92 -
Never played a scrapper. Reminds me too much of Liu Kang and his WOOOOOOO! sound.
Quote:Yeah, I saw that. Too bad it's the only way to get the whip though.Demon Summoning Master Minds get whip attacks.
They are pretty cool. . . One could even call them "cool wHip" attacks.
Stewie cool wHip
I thought stewie pronounced it "cool Hwip"?
Cool Whip
Cool Hwip
Cool Whip
Cool Hwip
You're eating hair!
LAMOluvs it!
Quote:So when I leave Praetorian Earth I'm going to Primal Earth, yes?In several dimensions, there exists a man Marcus Cole who finds and drinks from the Well of the Furies. The consequences differ.
- On Primal Earth, he goes on to become the hero Statesman, while his friend Stefan Richter becomes his foe Lord Recluse.
- On Praetorian Earth, he becomes Emperor Cole.
- On Axis Earth, he becomes the Reichsman, dictator of Axis Amerika and leader of the Fifth Column.
That said, it's not unreasonable for a Praetorian to have some distrust for any Marcus Cole they should happen to encounter. -
Fact 1 - I just read the history timeline on the CoH website that says Marcus Cole is Statesman
Fact 2 - I have two toons in the GR content which were both planned out to be Heroes when leaving
While leveling through Praetoria, I have come to dislike Marcus Cole. Even my Loyalist toon dislikes him. But with decision time fast approaching, how do I reconcile the fact that Marcus Cole (evil bad bad man!) is also Statesman (awesome Superhero)? I really don't want to be a villain, but unless I can pull some justification outta my tush, I'll be forced to do it.
Help me! -
I have no friends....who play this game. They all play that other game. I'm sure once they get tired of that new expansion they'll come over, but until then, I be ridin solo
Quote:/sigh of reliefYou might, but it's no big deal as you're allowed to stay in Praetoria as long as you like. I "out leveled" the arc and got the "get out of Praetoria" contact, but stayed in to finish things up. I left Praetoria at level 21.5 by the time I finished everything.
While I haven't played this game for 6years, I have played MMO's for 6yrs with same issues carrying over.
I am never able to max out a toon due to my altaholicism (I have 10 right now and just started a week ago)
I can't keep my bag/inventory/insp tray in any one form of an organizational pattern for too long before the need to "optimize it" overcomes me.
I still pull more baddies than my toon can reasonably handle because I always think that the next pull will be the one where I triumph and I can proudly yell that I am a god
All of my gear/costume designs tend to go towards Black and a matching dark color. Never Black on Black though. Black is ALWAYS the main color.
I rush into every boss fight believing that any and all strats to defeating it are bunk and that the best way to beat a boss is to bash on him with everything I have until he dies.
I use the same names for every toon compromised of 20 names made from a list 8yrs ago. I never deviate.
I never make male toons. -
I was running missions with someone last night and we did theirs (loyalist) instead of mine and I gained a few levels. I am currently at 17. Will I out-level the content before the story arc ends?
OUTstanding! Will do this when I get home!
Reading comprehension - seems I need to buff it.
So the patrol xp this toon is accumulating, how long until it caps out? -
Quote:I suffer from altaholicism and have yet to ever get a toon in any MMO to the level cap. This time I'm trying to do better. I have my main Resistence Rogue, an alt Loyalist Rogue and a lvl 2 hero I have parked under the atlas statue that I refuse to log into for 30days to see if I get the badge.Thats a different clockwork to the ones you're fighting and you need to finish up in Praetoria and choose Paragon City before you can do it. Or roll another toon as a hero and start in Paragon and level them up. Don't restrict yourself to one toon.
Since I can't do any Tf's yet, I'm gonna grind these last 4 lvls as fast as I can. -
Quote:My first toon here back during my first visit was a F/F Blaster. I died lots. Constant endurance drain because I always turned my insp into Rages so I could kill things harder. Basic math says the stronger I am is greater than/equal to the speed in which people die. Advanced math would have told me that a steady energy supply is required. I hate math, so /shrugsStupid EU/NA divide, cos you're style of play matches mine, except I often finish with ANYONEGOTAWAKIE? cos I do it on my blaster
Question - I want to do the Clockwork TF. The details on it says it starts in Skyway City. My toon is still doing GR stuff. How do I make this happen? -
Quote:I would have, except I haven't seen another player doing GR content in the past 3 nights. NOT ONE. I just figured I was doing old content and that everyone had already moved on to other stuff. As a result, I can only manage about 2 levels before the urge for company starts clawing at me.You can team from level 1
Only a few of those missions require you be solo.
I'm Rogueside right now, but plan to go Blue. I could never get into the Red. I think it might be the cities - everything so close together and densely packed. -
Quote:Are Brutes tankers, cause I really like my Brute. I've been breezing through some of these missions with my stone armor and warhammer of doom. The Jawbreaker power is my aboslute fave as I have knocked some baddies out of the game geometry so many times with it...makes me feel awesome.Welcome!
I know you mentioned in another thread that you enjoy the "tank & spank" playstyle. Keep an eye out for Tanker Tuesdays. They rotate through the servers, hitting Justice once a month. For more info, check out the Tanker Forum.
We like our Hami's & Shipraids here on Justice, as well as plenty of spontaneous TF's. Keep your eyes peeled in the global channels already mentioned.
Seeya 'round!
... Oh, and when things go wonky, it's acceptable to blame Rangle... on general principle.
So I know Brutes are a Villain AT, but I am using it in GR. When I finish, can I be a Hero Brute? -
Quote:My PC is outdated and needs upgrades something fierce, so playing on a high pop server would kill me. As it stands I have to run the graphics at the lowest setting the slide bar will allow just to ensure my proc doesn't explode lolThe only thing I would add is to play on freedom. It has the largest population by far. And while what everyone is sayin is true about team make up, if your on a slow server you might find it difficult to find the fantastic teaming that COX has to offer.
Once I can get into the habit of buying pc parts instead of shoes, then I'll look into running a few toons on a higher server. -
Quote:Oddly enough, I found myself gaining xp faster from the dungeon crawls than from quests due to the zero travel time involved thanks to the LFD. I also prefer team play as death mitigation increases with each extra person (if a single baddie can kill just me alone easily, than it stands to reason if there are more of me, then death is but a shadow). The only time I like solo play is if it something specific to me: class/AT reward, special power, special weapon, etc.. those I like because it centers on me and what I can do. It doesn't look like CoX has those, so I'll be more than happy to grind out the TF'sIf you're coming from WoW, there's one other habit that you'll probably need to break yourself of. In wow, the most efficient way to level for most classes (except maybe tank specs) is generally considered soloing, just because of the way the game is set up. It's partly due to the ratio of quest competion XP verses mob kill XP, the way that the XP gets split when you're in a group, and the difficulty of forming and keeping a viable group make-up since the options are so limited.
In CoH, the fastest way to level is to team (and most fun way, IMO, though your opinion may differ). It scales with team size, so big teams level even faster. This is because missions spawn more enemies when you're on a big team, so even though the XP is split, your team can mow them down in ridiculous numbers. Also, the force multiplying effect of support sets (defenders, controllers, corruptors, masterminds) means if you have a couple of those, you'll be cutting through even higher level foes like a knife through hot butter.
Like everyone has been saying, all ATs contribute in some way to a team. So you don't have to wait around for a certain one, if a few people on your team have to leave, you can just grab whoever and chances are you'll be just fine. Tankers can grab aggro and help group up enemies to AoE down. Brutes and scrappers can do quite a bit of damage, and are nice and survivable as well. Blasters are excellent at killing things very fast. And stalkers ... um ... bring cookies? :P
Not to mention the whole super-sidekicking feature, so the people you team with don't even have to be the same level. As long as they're not level 2 or something, they should be able to contribute to the team.
Finally, unlike wow, don't worry about dying. The penalty is extremely minimal. There are so many different ways to rez without having to run back it's laughable, even in the middle of a fight. Even if you do have to go to the hospital, you're alive when you get there so it's easy to get back to the mission fairly quickly.
I've already encountered that ugly xp debt, but I really don't see it being a problem.
Quote:LOL, good thing, cause @Anasthesia might get mad. But it's a quote from Holden McNeil. Chasing Amy is my favorite movie of all time.
Remake, reinvision, reimagining - all words for the same idea: let's take something that was done well, poo all over it with our super awesome god-like skills and make a fortune.
Remember Karate Kid from the 80's? You know you do. You also remember trying to do the crane kick? Of course.
Now what do you remember from the remake? Exactly, nothing. -
Quote:It is a difficult mindset to relieve yourself of as some games are balanced around the design that a team must consist of X, Y, Z to finish the raid/dungeon/mission and any deviation will ultimately lead to a hard failure. Negative reinforcement works well.I try not to fall into that group of players that thinks there is a magical AT combination or that a team requires a specific AT to achieve an end goal.
Quote:Though I, truly and honestly, are the fiery chemical burning passion known as dumpleberries. Occasionally poisonous: -
Can I use a generic by using * to bring all channels up? Or am I just better off going to the established channels first and then branching out?