236 -
((But cool people don't warn others that their leaving, they just disappear into the night
Anyways, I do apologize about that, lots of things had been going on and I just didn't have the want or the time to RP. I think I'm going for the long run this time around, though. Oh, and the stuff with the kid is fine.))
The sobs continued as Pax approached the small boy. At the sound her voice, he looked up with a sparkle of hope in his eye, and almost got to smiling before he actually looked at her for the first time. The glimmer of hope turned into a sparkle in his eye as tears started to run down his face again. He dove forward on his hands and knees and crawled forward a foot or so, then turned around and shielded his face with his arms.
"P-Please...D-Don't hurt me," He said and was choked for a second by his tears. He coughed and let his arms down to rock his head forward from the force of them. "I'm just t-trying to find my M-Mommy," he whimpered again, slowly curling himself up, his eyes wide in terror of the new stranger. -
((Hello there, if it's not to late to join, I think I'll hop in))
They were following him. He knew they were. They were everywhere, teasing him by letting him get this far, waiting for him to feel safe before they struck.
A small boy, could be no more than the age of ten, ran through the forest, constantly checking behind him in fear. What could be seen of the tattered remains of his clothes were obviously worn down and in extremely poor condition. His black hair was long and ragged, looking like it hadn't been cut in years, and the twigs and leaves stuck inside it didn't help the look. If you caught a glance of his eyes from underneath his hair, they were a dull blue, and his face was streaked with tears. He was extremely skinny, but not in the healthy way. He looked starved, and his ribs were easily visible underneath his rags.
The boy looked behind him again and saw the trees rustle. He screamed loudly and doubled his efforts to run anywhere, anywhere away from where he was. He looked forward again in time to see a fallen log in his way. Too late to stop now, he tripped on it and went soaring forwards, smashing into the ground as his knee cut open. The blood started to trickle out as he lay on the ground crying.
His spirit finally lost, he sat up hugged his knees to his chest, burying his head in his chest. He sobbed and cried, not caring how loud he was. Whenever a branch broke or the leaves in a tree rustled, he looked up both fearfully and with hope. The tears continued to run as he sat there. If someone were to listen to him closely, they would hear snatches of mumblings, something about 'Come out, Mommy...' -
I agree wholeheartedly. A holographic video game system should not be in the middle of a warzone between the inhabitants of Earth and some aliens from...Um...Rikti-Land.
Take it out. Or, better yet, have the Rikti have a raid on it and it be destroyed. Permanetly. -
Why would you be compaining about getting extra tickets?
As some other people said, "I'll bite!"
I ran Axis and Allies, and I thought it was a fantastic arc. Not much could be done to improve it, 5 starred it and left a short comment, from @Detective Big. For my arc...
Arc Name: Poaching the Lion
Arc ID : 1841
Faction: Freakshow, Custom Group
Morality: Heroic (though a Villain wouldn't feel to out of place)
Difficulty: Mostly Easy, a tad Medium at most
Synopsis: A terrorist group, Codename Lions, have made their business known in Paragon City. The government has sent for you to help them sabotage their operations, and hopefully send them packing back to where they came from.
Est. Time to Play: Anywhere between 25-45 mins. -
At this point I bailed out of the arc and one-starred it. If zero was an actual option I'd have used it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Zero is an option.
Click 1-star twice.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ohhhhh, so I can zero-star stuff! I wish I had known this earlier when I ran the arc filled with those creepy-looking AV Thugs/Illusion MM's...
And first after Posi!!!
EDIT: Dangit, dragonslay beat me to it... -
As Blake stepped into the room, the difference in the air struck him. It wasn't like it was poisoned or very different at all, it just seemed like it was stale, or un-used. He shrugged it off and sat down on the couch Alex had been sitting on moments earlier, leaning back and stretching. "I'll just take some of the barbecued wolf from earlier on mine," he said, twisting his head around to see her as she went to the phone. "Nah, I'll have whatever you like, cheese or pepperoni or whatever,"
The boy frowned and patted his pockets, sighing. He had forgotten his wallet in his other pocket. "I'll pay for it, just have to run back to my apartment real quick and grab some cash, I still owe you that pizza from earlier." -
Is there an icy-map? My friend was looking for one to top of his big arc, and I played it and agreed. He has a tech map right now, which was the closest he could get to any type of icy-feel. Can anyone help?
Played this arc, and its fairly good. A few minor mistakes and an unessesary defeat all marred it slightly for me.
Mission 1.
Contact mentions "durgs." You probably mean drugs
"We've got an undercover drug bust going on." Possibly "Thanks to some clues from undercover agents we have enough information for a drugs bust." An undercover drugs bust would be going in undercover and busting them for drugs, which isnt what we do in the mission.
Mission 2
Some mention of the drugs contacts not reporting in would be good. Add Rescue or Defeat to the mission goals would also be nice.
The undercover agents arent even wearing the same costumes as the troops they are attempting to impersonate - no wonder they get captured!
" His mind is far, far advanced than most humans. "
more advanced probably.
"You scuffed my suit. That costed money, you know..."
That *cost* money (unless you are going for some strange accent on the character)
An Elite boss runner that close to a lift? Initially thought this a bit harsh - but seeing the next mission goal not so sure, maybe a good plot device. On balance by the end of the arc I decided to like this.
Mission 3
Its a defeat all mission - with no good reason. Maybe a bug but there were no Lions in this mission and the clue says ...
"One of the Lions you beat down"
Maybe add a required goal Defeat Freak dealer, Defeat Lions dealer and ditch the defeat all?
Mission 4
Goal "Adam Fong", put the word "Defeat" in front
big thing for this arc that I'm worried about is having to few custom critters in my group.
[/ QUOTE ]
Certainly not the big problem in the arc, and the faction was definately not obviously lacking because of it. Some in game factions have about this level variation or less so don't worry there. Also "Assassin" has two sets of two s'es.
[/ QUOTE ]
First of all, I want to thank you for playing my arc!
In the first mission, I took all of your advice and changed it. It's no longer an 'undercover' drug bust, and the spelling mistakes are corrected (I believe).
In the second mission, the agents aren't supposed to be wearing the same costumes. It was supposed to be known that they were caught a while ago, and were made to change out of the Lions uniforms because, well, if you caught an undercover agent, you wouldn't leave them in your uniformI did add into their bios that explanation to fix any future misgivings.
I went with your advice again and took out the defeat all, and put in a Freakshow boss instead, with a bio to match. It was supposed to work out with the Lions in the mission, and the defeat all was put in because the last guy 'coincidentally' knew where Fong was, but again, I took your advice and there is no more defeat all.
Mission four, I'm pretty sure I fixed that, I plan on running through the whole arc again to make sure. Also fixed the Assassin typo.
I'm not posting a new arc so I didn't run one (sorry), and I just wanted to thank parkin for helping me with my arc. I republished it, the arc ID is 21673 if you want to look at the changes. Thanks again, parkin. -
Arc Name: Poaching the Lion
Arc ID: 20623
Morality: Heroic (although Villains wouldn't feel out of place)
Creator: Forum - doodaa Global - @DetectiveBig
Difficulty: Easy/Medium (No AV's, one EB)
Length: Long (Four missions)
Basic Synopsis: A terrorist/intelligence group, Codename Lions, have shown up in Paragon and are causing trouble. The government has decided to take action, calling on Heroes to carry out project 'Poaching the Lion'.
Est. Time: half-hour/hour (most maps small, one kill all is on a small map. Last map is somewhat large, though)
Misc.: It has only been played two times (last I checked) but those two must have thought it was good because it was five-starred (again, I didn't check today yet). -
Arc Name: Trademark Infringement
Arc ID: 12544
Creator Global Name: @Wrong Number
Difficulty Level: Easy-Medium
Synopsis: We all know villains are not a very creative lot. Take over the world, pull the moon out of orbit....yada, yada, yada. It's no surprise that they keep the trademark lawyers very busy or that one of the lawyers has finally cracked. He needs to be stopped before this city is sued out existence!
Mission Count: 1
Estimated Time to Play: 15 minutes
Or my Blappy one listed below.
[/ QUOTE ]
I liked that arc, it actually made me laugh when I saw Magnet North, or whoever that is. I gave it four stars for overall funniness, but it would have gotten five it wasn't for the dozens of stacked holds that happened to me. Like I said to you in my comment, not threatening, just annoying.
My arc (newly done!):
Arc Name: Poaching the Lion
Arc ID: 20623
Length: Long (four missions)
Basic Sypnosis: A gang of weapon sellers, drug dealers and assassins has grown to big for the government not to notice. They've tracked down a senior member, Adam Fong, and they have asked you to help.
Morality: Heroic (although Villains wouldn't feel to out of place)
A big thing for this arc that I'm worried about is having to few custom critters in my group. I only have 6 (3 minions, 2 lt.s, 1 boss) so any feedback would be appreciated. -
Blake looked around the corridor, still rocking back on his heels when Alex answered the door. He smiled in return "Yeah, I don't look half-bad when I'm not covered in wolf hair and blood." He let out a small laugh and looked over Alex's shoulder into her apartment. "Nice place," he said, although he was mildly interested in the backpack. He hoped schoolwork wasn't what she did in her spare time.
Deputy Director Jones jotted down some things on a piece of papaer as Hunter talked, nodded, and asked a question. This went on for a while, the questions seeming to get more unimportant as the time went on. Eventually, Jones stopped. "Alright, Hunter, here's the deal," he said, tossing his pen on the table "There are a lot of blanks here. And I intend to fill them, with your help. I want you to find Chen, and I want you to play spy. Gather any information possible, even the smallest things. We'll keep you out there for a week and a half, then we'll check in and see how you're doing. Depending if your report is good or not, you may stay there, you may not."
The Deputy Director sighed and picked up his papers. "Well, that was fun," he muttered under his breath as he stood up and walked towards the door. He opened it, but before leaving, he turned back to Hunter. "A week and a half. Make it worth my while," he said, then closed the door and returned to his office. -
Blake blew out a small puff of smoke and grimaced. Four veteran heroes? He ignored the fear in the pit of his stomach and got up, nodding. "I'll be there," he said confidently enough, wondering who the other heroes of the task force were. Figuring he would find out soon enough, he took a last puff of his cigarette, stomped it out and took to the air, flying back towards the apartments. As he was flying, he thought about what he had gotten himself into.
Blake arrived at the building and entered. He started making his way towards his apartment when he remembered he said he would hang out with Alex. He concluded to at least take a shower first and continued towards his apartment.
The teen walked in, and to his small relief, his sister was sitting on the couch. She was slightly short for her age, twelve, and had brown hair that went just below her shoulder. She had small earrings in each ear, a plain green shirt and a pair of tight jeans. She was skinny like Blake, although you could see she wasn't frail. "Sup," said Blake, going towards the bathroom. Candice went to say hi, but stopped and wrinkled her nose. "Geez Blake, I hope you're taking a shower, you smell," Blake sneered and said "Thanks," that couldn't have more sarcasm on it.
Blake went in and out of the shower fairly quickly, coming back out with a black sweatshirt and another pair of jeans on. "See ya," he said quickly, opening the door and heading towards Alex's apartment.
He arrived and knocked on her door for the second time that day, rocking back on the heels of his shoes while he waited. -
Blake listened to the proposition and frowned, but said nothing. He thought about it and didn't move until he reached into his pocket and retrieved a small, white package. He opened it and withdrew a cigarette, sticking it in his mouth and lightning it with a snap of his fingers. "Sorry, hope you don't mind," he said, blowing a puff off to the side to attempt to keep the smoke from Erik's face. He kept quiet for another couple of seconds, thinking about it solemnly, then finally shrugged.
"Yeah, sure, I'll help. Just want to know, though, why ask me, and not, say, Positron or somebody a heckuva lot more important than me," Blake would keep to his word and do it, but it was an honestly curious question. -
Blake did as he was told and sat down on the ground, stretching his legs out and leaning back on his arms. As Erik went on, Blake's dread grew. "And I- we, killed a member of the pack," he said and ran a hand through his hair. "Ain't that cheery news," he muttered, then looked up at Erik and asked "So, what do we do? You just come to warn me or what?"
Deputy Director Jones scribbled down a couple of things as Hunter said them, then looked up with mild anger. "Cut the attitude, Black, and you'll live longer," he said before continuing "Any major hideouts you know of? Or houses of any senior members?" -
"Ha ha ha," Blake said, smiling "See ya later, Alex." With that he gave half a wave and jogged down the hall, bounding down some steps until he reached the main lobby. Nodding to the woman behind the desk he left, standing outside for a second before taking a small running start, then his feet caught on fire again and he took to the skies, flying above the streets of Galaxy as he made his way towards Freedom Court.
When Blake arrived, he dropped down near Back Alley Brawler and looked around, expecting to see Erik. He didn't see him at first, so he jogged around the side, then saw the albino. "Hey Erik," Blake said as he approached "You called? Or, ah, left me a, uhm, message? -
" 'Ello, Alex," Blake said, seeing her hair dripping behind her. Probably should have taken a shower Blake thought and frowned slightly, then forgot about it. "Ah, I know I said we could hang out, actually just hang out, but Erik, uh, left me a message. He wants to talk about the giant wolf-thingy," He scratched the back of his neck and smiled apologetically "Although I'll come over later if Erik doesn't keep me to long,"
"Lochlan Macmorough is Gold One," Hunter said without hesitation. "I've never worked closely with Gold Two. Gold Three, as of two years ago, was Martina Ruez and Chen was one of her lieutenants. I don't know what happened to cause his promotion."
[/ QUOTE ]
Deputy Director Jones jotted down the name of Gold One, as well as drawing an arrow to the picture of Chen and writing Gold Three, as well as 'Replaced Martina Ruez' "I don't care if you've never worked with him, do you know his name?" Jones continued after he was done. "And if you know any of the Silvers, tell me their names, too."
((Waiting for Grey with Blake)) -
"Thanks for making my day, Hunter, we're now involved in fighting the Rainbow Squad," Jones said, sighing. "Alright, well, let's start from the top. You know any of these Gold Members besides," Jones looked down at a folder on the table and took out a picture of Chen "This guy?"
Blake looked at the clock. An hour had gone by, so he got up and went for the door. As he locked it behind him, he remembered he had said he would meet up with Alex. "Erik can wait a second," he muttered to himself, then jogged down the halls and made his way towards Alex's place. As he got there, he knocked on the door quickly, glancing at the clock in the hallway. -
Blake smirked. "Probably yours unless you want to get annoyed to death by my baby sister," He opened the door for her and bowed slightly, snickering. He gave a half wave as she went in then closed the door, walking around the building until he saw the window to his apartment. "Going up," he muttered to himself. His feet suddenly caught ablaze, sending a couple of sparks to the side. He slowly rose up in the air until he reached his window, opening it and sliding inside, his feet sputtering out as he closed the window behind him.
He was in his own room, which looked like a tornado had just hit it. Clothes, cans of soda and packages of who-knew-what were laying around. Blake ignored it and opened the door to find an empty apartment. She's probably with her friends somewhere he thought on impulse, silently praying that he was right. As he took a step into his 'living room', Erik's voice suddenly spoke in his head. He let out an uncharacteristic shout in surprise and looked around the room, expecting to see him. When he saw no one, he tried to attempt to focus on the rest of the 'message'.
Blake sighed. He didn't know how Erik did it, but the important part was that he had to leave in an hour. He collapsed on the couch and flipped on the TV, checking the time to make sure he left when he was supposed to.
Jones saw the look Meaghan gave him and ignored it. He was Deputy Director, he got a lot of looks like that. "No Hunter, you probably don't," he said, opening the door of the room and motioning him in, then closing the door behind them. "Sit," he ordered, but not taking a seat himself. "I know half of this myself, Black, but this is recorded and it'd look bad on my records if I didn't start with this. Defenders of Men. Give me some info. Anything, really, just don't lie," Jones looked Hunter directly in the eye when he said the last part. -
((Geez, sorry, my comp passed away. Had to get a new one and all that.))
Blake stood there, his eyebrow raised while the lizard-man went off and then left. "Yeah, getting to relax will finally be a change," he said, smiling as they started again to walk towards the apartments. He thought about telling Alex about why he had taken his chances with the lizard, but decided not to. It was a dream after all.
As Hunter and 'Sarah' pressed the elevator button and as the door opened, they would be surprised to find Deputy Director Jones standing in the small room. His eyebrow raised slightly. "I was informed I would have time for questioning, you two," he said gruffly, pointing back towards the interrogation room. "Go. Now," he said, pushing Hunter slightly. -
"I'm fine, thanks," Spencer said to the Doc carefully, then turned quickly as he made the conclusion that the doctor was more than likely insane. As he turned around, wanting to return to his conversation, he saw her go outside to the back after Brian had said something. As she left, Spencer turned to Brian and raised his eyebrows. "C'mon man, you're messing up my game. Couldn't you have waited a couple minutes?" He sighed and smacked the top of the bar lightly.
Jay saw the newcomer enter the bar and studied him for a second. As the man lit a smoke, Jay walked up to him, a cigarette coming out of a pocket in his jacket. "Hey, can I have a light?" he asked, waiting for the fire to come. He didn't say anything else to him for now. -
Jay's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Is it now?" he asked, laughing a little "Then dang, get me something a little less hardcore," He sighed, finishing off the rest of his drink. He looked over at his partner, so easily fitting in with the rest of the crowd. He sighed again, leaning back in his chair and closing his eyes for a moment, ignoring the shrieks of the professor as best he could.
"Destined ones, what a load of bullcr-" Spencer started, being interrupted by the man with the lab coat, shrieking and mumbling about fruit. "Are ah, are you doing okay there?" Spencer asked timidly, leaning over to try and get a peak of whatever was on the napkin. -
Jay was slightly surprised Ildela didn't ask for the payment. Heck, the guy could be paying her a nickel an hour, she wouldn't know. Anyhow, wasn't his problem, he got his pay for the day, as long as Spencer didn't spend it all. He looked at the two newcomers to the bar, a scientist with an odd smile to say the least, and a elven-looking fellow. He nodded to both as he walked in, considering talking to one of them for idle conversation. His shoulders slumped as one of his options went out the door, mostly because he was talking to himself. He shrugged slightly and sipped his drink. "Hey," he said, motioning towards Tony "I got fifteen on the heroes winning with three KO's,"
While Jay placed a bet, Spencer also saw the two new people come in, but ignored them for the most part. "That's okay, after a couple of drinks, I'm sure you'll be celebrating too," His eyes widened slightly as she kicked the duffel bag, but he didn't do anything. He smiled, patting the bag on top with his foot "I don't worry about that much, got a couple good deals running and dang, do I love my job,"
"So," he continued after ordering another drink "What do you do for a living, then? Organized crime or soldier of fortune?"