
Caption Champ - 11/30/11
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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadey_NA View Post
    Something to consider JayboH, having the best buffs in the game this time means You have the best Tier 9... by quite a bit. Overgrowth is clocking in at a +82.5% Dam for defenders (66% for Corrupters, Controllers and 49.5% for MMs).

    If you want damage, you can take Dark Mastery with Overgrowth and give yourself a hefty amount of damage for any secondary you want.

    I've thought about making a NA/Sonic/Dark Defender that should be huuuuge on damage. When using Soul Drain, you can get damage boost from ~160-232% (solo) depending on how many SD hits.
    You might have convinced me to shell out some points this time around.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    How are you guys/gals going to slot Wild Growth? I honestly can't decide if I should go 3 resist/3 heal or 3 recharge/3 resist. Unless Mids is wrong, Wild Bastion doesn't get increases to Absorption with slotted heals - only the HOT seems to be affected.
    If you're just doing SOs or vanilla IOs then I would go Heal and Recharge

    For IO set(s), I was looking at Numina: H/R, H/E/R and H plus two (optional) vanilla resist IOs; optional because you could probably recoup the loss from not slotting them with the set bonus changes slated for i24
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    In my specific case, I'm likely to be skipping the whole set.

    Nice powers, pretty graphics[...]

    ...but I already have /Darkness Affinity for my Trollers (which, IMO, provides just as much; if not better mitigation) and /Poison for my Trollers and Corrs.
  4. I didn't realize she was still alive... up 'til now.
  5. Shows my level of attention to detail; I didn't even realize there was a Hasten crash.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Deacon_NA View Post
    Getting a better understanding of the relationship of -dmg and -res has given me a deeper appreciation of my Kin/Sonic Defender. That's saying something because I've always thought of him as one of my top 2-3 team contributors.

    Yesterday when compiling the results I got upthread, I was just spamming Siphon Power and Fulcrum Shift and debuffing Diabolique (with resists of 50% to most all damage but Psi) and seeing the -dmg debuff range from -50 to -75, typically at -62.5 (final numbers after all adjustments).

    Just now I went back and worked in my Sonic attacks between Siphon Powers and FSs and was able to get to -90 (cap) a good chunk of time. Mostly Diabolique's damage was -80ish.

    I created the Kin/Sonic with the intent of abusing the damage cap with Kin buffs and Sonic debuffs. I had no idea the synergy worked the other way too, in debuffing enemy damage in this manner. /em Rafalca_Fancyprance

    This will make me have to rethink some build options...
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vitaee View Post
    When is anyone in Recluse's inner circle NOT jockeying for position??
    When they're going all emo, like Scirocco.
  8. ...now you're just teasing... c'mon with it, willyas!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Trickshooter View Post
    True, but it's still strange.

    Going back to my other example, let's say there was a toggle that granted 10% Defense to a team including the caster, but also cast an 11% -Defense on just the caster. Unslotted, it's a net -1% for the caster, but 10% everyone else.

    You could slot it up to 15.6% Defense for the team, but the 11% -Defense (which we'll assume is unaffected by enhancements for simplicity) would still leave the caster with only 4.6% Defense.

    It's not terrible, no, but should the caster have to slot just to get a non-negative net value from their own toggle's effect? That's what I have an issue with.
    That sounds fairly close to Grant Cover.

    But I hear ya; I figured this would follow the same format as Conductive Aura... but it Heals too... so, I suppose a cost is warranted. [As well as bypassing recovery debuffs by giving straight endurance]
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Trickshooter View Post
    *And why there's a toggle that grants endurance while costing endurance is beyond me.
    Devs sez its because it gives END to an entire group.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    -DMG is effective, it's just not quite as effective as straight-up Resistance. But it can work. Like NoiseBlind said, it does scale with enemy level to you, so the higher the enemy, the less -DMG you will inflict.

    But if you can stack it, it works as straight damage reduction, and will stack from different powers. An Ice/Kin/Soul Tanker can make excellent use of the -DMG mechanic to become very survivable.
    Don't forget Paralytic Core.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
    While some people take Harry Potter to a scary degree, NOTHING matches the scariness of the Twilight cultists. Except maybe the Fifty Shades of Grey ones...
    Fifty Shades?!? I haven't even finished Beauty's Punishment.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    Using that definition Harry Potter is a "cult" phenomenon.
    That's a scary cult phenom... almost as scary as the Twilight cultists. Still can't beat those green-blooded Trekkie SOBs though.
  14. I've watched less than a quarter of these on any type of a regular basis. No Twilight Zone or Outer Limits (either version)? No Crocodile Hunter? Cops? Heck, no Hee Haw or Dukes of Hazard?

    Dang cultists anyways.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    If he drags the dog underwater, does it become a subwoofer?
  16. Methinks Black Scorpion is jockeying for position.
  17. Testing a level 32 Water/MC w/Sorcery...

    Very Nasty AoEs:

    Geyser > Water Burst > Enflame > Whirlpool > BoS > BoS > BoS

    I can even leave off a couple and do some serious damage from mid-air.

    Lots of KD potential as well:

    Ki, Arcane Bolt, Geyser, Water Burst, Dragon Tail, etc (add some FF procs...)

    Now I'm definitely taking Fire Mastery (for Enhanced Bonfire and RotP); just need to seriously slot for Slow or find some way to Immob the mobs.

    Guaranteed AoE Minion Killer and a good combo for ST Lt and boss killing.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Freitag View Post
    Lulz? :-P

    I have no idea. I guess we'll have to wait until the next story!

    I didn't mean along these storylines, specifically... its just been quite a while since I've played any of the Television arcs so I couldn't remember if it has someone behind it or if it is the puppeteer (and to what usual ends).
  19. Nice. Good ol' Television.

    [What, exactly, are Television's general motives?]

    And it looks like we're having a continuation of the crumbling of Arachnos (first Scirocco, now Mako).
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Seriously, someone please explain why Marauder's abs are misaligned.
    No biggie, mine are misaligned as well.
  21. Leafing through this summer's fruits leads me to believe that as our cluster of devs continue to turnip new ground; the CoX landscape will continue to sprout a more diverse and yielding crop.
  22. Yogi_Bare

    Caption this!

    A few inches lower and she'll be sitting on his face.
  23. The Mid's team is definitely going to have their hands full.