etc. However, here is what I would change about it all:
    - Pre-formed teams never go into the "queue". Pre-formed team leaders can simply say "Take league into trial X" and that's it. That way their entry time does not affect the queue "average wait time".
    - The queue should have an option that you, the character, set as what the minimum number of people would be that you would be ok with when the league auto-forms and begins. I've been on 8 person Lambda's and 12 person BAF's that failed miserably. I'd rather only try with 12 and 16 as my minimum, but that's just me and I should have that choice.
    - The "join in progress" function actually needs to work. I have 2 accounts and fiddled with this the other day. I was in a BAF that only had 18 people on it and it started. I waited for the load in and still counted only 18. I loaded up my second account, LFG > Join in progress event for BAF. ... Nothing.
    - Change the name to "LGL > Looking for League." That's what this thing is for, leagues. A "Looking for Group" menu on top of another "Looking for Group" menu is just confusing.
  11. flipside

    Master of Lambda

    Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
    Durr, forgot about the unresistable quality, so that goes out the window right there. Incarnate stuff is hard. Things were simpler when I could just six slot damage.

    Do you drop the seers before the cutscene, or after? And yeah, having that extra time if your team finishes might be part of the squeaking-in.. I usually don't cast them 'til the entire sabotage phase is complete. I also go running to help the other team too, so I don't like the Seers trailing me and collecting aggro/getting shot. Hm.
    For what it's worth, I personally haven't had this issue now in a couple more attempts. I'll defer to high server lag that run where it didn't recharge in the 15 timer. I, like others noted here, cast the Lore pet as soon as the Maurader cutscene ends. That is still before the 20 minute timer starts so the pet should (all things being equal) be recharged at 5 minutes for his Unstoppable phase.

    It's worked all but that one time. Now, I still haven't completed a single Mo run yet though, but that's a different story. 9 failed attempts now. I'm starting to think I'm the problem...
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
    For instance, do I even want to keep Jack Frost? He's annoyed me endlessly for years now, and his AI these days seems to be at about its lowest point. Frankly, the best argument I can conceive to keep him has more to do with his stacking slow aura against AVs than it does with the pet itself. That's pretty sad. Sadder still when you consider Jack's odds of surviving in melee range with an AV for any meaningful length of time.
    While I completely agree that Jack's AI seems to have been replaced by a cheeseburger, and while I also have contemplated whether I really need him or just keep him around because I always have for years, I do think he contributes to my overall damage output, even when he does get stuck in an attack cycle. Agreed as well that he doesn't last at all when in melee range of an AV which has any kind of AoE. He melts, literally, quite quickly. I barely bother to pull him out for the iTrials as it stands.

    Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
    Then there's the whole issue of AoE damage. As things stand now, frankly, Reactive Interface + Freezing Rain is probably all the AoE you'd ever want or need on an Ice/Storm character. And the devs have said (apparently) that pseudo pets' interaction with Interface procs is working as intended -- but is that assurance truly worth building around?
    I personally am not going to be building around this, but it is not going to stop me from rebuilding up the Reactive Interface tree to get the Fire DoT rare/very rare. While there is a quote from the QA guy that says this is WAI, I have a very hard time believing that to be the case. I've been looking over the damage numbers in some threads that Controller rain powers are putting out and it's just too good to be true.

    I originally went with the Resist Debuff tree because I thought it would synergize well with Freezing Rain and the resist debuff in there already. While that is true, I do feel like I missed out on something better by not going the other true. I'm currently on that path now, just missing a metric ton of, oddly enough, common components.

    Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
    Second, an Ice Mastery build designed to go with Cardiac/Clarion. This one has a more traditional (for lack of a better term) flavor to it, both in form and function -- a fully fleshed out single-target attack chain (though it's worth noting that Mids' numbers for the APP attacks are over-inflated), and two bona-fide AoE attacks (Frost Breath and Ice Storm). It should play pretty well solo or teamed with or without the current Reactive Interface mechanics.

    44.9% Ranged DEF, 37% Smash/Lethal DEF, 20+% to all others. +30% global damage, +106.3% global recharge (before Hasten).
    Thank you for sharing this build. I'll have to play with some of the powers for slots but it's a nice setup. I don't have Hasten currently and don't know if I could fit it in, but it's definitely worth a look. I used to have it on this character a long, long time ago, back when you could perma it with 6-SOs and we could have 3 Jacks running around. Ahhh, memories...

    I think the recommendation to try to softcap Smash/Lethal or Melee is a good way to go. I have watched my playstyle over the past couple days and I definitely tend to stay within melee range when playing to get maximum usage out of Arctic Air.

    I'm glad we got these free respecs with I20 because I'm going to need to some serious planning on getting the existing IO sets I have on this character out and switched around. I think by current market rates I have about 2-4 billion in enhancers on him (no PVP IOs but a couple of the big name Purple sets and procs).
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
    This is a nice, well explained and well-reasoned question . . . and one I have been thinking about myself. I also have an Ice/Storm/Ice with the Cardiac Alpha. The nice thing about Cardiac is that not only do you get the Endurance reduction, but the buff to Resistance helps Steamy Mist without having to slot for Resistance. That's a nice added bonus.

    My inclination is to go for Recharge bonuses . . . and damage procs. Ice/Storm has lots of opportunities for damage procs, so adding a bunch of them could increase your otherwise weak damage.
    This is more or less how I'm slotted now. I have multiple procs in Frostbite, Arctic Air, Freezing Rain and Thunder Clap to help with extra damage. I spam them a lot to keep the procs firing often. I do have recharge bonuses but not as many as I would like. To put things in perspective, I currently sit at 3.3%/sec end recovery with my bonuses and 80% recharge rate increase from set bonuses. Compare that to my defense, which with powers toggled on, my highest attribute is 12%.

    Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
    I tend to think that non-Kin Controllers are among the builds for which Musculature is actually most useful. With Containment, you have a very nearly a Blaster's (virtual) base AT damage scalar (0.55*2 = 1.1 versus 1.125) -- but unlike Blasters, you don't have regular access to high-order damage buffs (Aim, Build Up, Defiance).

    So Musculature will provide a larger proportional benefit to a non-Kin Controller than it will to most anyone else.

    In Ice/Storm/Ice's case, Musculature will provide a significant boost in the damage of Frostbite, Chilblain, Block of Ice, Ice Blast, Frost Breath, Ice Storm, Freezing Rain, Jack Frost, Lightning Storm, and Tornado. That boost to base damage will be further augmented by the -RES debuff in Freezing Rain. Though it's certainly true that lower damage powers will receive a smaller bonus in absolute terms, it all adds up. Musculature also boosts Judgement and Lore powers; of all the alpha slots, in fact, Spiritual is explicitly designed to provide the least benefit to other Incarnate powers.
    I'm willing to give it a shot. I have enough shards horded to make a pretty decent go at the Musculature tree. I think I could get a rare out with everything I've got. That's easier than retooling an entire build if it ends up working really well.

    Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    Take Ice Mastery on Ice/Storm Controller, softcap s/l defense, get high recharge, fuel it with Cardiac, win everything.
    I wish it were that easy.

    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    Here is a sample of how I might build Ice/Storm/Psi.
    Thank you for sharing your build. Unfortunately I'm very stuck on wanting Ice Mastery for the epic for synergy. There are also a couple power picks in there that I don't plan on taking again, such as Hurricane. I spent a long time with Hurricane but I don't believe my current play style works well with it.
  14. flipside

    Master of Lambda

    Originally Posted by Bohmfalk View Post
    That's what we've been doing, however the fight 2 nights ago (I believe flipside was on my league) it looked like we were going to get it. He had literally 2 points left when our time ran out. It was ridiculous too, because I think we did less damage in the last 2 minutes than the rest of the fight, save for his unstop. Dang shame it was.

    And again.....just for 1 of the badges. When I finally do complete it, I'll only be 1/3 of the way there.
    Yup, I was in that run. I ran off and cried in a corner the rest of the night on that one. At 2 minutes left and 2% to go, I was like "hot damn, finally". Then at 1 minute and still 2% left I said "waitaminute...". It also was not helped by the fact that the 15 minute pet recharge took nearly 19 minutes to recharge during that run. I'm not sure what happened there.
  15. I'm thinking this is a suggestion and needs to be moved to the Suggestions and Ideas forum?

    That said, I like the idea of this. I gives another iXP avenue, however briefly. No harm in that, even when the new trials are available down the pike.

    Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
    I heard shards were dropping from teh mobs, all well and good. Except that, after having your alpha done, shards are worthless.
    They are? I convert my shards to threads to use for the new slots. They are far from worthless.

    Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
    How about make the mobs drop threads and give iXP to BOTH slots?
    I'll have to check tonight, but I think there are two different groups of enemies fought during the BAF and Lambda trials. I think the BAF is against WarWorks and Lambda is against the IDF? If that's true, then that should be the determining factor for what slot gets awarded the iXP in a possible Praetorian invasion scenario. If you defeat WarWorks, it goes towards your one set of slots; if you defeat IDF it goes towards your other slots.

    Originally Posted by DrGamma View Post
    How do you figure that would work for people below level 50 fighting the invasion? They get regular xp instead? While 50's get iXP, but less inf or something? Sounds nice, but I wonder if it's easy to implement...
    You mean the current way the trials work? Granted non-50's can't enter them, but that is exactly how it should work if it were ever implemented.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by damienray View Post
    Same thing here. Just got Jack - and has SO Acc, Dmg, & a Rech slotted so far. He'll do a few ranged attacks, but once the sword is out, he just stands there until the target is defeated. Then the cycle starts over again.
    Sometimes persistence and stoicness are not good virtues to have. :P
  17. So my main character, whom I play nightly, is an Ice/Storm/Ice controller. It was my first level 50 character and I take great pride in playing it. When Inventions were first introduced, I carefully put together an IO build which focused heavily on recovery, +max end and recharge as these two sets together are very endurance intensive and have some long recharging powers. With this build, pretty much all endurance woes had been solved.

    Fast forward now a few years to Incarnate abilities. I've gone with the Cardiac Core Paragon Alpha power, which gives the extra 45% endurance reduction along with some damage resistance. With this slotted on top of the set bonuses I have, I have an endurance bar that does budge past about 90% even during a cast of all my pet and pseudo-pet powers.

    At this point, it's a bit of can overkill I think. I've looked through all the other Alpha powers and the only thing that jumps out at me is the Spiritual tree for +recharge:
    • Musculature: I don't feel the extra damage enhancement is useful here. I only have two large damaging powers: Ice Blast and Frost Breath via the Epic Pool. Maybe I'm wrong, but extra damage enhancement for powers that do little damage doesn't boost them much.
    • Nerve: Without set bonuses, the simple enhancers themselves along with Tactics provide a large enough Accuracy bonus that I don't feel Nerve would accomplish much. My Holds currently have Hold duration enhancers in them so additional hold time is not something I'm looking for either.
    • Spiritual: The Radial Paragon here actually does interest me. The +recharge, +slow and +to-hit buff effects are all things I have in my build that could be helped. Well, perhaps not the Slow portion. Most of the powers I have also have a Slow component to them so I'm likely close to the Slow cap as it is. I do have Snow Storm on this build which undoubtedly puts me at the cap when I have it toggled on.

    So, it's coming down to this: do I simply switch to the Spiritual tree for the +recharge and call it a day, or do I keep the Cardiac I have and rework my build for new areas of set bonuses? I'm leaning towards reworking the build for new set bonuses, but what to shoot for? I guess this depends on some powers I have and play style. My normal tactics are to be in the thick of the battle as I have Arctic Air running all the time. In non-iTrials the confuse fires off a lot and is very helpful (which includes a Contagious Confusion proc). In the iTrials, Arctic Air doesn't do much so I tend to stay at range with the team, keeping my Leadership toggles running along with Steamy Mist. I focus a lot on damage mitigation via holds, Ice Slick, Snow Storm and Lightning Clap. I have one major debuff power via Freezing Rain which recharges extremely fast and I fire off whenever it recharges. I rely on most of my damage output from three powers: Jack, Lightning Storm and Frost Breath. Ice Storm works well for large groups but doesn't recharge fast enough for use on every mob.

    So, that is a long way to go for the question of what IO sets would you shoot for on such a character? More ranged melee and ranged defense since I alternate between the two? More recharge to get those damage mitigation powers recharging faster? Maybe something I'm missing altogether? I'm open to any and all criticism and discussion.

    Thanks in advance!
  18. It is not just you. My Ice/Storm controller is my main, who I play for hours nightly. Jack seems to have chewed down a lot of paint chips recently and doesn't seem to recall he has other powers to use. I can't put my thumb on when this began occurring, but it has been recently, say 1-3 months.

    I have bugged it but no idea if it's being looked at. Is there some red name we can PM to take a look at it? I think that used to be Castle but I don't know who to go to for that kind of stuff anymore.
  19. flipside

    Master of Lambda

    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    For my main (Kinetics/Rad. Def.) he has the t4 Seer Boss and Lt. attacking mobs. The Lt. buff pet (that can't be killed by other mobs) is nice and all but...fortitude doesn't really benefit me that much in these trials. Plus it's only for 5 mins...maybe if the pets stayed out for 10 mins. and/or the recharge was 10 mins. I'd pick the t4 boss and buff lt. but....I figured getting 2 pets that attack is best.

    Your mileage may vary though.
    Thanks Ion. I'm going for the Boss and Lt. attacking mob version and just need the salvage to get there. But with all these failed MoLambda attempts I haven't been getting salvage drops.

    Last night was #6 failed for me. The last two teams I've been apart of have gone so far as to use the Ultimate Inspirations during the Maurader fight to get extra damage, as well as do the double pet cast as Beef mentioned above. Results using those were varied so I'm not sure they helped at all. And this is all just for one of the badges, not for the three of them. I don't like these.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChaosExMachina View Post
    So, this refers to the strong and pretty topic doesn't it? But how does it have anything to do with it?
    I thought my original question was pretty on topic...
  21. flipside

    MOLambda %

    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    the current way the lambda badges are set up is you have to run them with a fully enraged marauder 3x for all the badges

    one run you have to get 10 acids and 0 grenades and not use any (cant get any drops from courtyard either)

    another run you do the opposite of the above

    another run you get all 10 of both and use none

    as they are currently you cannot get all 3 of them in 1 run and you have to do 3 separate runs all with a fully enraged marauder (which IMO is honestly retarded and non-intuitive)
    That was my understanding as well and I just wanted to correct what Grim implied above. Thanks!
  22. Anyone here a Psych fan? I use the list of Gus' alias names for my starting point. I've gotten good inspiration starting with names like "Ovaltine Jenkins" and "Clementine Woolysocks". Look up the Wikipedia page on Burton Guster to find them all.
  23. flipside

    MOLambda %

    Originally Posted by The Grim Heaper View Post
    No acids is easy (although The badge has never awarded).. Enough incarnate shifted players throwing judgements is plenty to deal with the ambushes.

    It's the no pacification grenades that's tricky. You need plenty of debuff/buff and a few of the more exotic damage types to even bother trying with a pug. (or, I hear having the seer lore pets works quite well)
    But aren't we on the version where you can't use anything to get any of the badges? I.e., for Antacid you get all the acids but not use them but you also cannot get any of the pacification grenades for that. Correct?
  24. flipside

    Master of Lambda

    Originally Posted by Beef_Cake View Post
    Here are some key points that will help you:
    • Bring as many Seer Lore Pets a you can, more the better.
    Originally Posted by Ullikummis View Post
    Our strategy on guardian was to open with non-seer pets and activate the seers when Marauder is at 25%, to help with the unstoppable phase.
    Thanks Beef.

    Question here for everyone: which branch of Seer is the best for this? I'm currently swimming in extra Rare and Uncommon Incarnate salvages and could build up to a Rare Seer, but not sure which one to choose. I know the obvious answer is "the one which does the most psi damage", but which one is that?

    Thanks in advance.