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  1. Xzero45


    Originally Posted by Mind Forever Burning View Post
    So... did I miss something, or do we still not know for sure what the Coming Storm is?

    There are hints - and I've always assumed - that it was a Shivan invasion, but catching up on some of the lore advancements since I stopped playing the game (circa 2009) I'm now wondering if it's a Battalion invasion instead and the Shivans are just harbingers.
    Battalion are, to my understanding, like the Covenant from Halo; a mix of different alien species all working together towards a common goal. Except in this case it's because one dominant species or entity has "consumed" the other species' Wells, thereby enslaving and brainwashing the defeated species and making them part of the collective Battalion.

    The Shivans are simply the Battalion's scouts, though they weren't always this way. The ones that fell on Bloody Bay were from when the Shivans had their Well and weren't controlled by the Battalion. The Neo Shivans that landed in Galaxy City, however, have been conquered and mindlessly work for the Battalion. The Neo Shivans actually seek to eliminate the original Shivans now because they're not part of the Battalion, causing the originals to become passive and cooperate with Earth forces.

    TL;DR - Run Drowning in Blood, talk to the ally Shivans you rescue. They tell you important stuff. Also make sure to talk to Prometheus after you've run Incarnate trials, as he'll eventually start talking to you about the Battalion.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
    I had tried it in Beta and with City still alive and kicking it just didn't cut it for me. Any suggestions for enjoying it the most?
    Use a gamepad if you have one, turn off Comic outlines, ignore reading the storylines, and turn off voice overs. All those things make the game pretty tolerable for me, at least.
  3. Someone at NCSoft wanted some McDonalds.
  4. So they're looking for people that know how to handle balls.
  5. Xzero45

    Why bother?

    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    Did you stop taking your meds or are you actually retarded?
  6. Xzero45


    Originally Posted by Arachnion View Post
    For one, "a million new levels and powers to make us godly and all powerful" is called "new content" or possibly "character development"
    I didn't say it wasn't. Again, the point I've made twice now is it's just mimicking all the grinding aspects other MMOs follow while further enforcing that DBZ-esque power creep. That wasn't the only path CoH could've taken, though. We could've easily gotten dedicated level 50 content instead, that actually pushed all the abilities we've earned throughout the game while giving us real challenges. Giving us OP powers, making everything a grinding trial, introducing loads of new currencies, and sending the solo/small team players a big "Eff you" didn't need to happen at all to create a good end game.

    As for your second point, I don't know much about Tyrant being redeemed to be honest, but why make a fuss about it?

    Have any big name villains even *been* redeemed in the current lore? On the level of the ones you mentioned there, anyway.
    Because for starters it completely invalidates everything heroes worked towards. All Tyrant's gotta do is say "sorry" and we'll let him off the hook for everything he's done? Why should we even bother fighting crime, then, if a villain can murder countless people but will only get a slap on the wrist?

    And no, no other major villains have been redeemed because it'd be a dumb idea to do so. All the prominent masterminds and archvillains are pure evil or have killed far too many people to ever have their hands washed clean. This includes Tyrant. Out of everyone in this game, Scirocco's the only villain that would ever make sense to be redeemed, purely because he's been written as the reluctant villain since day one. If they tried it with anyone else it'd be just as awkward and silly as when they were going to redeem Marauder, a man who slaughtered countless people just for being weaker than him, and make him Paragon's next big hero.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    There's plenty of reason to be happy and to have hope. We should be happy CoH had such a good run. Eight years for a MMO is amazing. It knocked down two younger potential competitors effortlessly and the developers maintained an enviable level of support and commitment even in the bad times. We should have hope because no matter what, life after CoH goes on. One chapter ending just means another begins. Maybe the former CoH developers will reform to give the super hero MMO another shot. Maybe members of the community will. Maybe someone else entirely.
    Since you're not at all reading what I'm actually telling you, I'll just drop this here.

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    I take no joy in the game having been ripped away from all of us. I would like nothing more than for someone to press the 'undo' button.

    But I'm not going to put my faith in information that's coming second hand about vague negotiations that may or may not have anything to do with saving the game, let alone with no word on how they're going and if they'll turn out to be fruitful or not.
    That's nice you have an opinion and all, but coming in on threads about stirring hope and happiness and being a general Debbie Downer just makes people dislike and ignore you.

    Social skills, brother. You don't have them.
  9. Way too rich for my blood.

    Also, don't lifetime subs do more harm than good to the publisher?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    Having your news depend on someone who's job it is to imagine fantastical stories doesn't strike me as the best idea.
    You just love pissing in the Cheerios, don't you?
  11. Xzero45


    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    Yeah they really broke the mold there for so many years by just not having a worthwhile end game. You hit 50, did all the Taskforces and arcs at the 45-50 level and then... rolled a new character to do the same.

    Did you even read what I wrote? I didn't say "We didn't need more end game, we're fine with what we have." I said "We need more 50+ content that pushes and challenges us, not a million new levels and powers to make us godly and all powerful while trivializing everything else." I never said end game was bad, I said the methods most MMOs use to create endgame were bad, and CoH didn't need to follow those same methods.

    Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
    Pretty much every day for the past three weeks I've been yelling as John "Protean" Hegner, because I REALLY want to play out the story arcs he had planned for Tyrant's redemption.
    While we're at it, would Lord Recluse, Nemesis, Rularuu, Hamidon, and Requiem be redeemed, too?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by matixzon View Post
    ...they can buy...freeform slots
    For 50 dollars per slot, that is not an option for anyone with any sanity.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TiberianFiend View Post
    Blappers, Scrankers, Offenders, Dominators, Dark Tanks, Fire Tanks, Tanks without Taunt or who don't think they need to taunt, TA Defenders, and anyone else who doesn't contribute much to teams
    "I've got to go to the store. Mind if I sit in the mission and sponge your XP?"
    The New New New New New Regen!
    Dual Blades and/or Super Reflexes
    MM's and 'Trollers who don't know how to control their pets
    Master Illusionists
    any enemy that phases out
    attacks that ignore defense
    DFB/DiB spammers
    door missions that take me to the opposite end of the city
    the grey and brown monoliths with tiny windows copy-pasted all over them in the old zones that are supposed to represent buildings
    Kheldians or any of the enemy types they spawn
    The Council
    zone music
    Shard TF's
    the crappy UI with its tiny buttons
    bank missions
    the invention system
    players who whine about stone caves
    players who whine about SB making them run too fast
    the flagrant use of comma splices and "it's" as a possessive in mission texts
    War Walls
    May as well make a list of what you'll actually miss. I'm surprised you even played CoH at all.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tannim222 View Post
    Paragon Studios, while having some of the staff from Cryptic stay on, solely worked on Cityof, and recently began work on another game. That is not a third new game with the first two failing.
    The reason he brought that point up was because Paragon Studios actually tried getting two other game ideas off the ground (one of which being CoH 2), however NCSoft didn't approve of the ideas and dismissed them. So yeah, the games didn't fail since they didn't even exist, but the publisher wasn't fond of the ideas. However NCsoft did approve the third game, which became known as their Secret Project.

    And honestly, I'm of the opinion that CoH wasn't failing, but NCSoft couldn't/didn't want to focus it's effort on it any more. It happens. They already have other games that are far more successful in Korea, with a new game launching that's pretty popular in both Korea and the US. So it's not far fetched that, despite CoH's success, NCsoft just wanted to focus energy elsewhere. After all that IS what they said to begin with.
  15. Xzero45


    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    Hi welcome to MMOs and end game content where the game gives you alternate ways to continue getting stronger and stronger while still facing down stronger enemies.
    Just 'cause everyone else does it one way doesn't mean that's the best way, or how others should do it. Considering all the other stereotypical MMO molds CoH made a habit of breaking, you'd think they would continue that habit and offer a more unique experience and not go with the typical DBZ-esque end game. We didn't need more levels and powers to gain in order to become gods, we just needed more content that really challenged us and made us use all the abilities and experience we gained on the trip to 50.
  16. Xzero45


    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Eeeehhh, considering we were on the track to transcend the Well, that immediately nullifies it as the "penultimate power." The existence of The Battalion AND The Dimensionless prove that the Well isn't the end-all be-all.
    IMO the Well storyline in and of itself was just stupid from beginning to whatever end they were gonna roll with. Transcending the Well is, to me, just the equivalent of going super saiyan 2; you've reached ultimate power and defeated the ultimate threat, but now there's even stronger ultimate power and even stronger ultimate threat, and be careful sneezing because you'll destroy an entire planet.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    ...they don't have Dr Aeon and it really shows.
    That's probably a good thing for them. Otherwise half their roster of sig characters would be killed off for no reason while story lines would go everywhere but forward.
    Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
    I could never get in to CO. The graphics and character models are a big turn-off for me. I also couldn't get used to the combat differences, trying to fit in the shift and z keys. I still haven't managed to get a character beyond level 11.
    Totally agree about the art style. But if you've got a gamepad try using it. It makes playing CO more enjoyable, although you still gotta use your mouse for navigating certain menus.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    Stop and think for a second whom you are speaking to.
    Someone who doesn't understand logic and will not budge on their personal opinion no matter what.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Not even going to bother with this nonsense of a reply. It's is very apparent that is you is set in your way of thinking and no one can change that and I'm going to.
    You just did bother with that nonsense reply by quoting it and commenting on it.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jet_Boy View Post
    • uncorrected drop bug (my record is 28 missions without a single end insp)
    Not a bug, dood. That's just bad luck.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    At this point, there is next to no hope for CoH; the game and franchise. It's dead Jim,
  22. I don't like any of the other MMOs out there. I've never been a fan of the whole loot system, or raiding and grinding. And most other MMOs don't really give you much freedom to actually make your character both look and play the way you really want them to. CO's close, but I fuggin' hate it's art style and writing. So if CoH truly bites it, it'll probs be my last MMO.