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  1. dugfromthearth

    I24 Preview!


    I24 is supposed to be the fix everything issue and still the buses never arrive
  2. This has been used well in a number of arcs I have seen

    The guy says "Save Amanda Peabody"
    the mission begin clue is "A description of Amanda Peabody. A middle aged woman with greying hair prone to complaining."

    also done with "The address of a warehouse in King's Row wherein you can expect to find the Lost"

    Also clues can be used to tell the story of the arc so that players can go back and review.

    "Mister X asked you to break Lt Davis out of an Arachnos base to get information on their latest dastardly schemes"
  3. dugfromthearth


    Yeah, I think I'd either give him a swashbuckler look with some old pistols or make him dark blast and claim it is smoke
  4. dugfromthearth


    he actually is a swashbuckler and uses a sword sometimes. But that doesn't work.

    too bad doms don't get Burst of Speed - he might work with a control set of some sort (dark)
  5. dugfromthearth


    Burst of Speed: self teleport, PBAoE damage, triple use before recharge

    Teleport into a group, do a flurry of fists and kicks, teleport to another group, and repeat

    maybe leave behind the smell of brimstone

    how would you build such an homage?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NeverDark View Post
    Not necessarily. It does require incredibly amounts of work, but it's doable.

    You have to build mathematical models that take into account an extremely wide variety of variables, but you could balance even something as complex as CoH.

    For instance, when balancing powersets within a category, such as ranged damage, you'd need to consider:

    1.) ST damage capability, as well as the value of ST damage
    2.) AoE damage capability, as well as the value of AoE damage
    The problem is those are not fixed.

    players will find content that maximizes ST value, or AoE value. They will then use the sets that favor that type.

    you could only balance AT's if you also balanced all encounters so that they were essentially identical.

    you can balance all AT's for soloing Trolls. You cannot balance all AT's for soloing and teaming Trolls, Malta, Carnies, and Nemesis
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    The issue I would have is that I find it hard to imagine someone who is superstrong but not have some degree of enhanced toughness. Some KB protection at least. If I'm strong I shouldn't be easy to knock down.
  8. we really need a way of fighting with a sword in one hand and a pistol in the other

    or just gunblades would be cool - dual pistols primary, dual blades secondary - using the same gunblade weapons
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
    Rolled it and teamed a bit for half an hour last night. Got to just shy of level 5. One thing did cross my mind though, other than the obvious "the focus is on support rather than blasts" aspects of defender game play, is there anything that would make this particular combo more effective on a defender than the reverse combo for a corruptor? I tend to play in small teams (2-4) and solo.
    The other thing is the sonic is bad with scourge in general

    scourge means you can do extra damage on foes that are half dead

    but sonic gives a -res debuff which you want to use on foes that are fresh so that the rest of the damage gets the -res debuff

    If you are using sonic in a team to pick off the half dead you are wasting its benefit.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rakeeb View Post
    Please demonstrate that a rebalancing to nerf the top end and bring everyone else up to 90% of that top end would cost subscribers.

    I'd ask a different question... how many new players came into the game, tried out Energy Blast because they wanted to be Dragon Ball Z characters, died to thugs beating them up with tire irons while their SS/Fire brute buddy devoured the whole room in one fight, and stopped playing? One can only wonder at the lost potential there.
    presumably the devs can look at ED and see the results - because it was essentially the same thing. "Properly" built characters did 3 times the damage of unslotted characters. Fully slotted tankers were at the res cap.

    I played an invuln tank back in the day. I was tanking an entire team's spawn of DE when a boss one shot my friend playing a defender. He stopped playing the game. It was impossible to balance given the massive disparity in performance.
  11. Kirsten you have woodsman's pic in the infernal spot

    I haven't started on this, but am thinking of ways of altering them. Could be modern, based on history, or based on alternate universe

    Better - Similar costume, just better. Seems to be Kirsten's approach

    More literally thematic - swan more swan-like, valkyrie more valkyrie like, etc.

    Steampunk - old fashioned techy

    Colonial - old fashioned but with less tech. Miss Liberty as a bluecoat from the revolution, woodsman as Paul Bunyan, Valkyrie as a viking, that sort of thing

    Golden Age - superhero outfits but with a golden age feel
  12. we all know that there are three fixes to the explosion of +def.

    make the soft cap lower by AT.
    Enemies hit tankers minimum of 5%
    scrappers and brutes minimum of 10%
    Stalkers minimum of 15%
    squishies minimum of 20%

    or nerf IO sets so the bonus is much less for +def

    or nerf IO sets so that the bonuses do not stack as much as they do now.

    The right way to do it is adjusting the soft cap by AT. Very painful for those who rely on it, but the game was never intended to have every AT have the same maxed defense as SR scrappers.

    But most players probably do not know or care about soft cap. They don't have massive IO builds to max def. The people who care are the same people you will upset with the change. So you just live with knowing that the game is a joke for players who want to maximize their characters - they get the benefit and the stupidity of it.
  13. so as a single entry we submit any number of vindicators with up to 2 new looks per vindicator?

    You rate all of the ones we submit as a single entry and go by that?

    Are you going by best costumes, average, or what?

    in other words if I make 2 great costumes and 6 okay ones, should I just submit the 2 great ones? Will submitting bad ones hurt my entry?
  14. shadow shard zones from 1 until they start now

    so you could play a space based character from the start - guardians of the galaxy, Silver Surfer, etc
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BadWolf View Post
    To answer the question I think Dug asked, as a frequent soloer, I enjoy teaming just enough to be irked by having to quit an arc midway through instead of just leaving it (this is even more obnoxious when you hit 50 and are doing the DA content to get Empy's...) Also, I like the sense of achievement I get from doing things, and imagining it all as flashbacks breaks immersion just that tiny bit. (As does seeing greyed out power icons of cool stuff I just earned but can't use.) Hope that helps!
    I have found that to be a pain. I can switch to an alt to join teams, but I have had this come up.

    Originally Posted by Night-Hawk07 View Post
    First, I find using Oro more annoying than bouncing around from contact to contact, zone to zone. As much as I want to do the First Ward stuff on my main, I just can't stand Oro enough to go through all 7 parts. I kinda wish there was a way to just pick "Night Ward" in the list of arcs, and be able to run parts 1-7 straight through.
    I did find this annoying in Croatoa. I was ready to do the next arc but had to return to Oro to start it. Not a huge problem, but about the same as having to run to KR to talk to the hero corps agent. I would say that the new, multi-arc zones are better run through regular contacts than Oro.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post
    Dug, I think the problem here is that you stated the original question as being about PLing, then later said that wasn't what you meant, you didn't understand what PLing was - and now the replies are why people don't like to PL. Well.. that's because it's how you worded the thing.

    To refer to what I "think" is your original intent, sometimes, I've learned it's far less annoying to use Ouro. For example, after running a few DFB's, I've typically tried to get the contact for "rescue the mystic" for the spelunker badge. Which is a hassle, but even if I do get the contact, my first "mission" is a street hunt (which I don't much love anyway, much less at level 12). Then I have to do a defeat-all mission... in Atlas (you know, still level 12 here! Why didn't they put that mish in the building ol' Trevor is standing near?). Then another street hunt. Then I have to go talk to David Wincott. Then, apparently, there is a security guard in Perez who wants me to do a street hunt for HIM. ONLY THEN can I do the one mission I was looking for!

    This isn't about skipping content for immediate gratification of rewards - with the exception of the Atlas mission, NONE of it is content - it's mind-numbing filler. So, yes - now I do the content I enjoy at that level and go back later and ouro the spellunker mission.

    I can't think of any other instances where I've chased after the badge and ignored the content, though.

    Is that answering the question you were asking?
    That is answering the question I was asking.

    If at 10 you do Posi 1&2, Syanpse, Yin, Sutter, Moonfire, Citadel, and Hess you will probably hit 30 just doing those, or come close. It is easy at that point to just go to Oro and do the arcs. Far easier than trying to get them the normal way.

    I do understand that many people equate powerleveling to farming or being leveled. That is not what the term means in MMO's in general. It is leveling quickly as opposed to doing the content.

    Given the vast leveling difference between a team of 8 and solo, I regard teaming as powerleveling. I suspect that many people regard powerleveling as doing something more exploitive than what they do. In the George Carlin sense that "anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?"
  17. It is trick arrow. The AoE debuffs should work out of LoS. Lots of comic characters bounce arrows and such around corners.
  18. I have been playing this game for a long time and there is a lot of good content scattered around. I have been playing AE arcs and listing the best ones divided by level for people to try (see my sig). My rule has been to avoid arcs with EB's and AV's because I do not hear people calling out for tougher AE arcs, a general complaint is that the customs are often too tough as it is.

    But I was urged to check out Ankylosaur's arcs. They have AV's but are built to solo with allies provided. And his arc won a player contest.

    I am glad I did. The Serpent Beyond the Horizon is the best content I have played in CoX, bar none. It fits in the canon. It has great maps. It has a good story. It tells an epic tale. It even has optional objectives that exist just to add extra details and clues.

    If you have a high level character, you owe it to yourself to try this arc - both players and devs. This is what CoX can be.
  19. I would like to see a reflection of First Ward. A survivor compound, with infected in the sewers instead of ghouls, snakes instead of ghosts, and arachnos instead of DUST. Not a copy of First Ward, but close enough that the parallel is obvious.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    Great, now we need a politically correct term for blasters who act like scrappers.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Midgard_EU View Post
    I think the biggest hurdle to soloing is maintaining interest/enjoyment. For me the DM/WP combo on a scrapper is fast and great fun.
    I really like DM/WP

    Willpower is so hassle free. Dark Melee has a heal, a fear - nice extras to make up for the lack of clicks in WP.
  22. I would like movies where you don't play your character.

    Look like the movie character, have different powers maybe