125 -
Well assumedly between radical scientist and giant blob there was an assumedly an interim stage. The Eden trial seems to talk about some sort of monstrous Hamidon, although evidently still capable of something other than just sucking up a crater, creating the crystal titan to absorb the energies of the nature linked heroes captured in the trial so I wouldn't mind hearing a little more about how Hamidon's transformation progressed if possible.
[/ QUOTE ]
This is I think the only area where the in-game info is quite scarce. We have point A - genius, but disillusioned biologist turned eco-terrorist, and we have point B - giant gelatinous single-celled organism bent on the destruction of all things living, including the Earth itself. Aside from the chemical compound he imbibed/injected (can't remember whihch it was), how do you get from point A to B ?
I would love to know as well. Thanks for asking, Deluge -
This did go down, so to speak. Thank you to all who assisted
Our tests, aside from affording us the opportunity to hurt some DE GMs, proved fruitless. So we've eliminated some options.
Next tests will take place on the 13th. These will be tougher. Much debt will there be. -
Everything I know about the DE and Hamidon, I have taken from in-game source-material. I did all the arcs from lvl 25-50 with all contacts, and I read them. I read the story arcs while doing them, I read the clues I discovered while doing them, and I read the souvenirs after completing them. There are also random missions in-game which do not form part of a story arc, but which tell you ineteresting things. Clues to Hamidon's origin did not come only from these though. There is information on certain History plaques which tells you more. There is unique info on actual mobs in the game, which tell you much about the actual factions that they belong to.
Unless you do the same as me, and read everything I did, you will not find the information you're looking for. Take it on faith or call me a liar.
OOps. My bad. Double-post. In fairness they both deal with completely different points, but I won't make a habit out of it -
they aren't clickable.
Anyway, I have some thoughts. These are just imagination rolling out, but don't ignore it like in the disco raid.
1) How about terrifying the hell out of Hamidon? We can all pick up the Fear power from the power pool, and it *might* prevent the spawns. Plus, most of us will have it, so...
2) How about confusing the GMs wondering around into the blob to help us? I know for a fact that these creatures can do a lot more damage then one of us can do, so confusing the GMs with a couple of illusionists might add to the fire power, and some of them can hold.
[/ QUOTE ]
When a foe is feared, if they get attacked, they are automatically allowed to retaliate (attack back). So we fear Hamidon, we attack him, and he attacks back. Once we get past the critical 50%, I assume his retaliation will be the mito spawn. At best, this tactic will only slow the mito spawn a little.
Also, we have considered confusing the GMs, but GMs are extremely resistant to such tactics. You would require many many mind trollers to succeed, even with help from other trollers, since confusing only one GM would not be sufficient. You'd need to confuse many to have any significant impact.
Attempting either of these on the fly in the Disco raid would have been foolhardy at best. To suddenly re-organise something that large, with so many individual people involved, is not as simple as snapping your fingers. -
One big problem with ED is that a single Hami tank is now impossible. So you can't have a team with 1 Regen Scrapper and 7 Empath Defenders anymore. I know Justice & Victory used a StoneTanker pre-ED, so I'd be interested in the sucess of that.
[/ QUOTE ]
On the last Raid, we used exactly 1 Regen scrapper, and 5 Empaths. That is all. Five was actually overkill, but I *like* redundancy
I had two tanks on standby, but the poor bastards had nothing to do. Kudos to them for being willing to just stand around for 5+ hours, which was roughly the duration of the last raid, in case they were needed.
For the record, I've had an Invuln tank, Stone tank, and Ice tank stand in for me, and everyone one of them was able to tank Hami with the right backup. Only the Invuln was pre-ED, but I gaurantee they could do it post-ED as well. I haven't had the opportunity to test a Fire tank yet. I suspect they will be able to do it as well. The main component of the Hami aggro team is STILL the empaths. -
I would like to repeat: We may just be wasting our time. If you're not willing to do that, on the slight chance that we manage to find something useful for the future, then please do not apply
You and I will both be the happier for it
Thank you -
Raids on Union have been pretty stable. Only time I've seen the Hive crash, and Hami go awol, was when roughly 50+ toons went to the Hospital at the same time after a mass suicide.
It's a pity you guys seem to be experiencing frequent problems.
At any rate, some of us on Union are busy exploring all our options for raiding. We've got everything from it-can't-be-done to freaky conspiracy theories involving alien spaceships. I'm hopinh for a middle ground -
*ahem* Actually, Hamidon is slowly devouring the planet. If you follow your DE arcs, and pay a little attention to that fine print, as mentioned, and well, just use your eyes when in the Hive, you will realise that Hamidon became what he is as the ultimate form of eco-terrorism. The plan: the jelly wants to eat us. It's eat or be eaten, damnit.
[edit] And no, I did not just make this up...[/edit]
wow....another REAL hami raid....with another REAL hami at the end of it. I can't wait!!!
Love these REAL ones....they are always so successful compared to the none REAL ones!
[/ QUOTE ]
This post is not about a Hami Raid. I am not planning a Raid at this point, since I will not be avilable during January or February to run it. I am merely throwing an idea out there as an alternative to using a plan which is not working for us anymore. This post is about Hamidon raid strategies.
I also don't understand this reference to a 'REAL' raid. What is that supposed to be? There are no fake Hamidons in the game, so how could any Hamidon raid not be real? Please explain. -
1 Yellow mito spawns for every hero within x range, and apparently in line of site, on top of that hero's position (or so it seems after the last raid). Each yellow does 700+ damage easily. This damage cannot be resisted, or avoided. The only reason I've proposed the 'suicide' idea is simply because that's what it is. If the mitos spawn, you die. As yet, no one has found a way around this
Hello, luvs
I bring tidings from Union.
I think it is obvious to the informed that the EU servers are not easily going to eliminate Hamidon.
So, it's about time we seriously started discussing our alternatives. I also think we need to take a chapter from Chaplin's book, and collaborate between servers. (Since I don't speak either French or German, this is going to kind of exclude them a bit, unfortunatelyIf a concerned forum member, who happens to be multilingual, could spread the love ?
There really isn't any communal home for this post, I felt, so I'll stick to the server I play on, namely Union. If you feel you can / would like to contribute, please do.
Follow this link: Hami Strats -
Hello, luvs
I think it is obvious to the informed that the EU servers are not easily going to eliminate Hamidon.
So, it's about time we seriously started discussing our alternatives. I also think we need to take a chapter from Chaplin's book, and collaborate between servers.
There really isn't any communal home for this post, I felt, so I'll stick to the server I play on, namely this one. If you feel you can / would like to contribute, please do
Hami Raids - my thoughts:
The tried and tested method for the EU servers doesn't work anymore. I think we must all humbly accept that. I know numbers haven't been ideal on the last few raids, but most of the time, they *won't* be, and on the latest Raid, the numbers were pretty damn good. (I speak here specifically of Union, of course )
Rather than cry ED, even though I am sorely tempted, I am bending my thoughts towards finding a working solution. A new plan.
I've been throwing ideas around with some of the other recent Raid organisers/ planners on Union, as well as various skilled friends in multiple ATs, and one of the
ideas which seems feasible is the controlled mito spawn.
(I'm ignoring server stability issues completely. I'm merely looking at the mechanics of a Hami raid for now.)
I saw the mito spawn for the first time on the last Union raid, and to my delight, it's fully localised, and appears to be limited to the plasm.
SO... the plan:
We stick to our current plan up to the point where we would ordinarily attempt to hold Hami. The turtle + Hami aggro management (tanking) works just fine, after all. My alternative to the holding phase consists of two parts.
Phase 1) We form up melee teams, with mostly Tankers and Scrappers, and enough Empaths/Defenders thrown in to keep them alive while taking Hami aggro. They damage Hami past the half-way point, forcing a mito spawn. Obviously, they will all die at this point. (We can worry about the mechanics of getting them out and res'd after phase two has begun)
*Assuming the server manages to withstand the mito spawn, and mass deaths*
Phase 2) Once Phase 1 starts we pull our Hami aggro and PA teams out. We form up purely ranged-based damage and (de)buffing teams, and keep them in reserve, while we wait for the Phase 1 damage teams to do their job. Once the mitos spawn, the PA team starts dropping their pets, and the Hami aggro team moves back in to taunt Hamidon. Onbviously we co-ordinate it so they don't pull mito aggro. We then bring in our Phase 2 damage teams to continue damaging Hamidon. It will require a little co-ordination, and there is a possibility that Hami will regen back past 50% between Phase 1 and 2, so we'd need to move quickly.
IF we pull it off, we'd all be eating Jelly by the end of the evening, and we might even be able to cut down on Raid times.
This 'plan' is really just a basic idea atm, to illustrate my thoughts, and needs to be refined.. or discarded.
No need for that anymore, Kaya. That badge is now on Terra Firma, where the gods intended it to be.
It's current location (use the /loc command) is:
-223.1 -0.2 -2134.6
Or follow these easy directions :
160 yds N and 94 ft W of New Haven marker. Between the back of a delivery truck and the
factory doors facing West. (The factory is the building with the 2 smoke stacks behind the mansion) -
Great, you're both welcome. You're both new, and the more I spread the knowledge the happier I am. My empaths are also sorted. I have at least 3 really good ones, probably 4, and I can easily get the 5th.
So that's my entire team. -
There's a PvP channel, which I created so people could ask exactly what you did with this post, without having to rely on specific people.
/chanjoin Union PvP CoV if you want to give it a try
The more peopel on the chan, the more useful it becomes -
Has the Trial become more difficult, then? I'm only asking since I plan to do the 2nd one soon...
The team I did it with back when didn't have too much trouble. I think we had a nice balance of ATs, and most of us were Exemped down for it. There was I think 1 team wipe, with a fair amount of sundry deaths along the way, but the last room, which people seem too find the hardest, we cleared quite quickly.
This was when the Trial worked fine, but the respec itself was bugged, though, so maybe things have changed? -
What are the rules on Christmas Jetpacks? Is there a ruling from the leader on whether the lag caused by their graphic sparkliness outweighs the benefit of all Melee character being able to reach the Mitos easily?
[/ QUOTE ]
i think it won't generate THAT much more amounts of graphic lag, if u compare it to the "smoke" emitted from sprint & fly graphics
oh, and ... Battle Medic will be able to attend
i presume i'll be assisting the Hami tank?
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes. You, Velinia (assuming she can make the date) and some of the other usuals will be in my team. While I like to train in new people on every Raid, I *do* like to have a few old hands around as well. Especially if we go in as early as last time.
The above should make it obvious that I will lead the Hami tank team, as I have done since Bluetrino went on extended vacation. I don't mind the debt, I don't mind the idle-time, and I know the strats.
Do you want to be a Hami-tank?
If so, PM me, but FIRST read this:
The Hami tank team consists of 8 people. Between 3 and 5 of these people are Empathy Defenders. The other 3 are any Tankers or Regen scrappers who want to try and tank the Hamidon core. Only tanks who do not mind
1) Being bored, and
2) Dying. A LOT.
need apply. You must ALSO have Taunt (Tanker) or Confront (Scrapper). On the plus side, you get to keep the Turtle from eating dust, and you can even pose while doing it. If you want
Empaths: Any empaths interested in being part of this team must also pls pm me. Sometimes my usual staff can't make it, and there's room for new people.
Disco: I assume the Raid leaders will have a global channel where we can talk to each other easily, yes? Now we have the feature, let's abuse it for all it's worth -
I would beg to differ
I abuse the tabbing feature myself, and I can assure you that changing tab channels does alter the destination of the input box BUT you must have your chat options set to Active. That's the tiny 'A' (or rightmost of the little chat buttons) just about the input box itself. See the in-game help or pm me @noir for further assistance.
Would seem someone answered before meShorter Channel names may be 'easier' but with the anticipated volume that will be spawned (imo) we are trying to name the channels descriptively at the start. If you use a channel often enough to make it useful, you will learn the channel name.
Failing that, just use keybinds. One of the most useful features in this game. There is ample help proivided on binds in he 'Help' menu option, and much much more available online -
*The following is all based on my own observations, and what I have understood from the information available to me online.*
I would like to point out to anyone interested in joining these channels that you may only be in 5 different global channels at the same time, whether you created them or not.
This will have an inpact on which chanels you jin at any one time, I imagine.
Further, if you log off while in a channel, you will automatically rejoin that channel when you log in again, regardless of which alt you use.
Also, if all members of a channel 'leave' the channel, and no logged-off toons are on it, the channel automatically ceases to exit. -
Not anymore. I've redirected everyone on my channel to this one. We should try and consolidate all like-minded people. Not seperate them.
Well, seeing what's been posted in the General section, as well as your channel, I figure let's modify things slightly
I may change the scope of the badges channel, or juts drop it, depending.
The other channels hav had name changes to comply with emerging conventions ;p
Please go here -
I've created a global RP channel called Union Roleplay CoV for OOC use. This should enable us to organise events easier, and spread the word to all interested parties more easily, as well as to talk ooc without breaking the flow of any ic Rp happening in local, etc.
Please refer to the Union CoV Global Chat Channels thread for more information
Thank you. Hope it comes in useful -
NB: Channel names changed to accommodate the fact that global channels are cross-server
Ok. Not everyone on CoV plays CoH, so although this thread exists, I'm posting CoV specific channels for the Union server here as well. All these channels are public, and so anyone can join. We currently have 4 pretty active players opping each channel, except the RP and PvP channels. I'm still sorting those out)
I have created the following (with a view to creating similar channels for CoH):
* Union PvP CoV
* Union Roleplay CoV (I think this will be best used to ooc discuss events, plotlines, etc. Most IC stuff happens in local, etc)
* Union Badgehunters
To join, right click on your chat window, select join channel, and enter the channel name in the input bos provided
/chanjoin <channelname>
/chanjoin Trials CoV
/chanjoin "Trials CoV"
Thank you. I hope these channels make your lives that little bit more enjoyable on Union.
For more information on how to use the new*cough* global chat feature, follow this link, which was taken from the Announcements section of this forum. Thank you, Bridger -
Not knowing what else is out there, I have created the following channels:
- PvP CoV
- Trials CoV
- Badges CoV (This one clashes with the 'Union badgehunters' channel started by Lady Grimm (Goldenboy on the forums), but I just created channels I though might be needed before logging onto the forums)
- Roleplay CoV
All channels are public channels. To join, just right click on your chat window and select join chanel or type the command:
/chanjoin <channelname>
e.g /chanjoin PvP CoV
/chanjoin "PvP CoV" -
Is this a nightly thing now, or...?
[/ QUOTE ]
(( No, it's not nightly, although I would hope this encourages the various role-players on the server to initiate their own plotlines. Whether they take advantage of what we've begun or notWe've already made arrangements with the interested parties to pursue our story/plot-thingy over time