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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post

    Can I have your stuff then ?
    you can have my stuff, at least 10 pieces. just show up
  2. instant give away of 2 5 slots purps lines, aka apo and watava.

    Just answer 1 st.

    <---aka bracass, aka city, etc
  3. eltonio

    city is gone.

    Originally Posted by beyeajus74018 View Post
    I'll always take what i can get but unfortunately I'm only on redside, if you happen to have toon or two or 25 from your track record (lol, gj btw), my global is @beyeajus.

    Good luck in the future.

    Dang, sry m8, i only played blue, even though i have 3 50 redside/ sry.

    Have fun^^
  4. eltonio

    city is gone.

    oops, yeah, account 'bracass' got cancelled, hurry if anyone needs anything...

    <-----aka bracass, aka city of...
  5. eltonio

    city is gone.

    Originally Posted by beyeajus74018 View Post
    Peace dude, have a good one
    ty man, btw, want some purps? ho's? watava?
  6. eltonio

    city is gone.

    Originally Posted by Hellsminion_CoH View Post
    thread needs more rage
    i got nothin to rage on.

    (bracass, aka city...) one account gone with 30 purps locked in.. i should hurry to make ppl happy)
  7. Loggin in is the only way to check the 2008 State of the game.

  8. [ QUOTE ]
    This makes me think of something I was hearing on Discovery Channel "The rise of Video Games". Tho companies(MMOs) do say they are trying to get rid of spammers when actually they allow a few . Dunno if that is true for this game but it would look like they do.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    In the end, how one gets an account dont really matter, they will have to pay the monthly fee once they buy the account.
    So yeah, i hardly believe any mmo company have a real "zero tolerance" policy as far as they get more users.

    It's plain economics.

  9. is the fact that WW is actally down as anything to see with this update?
  10. u guys are proposing pools as u cant keep the servers up??
    get together, or the 40k dual accounting ppl (aka : the gamers) wont either play Marvel's or Tabula rasa. Enough with promises, i want to play for my cash right now, with the good ole rictkis, on any of my 14 lvl 50's.

    Proud Leader of Digital Warz, top 50 sg on Freedom.
    "someone blamin' it on the heals , the sb or the tanker better play Scrabble"

    on CoH since June 9/2005(Freedom)
    non pl'ed alts:
    ZZ KRUGER, 50 Claws/Sr Scrapper,
    FEARS, 50 Sonic/Energy Blaster,
    Ether Nitty, 50 Dark/Kinetics Defender,
    Bengali, 50 Invul/Energy Tanker,
    Jeez, 50 Illu./Kinetics Controller
    Subteranean, 50 Rad./Energy Defender,
    ETI, 50 Broadsword/Regen. Scrapper,
    Seventy Nine,50 Psy/kinetics Defender (lk to 22) etc...
    (all Trailblazed)

    on CoV since Nov.11/2005(Freedom)
    non pl'ed alts:

    Rules, 1st 50 Fire/Kinetics Corruptor
    Weeder, 50 Energy/Regen. Stalker,
    LOVE, 50 Claws/Sr Stalker, etc...

    Over 2800 badges 5300 hours ingame
    sk'ed alts: (the triple comp warmachine)
    City Life, 50 Fire/Kinetics Controller
    City Death, 50 Fire/Kinetics Controller
    City Life and Death, 50 Fire/Kinetics Controller
  11. eltonio

    original songs

    Anyone doin' game oriented ORIGINAL songs for fun? I just tried a few ideas HERE the most advenced demo is "Just behind you", inspired by a Warburg fight, an ingame friend's name... AND MY UBBER SG, DIGITAL WARZ^^

    City Life,City Death, City Life and Death.

    Proud Leader of Digital Warz, top 100 sg on Freedom.

    "someone blamin' it on the heals , the sb or the tanker better play Scrabble"
  12. eltonio

    Drops II

    why doesnt anyone simply point out the fact that this is for most players to spend MORE time gaming? therefore, in a way, keep us tied to the game? the only thing i 'm sure about, is that multi task comps and video cards will allow us to play two accounts without the expenses of an extra PC, but we'll need an extra 12$ per month...
    now, who wins if everyone get another account???

    and as we speak, the fence between casual and hardcore gamers is widening, same with the fence between multi 50's gamers loaded with influence and the sunday players begging for a pence...
    meet u at wentworth...
    so IRL or ingame, there s no place for the poor...

    "someone blamin' it on the heals , the sb or the tanker better play Scrabble"

    on CoH since June 9/2005(Freedom)
    non pl'ed alts:
    ZZ KRUGER, 50 Claws/Sr Scrapper,
    FEARS, 50 Sonic/Energy Blaster,
    Ether Nitty, 50 Dark/Kinetics Defender,
    Bengali, 50 Invul/Energy Tanker,
    Jeez, 50 Illu./Kinetics Controller
    Subteranean, 50 Rad./Energy Defender,
    ETI, 50 Broadsword/Regen. Scrapper,
    Seventy Nine,50 Psy/kinetics Defender (lk to 22) etc...
    (all Trailblazed)

    on CoV since Nov.11/2005(Freedom)

    Rules, 1st 50 Fire/Kinetics Corruptor
    Weeder, 50 Energy/Regen. Stalker,
    LOVE, 50 Claws/Sr Stalker, etc...

    Over 2400 badges, 4700 hours ingame...
    __________________________________________________ __________
    pl'ed alts:
    City Life, 50 Fire/Kinetics Controller
  13. Hi there,

    Sg name : Digital Warz

    Recruiters : ZZ KRUGER, Seventy Nine, and who ever will join..

    Look me up , as im one of the 3 members in that tiny place...lol

    Now, i built this Sg to adress the European Players, and mainly non US gamers that play during Euro Daytime, which is mainly between 1 am and 10 am US time ... i guess most of us dont find much to do in American Sg's , cos most of them players are deeply sleeping dreamin' of takin' over the world (JK)
    Well, i know that deutch, french, germans, italians, spanish etc.. got their own SG's, but oh well, its Europe nowadays...

    on CoH since June 9/2005

    Actual main: Seventy nine, 43 Psy/kinetics Defender

    ZZ KRUGER, 50 Claws/Sr Scrapper,
    FEARS, 50 Sonic/Energy Blaster,
    Ether Nitty, 50 Dark/Kinetics Defender,
    Bengali, 50 Invul/Energy Tanker,
    Jeez, 50 Illu./Kinetics Controller
    Subteranean, 50 Rad./Energy Defender,
    ETI, 50 Broadsword/Regen. Scrapper,etc...
    (all Trailblazed)

    on CoV since Nov.11/2005

    Actual main: Stridge, 40 Energy/Sr Stalker

    Rules, 1st 50 Fire/Kinetics Corruptor
    Weeder, 50 Energy/Regen. Stalker,
    LOVE, 50 Claws/Sr Stalker, etc...

    "i'm not a farmer, im a hero" no PL, no Farms, no Bridges,
    My body by Superadyne"

    Over 2000 badges, 4600 hours ingame...