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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Heat_Stroke View Post
    It's really not all that bad. Make your toon on another server, then free transfer it to your home when the store is back up.

    Not really a huge deal, just annoying until it's fixed.
    how can you make another toon when there are only 2 EU english servers ? and if you have more than 12 slots on each your done for.
  2. or if you are in the EU where you have only 2 servers with more than 12 slots used
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Energy_Aura View Post
    From who? I can't find it on the forums anywhere...

    I love it when people in the "unknow" make up arbitrary timelines...

    Give us a [LINK]
    someone said so in another thread so nothing official just the usual i heard this comment response
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
    The best advice I have heard is to make a character on an alternate server and transfer them over when the store and free transfers comes back on line. You can e-mail your praetorian whatever they might need.

    I know it's not ideal and that the current status sucks. I wanted to make my Praetorian on my home server, Justice, but can't.

    But at least this is a work around.
    no good if your in the EU and there are only 2 english servers and you have more than 12 slots on each
  5. it's not just extra slots. most of us can't roll any new characters at all (if we have more than 12 slots)

    so no shiny happy GR launch for us
  6. well yes its obviously our fault

    give me a break
  7. had the problem myself tonight connected on 5th try what isp you using ?
  8. welcome to city of crashes

    get used to it
  9. same here got in on the 5th try
  10. same here cant log in db server error
  11. is this not my pc then ?

    o dear i guess im gonna get in trouble again

    Happy birthday mate
  12. he's 68 ya know

    his eyes are gone, but his wheelchair has super speed

    happy birthday mate cya in game soon

  13. will have to wait for the court case i reckon
  14. lmao

    now you sir are very funny

    im still lol
  15. sorry was kind of what i meant

    hence the "cheating" reference
  16. i have not plvld any character from 1-50 in a day (even though GG inferred it) but i have to say that each to their own if the system was there, then the guys that did it (and lets be honest most of the people just saw uber xp) never appreciated that they were "cheating" or doing anything wrong.

    So to now threaten with a ban is beyond all reason imo.

    If after all that has been said, someone manages to create mssions that are now considered cheating, then yes i agree they are wrong and should be punished.

    But i can't see how punishing the people that have already been involved with the MA (and thats loads of us) can do anything other than alienate the player base even further
  17. o look another nail. where is that damned coffin ?
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    i never once said i had power lvld but you gave sarcastic comments with sticky out tongues

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And where did I say you were an evil exploiter?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    do you understand the word implied

    to involve or indicate by inference, association, or necessary consequence rather than by direct statement

    Playing MA is fine - it's what you play in it that can cause problems

    Well, you'd have to tell us what you'd done before we could say if you'd been naughty or not

    Well I can't really say if you've been naughty or not, unless you tell us what you've done in the MA.
    If you've played normal MA missions, then you should be fine.
    But if you've gotten a 50 in a few hours, then you might be hit by the wrath of the devs

    all your words

    [/ QUOTE ]
    that was the actual quote i made. why have you tried to alter it ?

    last post im off to bed, but please in future if you are having a laugh i love that just say so

    but if you are trying to accuse people then get your facts right

    and a simple i was joking would have been more than enough to stop this stupid exchange of posts

    nn all

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, as I didn't actually accuse you of anything, then it's kinda hard to know what I should have said

    [/ QUOTE ]

    so its ok to alter and doctor someones post but not to play an ma mission hmmm interesting set of values there gg
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    i never once said i had power lvld but you gave sarcastic comments with sticky out tongues

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And where did I say you were an evil exploiter?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    do you understand the word implied

    to involve or indicate by inference, association, or necessary consequence rather than by direct statement

    Playing MA is fine - it's what you play in it that can cause problems

    Well, you'd have to tell us what you'd done before we could say if you'd been naughty or not

    Well I can't really say if you've been naughty or not, unless you tell us what you've done in the MA.
    If you've played normal MA missions, then you should be fine.
    But if you've gotten a 50 in a few hours, then you might be hit by the wrath of the devs

    all your words

    [/ QUOTE ]
    that was the actual quote i made. why have you tried to alter it ?

    last post im off to bed, but please in future if you are having a laugh i love that just say so

    but if you are trying to accuse people then get your facts right

    and a simple i was joking would have been more than enough to stop this stupid exchange of posts

    nn all
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    i never once said i had power lvld but you gave sarcastic comments with sticky out tongues

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And where did I say you were an evil exploiter?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    do you understand the word implied

    to involve or indicate by inference, association, or necessary consequence rather than by direct statement

    Playing MA is fine - it's what you play in it that can cause problems

    Well, you'd have to tell us what you'd done before we could say if you'd been naughty or not

    Well I can't really say if you've been naughty or not, unless you tell us what you've done in the MA.
    If you've played normal MA missions, then you should be fine.
    But if you've gotten a 50 in a few hours, then you might be hit by the wrath of the devs

    all your words
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    no i havent gotten any 50's from the ma.

    i have enough already.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    In that case you're fine - your soul is not in peril

    [/ QUOTE ]

    nice apology not

    from now on any chance of you thinking before you post stupid comments ?

    And im sorry if i sound harsh (people that know me wont recognise me) but im sick of people telling me how it is

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What exactly are you talking about?
    If you've not PLed in the MA, then there's nothing to worry about - and even a few levels would probably be ok anyway - I think it's the 50s in less than a day that they're going to go after.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    no wonder you were banned from champions forums

    what an idiot

    i never once said i had power lvld but you gave sarcastic comments with sticky out tongues
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    from now on any chance of you thibking before you post stupid comments ?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah GG. Thibk before you post.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    o a typo get over yourself
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    no i havent gotten any 50's from the ma.

    i have enough already.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    In that case you're fine - your soul is not in peril

    [/ QUOTE ]

    nice apology not

    from now on any chance of you thinking before you post stupid comments ?

    And im sorry if i sound harsh (people that know me wont recognise me) but im sick of people telling me how it is
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    funny two mins ago you had no idea that you had posted it

    what you typed there was at best sarcasm and at worst a blatent accusation, if you can't see that then im sorry for you.

    like i said if it was a joke then i have gone way over the top.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well I can't really say if you've been naughty or not, unless you tell us what you've done in the MA.
    If you've played normal MA missions, then you should be fine.
    But if you've gotten a 50 in a few hours, then you might be hit by the wrath of the devs

    [/ QUOTE ]

    so again you insult me

    no i havent gotten any 50's from the ma.

    i have enough already.

    you need to stop making assumptions that have no basis in fact
  25. funny two mins ago you had no idea that you had posted it

    what you typed there was at best sarcasm and at worst a blatent accusation, if you can't see that then im sorry for you.

    like i said if it was a joke then i have gone way over the top.