4033 -
I even made a specific avatar for this thread, back in the day.
I've posted on PVP (Scott Kurtz) facebook page. He did the original release's little mini-comic book (which I still have) and had played the game for a time. I doubt that he's been there for a while, but I know him and a couple other Webcomic authors had been fans.
You know that Protector has had a yearly holiday card exchange for ... what like 4 years now? There's an early signup thread because we don't know how long the forums will last. I think I can say that you'd be more than welcome to join the event. -
Well if ya share your fb and steam and stuff with us we aren't goin anywhere without you.
lol Yeah I accidentally powerleveled one of my characters in that first Winter Lord event. It was funny I totally didn't intend to, and wound up several levels higher than any of the content I was trying to do. The ice lakes however, were well worth that.
I got on COH just as the first Shard stuff was ending, but I remember one of my early toons, Karen Kenobi (yes, that Kenobi) climbing up a fire escape in Kings Row and being followed by the massive eyeballs, and thinking WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?
When they opened the Hollows, before they'd established any sort of perimeter and safe area, and people would train all the trolls and outcasts past the level 5 nubs standing outside the entrance - we were all fighting like mad, healing going off as much as anyone could manage, and *surviving* the onslaught of hundreds of trolls!
... Some day I will have to finish my elves for you all. I still have the forms, though some are confusing because the host for the form was broken. The Protector Holt is still the largest of the elfin habitations on my world, even only about half-way through the forms. -
Well for my part, I only ever saw the red-side hami area once or twice from task forces, and never the real thing because my highest level villain is only 39. I'm not positive I'll ever see more than half the redside content itself, are there any unique higher-level maps in there that I should look for? I mean, I WANT to get Alorel to 50 before all is said and done, but I also want to get my water/time def too, and she's blue.
Yeah I was there when Virtue's ski slopes were active, Black Pebble was there and lol I got a gold title "Paragon Supporter" on a toon I was just about to log off from for the last time. I blurted out to Jello Shooters that the slopes were open, but obviously it wasn't all the servers, sadly.
What I'd love to see happen:
Double xp, til the end of time.
At least some zones hosting the Halloween event.
At least some zones hosting the Rikti invasions.
At least some zones having Winter events.
Obviously that'd be a lot of effort. But man it would be so fun, to have the halloween trick or treat, AND the Winter Lords, AND rikti. All with double xp.
^___^ -
Yeah I realized that even though I'd been cursing the daylights out of the Council Pool Room (with the sectioned glowy cement-walled pools in 2 levels and scaffolds above)... I will miss them.
It's not like I don't know every damn nook and cranny of those things, but ... they won't be there. -
Just gotta grab this First Post After Red Name.
edit DANGIT YOU! -
^^ that.
Yeah I too know nothing at all about the processes of setting up private servers or using opensourced code, but there MUST be people out there who do. Even if it's not a Protectorite, I'm sure that we'll all find a way to get back on this horse.
Nemesis pony, I mean. -
The character generation - beyond any expectation of online gaming. Customization like this is why I literally laugh out loud when people say "well this game has x features!" I don't want to use those features. I want to look unique and feel like an individual, not part of the same old grindfest with pointy ears.
The art - every little detail is there, when you look. From the window washer's scaffold rig on the building where Diabolique in the First Ward stands, to the tiniest badge shine. It occurred to me that I hadn't even looked over all my badges, since they had been changed a bit over time. I will be doing so, and getting as many screenshots as humanly possible. Within the art realm is also the SOUNDSCAPE - the addition of bowling pin action, muted discussions from behind the Bianco's restaurant facade, to the vomit noises of the various enemies who vomit... All just darn amazing.
The community - probably the most important thing ever, for any game. Arguably this community has saved my life - I know it's done so for others. We are to be lauded as the finest, most sensible, caring and worthwhile community for any MMO out there. So many people come and go, but when they come BACK, they usually say "man I missed you all, everything else is scary out there". We're heroes. That's what we do. We care.
Accessibility from the devs - this one is very important to me personally because I believe that a good game comes from the heart of its developers, not its wallet. Our devs have been the best ever anywhere. Up front, sometimes having to be smacked down by Marketing when things might have been spilled too soon, and honest with us when something just didn't work out. I've always admired that. Hell I always wanted to work WITH you guys, rather than just experience the game FROM you, but... that's not to be, sadly. I'm available, lol.
Everything Else Under The Sun and Moon. The game play, the powers, the INCREDIBLE city, Oranbega, HELL EVEN THE COUNCIL POOL ROOM. Now that I know it'll never be around to get lost in, and hunt down that last glowie in, I MISS IT. The variety of enemies, the fact that you FINALLY put female enemies into groups that had been all-male for so long. Really, just "everything". -
You put up with me hanging out endlessly at the COH booth at comic cons past, I can't thank you enough for that.
When you guys weren't there this year, I probably should have been more worried. But what that did tell me was just how much time I spent there at that booth chatting and watching new players eyes light up as they flipped through the character generation process, and sped away on their first missions - all shown on those gorgeous huge screens the booth had.
You're my GM, man, where you go, where you take us, we'll follow you.
Okay we'll get distracted on the way and totally ruin the plot you had in mind, but we'll GET to it! -
What a freaking roller coaster for me this weekend. Yesterday's announcement here, but then tonight?
Black Mesa is FINALLY READY for release.
If you don't know, it's a fan-made mod bringing the entire Half Life original game into the new Source engine. All remade textures, maps, levels, voice acting, particle effects and the whole deal. It's been a labor of love for those folks, and it's finally about to pay off. It looks gorgeous, and I will definitely enjoy playing that right after I finish another run through the original HL.
The mod is FREE, and runs only with the existence of a source engine game on your Steam account, so if you've got that, play it. OMG I cannot wait.
That and Borderlands 2 but it's still 60 bucks, so... -
While I went on with none of these for more than a few levels, all of my characters got attention in the form of "I put them there to see my imaginary friends come to life".
The first character I made was on Freedom, since that's where my friends that bought me the game had theirs. I remember when Rest was one of the easier ways to get through the lower levels, and also how terrible the Vahz zombie AI was.
Spines Reflex scrapper. Unfortunately for me, the spines thing is ... still so damned ugly I just cannot get over how it looks when I play him. He is meant to have JUST those spines on his arms, right? Not a whole bunch of sticky sickly things jutting from his body, EW. Ah well.
Over on Infinity, I was pleased to be mentored by Infinity Woman for a time, and took on the guise of her protegee Infinity Grrl.
No freaking clue what AT or anything, I'll get around to finding out while I go through all my characters to demorecord and take last shots. Oh I think she was Ice / Ice blaster. Yeah.
I also loved making hilarious names, and Ono is one of those. Sound it out.
I made some Pokemon toons I think also on Infinity, including Pia and Wiggy Tuff, had a couple others in a group.
Friend of mine was heavily into the power rangers so I indulged him, and had some fun with it.
One of my "things" that I do when I start playing any tabletop game is try to fit my "original superhero" Silverfish into it. To only moderate success most times, since the concept is kind of hard to pin down. She looked good in her original form,
But was made much better with other costume parts later on. The little pale image in the middle is my art from years back.
I was in the COV beta and that was a lot of fun, because some of the costumes were just a little better than in prior issues.
So many memories. -
I had enough vet power to be Tier 8+ but frankly I have over 120+ toons and 4 accounts worth on Protector alone, I wanted to be able to access ALL my characters, and that was worth any amount of money I could scrape together.
I was so pissed to see the limitations they'd set on folks with fewer months, honestly. Since those 4 accounts vary in length from <-- join date to just a few months worth of paid time a couple years back, I got a look at how all the levels might work, and frankly it was just... worth my money.
I love this game, and if I had been able to afford to keep all 4 accounts ACTIVE at the same time, all this time? I would have. No job = no money. Unfortunately, no job = plenty of TIME. -
I'm more curious about pigg diving now than ever before. There are a variety of ways to convert models from one engine to another, and frankly... stick what we have in the Source engine and I'd be happy as a very, very happy coh player.
Thank YOU too!
I'm glad that an assortment of rednames have been able to get on, collect their thoughts and allow us to give our thanks.
I sure wish that more Praetorian stuff had been developed, but hey. It was gorgeous, and I'm glad I saw it. So thank you for your contributions, in and out of the game! -
Oh god we've got to clean out the Couch.
You do NOT want to give that thing away. Because we know what's happened on, under, behind, inside, and near that Couch. -
Yeah I'm hoping that they have any amount of those gorgeous light-blue ones left too, which we saw a couple weeks ago on their twitch.
Myself I have a coh blue, cov red, and the Freem shirt. I also got the cov cape with my swag pack at the first meet and greet, but it's in storage somewhere.
But yeah ... any chance that the devs have these things tucked away, they're bound to be snapped up by those who haven't gotten them. -
No, no it made me laugh.
Those were the days, eh friends?
Did you post this over on one or more of the Facebook pages? Y'should.
I'd almost been able to hold it together, until DarkRespite put up the memorial thread. It's just heartbreaking.
Dr. Aeon was one of my instant fave characters, I have to say.
It's good that your situation - while not necessarily favorable at the time - turned into such a boon for you. I certainly hope that you continue to have the kind of good fate that will keep other companies or whoever you choose to work with afloat in talent. Good work, sir. Thank you for doing it. -
Hahah I remember being a bit miffed that the scrappers with whatever specific power set would run faster than anyone else. I finished that race, but MAN it was hard!!
I was actually just thinking about posting something similar. I have a story, unfortunately not really much else (perhaps one or two screenshots), because the person that I know who passed it was quite a while ago before demoedits became popular.
He was actually the reason I chose Protector server as my home. I'd gotten the game as a birthday present from folks who also played at that time - I don't know whether they were in beta, but might have been.
I was running the Comic Gallery at the time, in Mira Mesa (a burb in San Diego CA) and we were all pretty excited about this superhero game because it was appropriate to all of us as comic fans. So I wanted to get a supergroup going, for my customers. It still exists, the Comic Gallery Irregulars.
El Cazador was Steve's character, a play on a pirate toon. We only teamed a few times, but then the store wound up closing, and I wound up not seeing a lot of people except at comic cons for the next few years. I hadn't known that Steve died only about 2 years after that, I found out while googling for him. It was quite a shock. He was a bear of a man, participated in Mixed Martial Arts, and for that reason: he died from a blood clot from injuries doubtless incurred from that activity. He had played Lobo for halloween, and looked the part.
I kept El Cazador in our SG to commemorate him, it seemed fitting to hold a spot for those who passed, an empty costume.
/e holdtorch