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If someone were to arrive at the graveyard in the Snufflesneak thread "now", would there still be people there, or would they all have left already?
Quote:Frankly, I agree. I'd love a crossover like this. It's just a matter of getting the balance right, in all respects. Big enough that there's a role for every hero, not so big that everyone feels compelled to join in (we can't and shouldn't force people to take part). Memorable enough to keep people talking about it for years to come, not so momentous that everyone who wasn't involved ends up looking bad. Compelling enough to draw people in, but sticking to content that everyone's comfortable with. A lot of the boundaries are hazy and thus it's usually best to err on the side of caution.I just think it would be a wonderful thing to have at least this once, a story we've -all- contributed to, at some level. A common event we can all share and proudly speak of as a real and successful Unionverse plot. It seems previous attempts have been made but largely fell only to a select group of supergroups. Should we at least try a more unique and evenly spread story? Possibly one already seeded into cannon by the Devs but grown into a plot we can all relate to and participate in? Is there sufficient interest? Are people accepting and willing? Off to work for now, back later tonight.
Is it too late for a newcomer to join this plot? I meant to get involved a while ago, but couldn't settle on a character I was happy to bring into it.
Quote:This is how I've always seen it too. I also don't regard hit points as a measure of how injured you are; it's a combination of factors best summed up as "ablative plot armour." Most of the damage you take represents near misses, glancing hits, flesh wounds, blows you managed to roll with, until you're overwhelmed.HP for me is the special effect. 0 Is not death/ Rezes arent' returning people from the death. 0's kind unconciousness, or badly injured.
Wolfram may have a power called "Resurrect" in-game, but RP-wise I would never attribute to him the power to actually raise the dead.
Quote:i have no problem with Special Effects and powers that the game doesnt cover, up to the point where they are used to efect in-game powers and effects, the very simple example when some one say they know some one is stealth / invis because they can super- smelling, hearing, see energy fields, have x ray sight etc. Here i feel game powers must the winner. -
Quote:While I mostly agree with you, I feel I should point out that Scrapyard wasn't always a ghost. It was Captain Mako who made distinctly messy example of him.A full on dictator would have a Flyer or two and a very large strike force down there the first time it happened. Examples would be made. Messy examples. I'm sure it's quite within the power of Recluse and his minions to finally destroy one ghost.
Personally, I think Recluse cultivates a balance of power within the Isles. He allows many different groups with different agendas to thrive, counting on them to be too busy fighting one another to try taking him on. Being too heavy-handed and quashing any resistance to his rule would only end up uniting his enemies against him. -
Quote:Sorry, but this doesn't make sense to me. Am I allowed to create a character and say that he's the ruler of the Rogue Isles, because Lord Recluse was put in place by the devs and thus doesn't count?FFM isnt the whole issue about non canon events, not ones set up by the Devs?
if we are talking canon events why are there not vast numbers of heroes in Dark Astoria trying to save the vast numbers of men , women and children there?
I'm a complete outsider here, so this may be a stupid suggestion, but why don't the GG heroes just arrest Tomb? Yes, it's a free game world, but in-character actions are supposed to carry in-character consequences, aren't they? -
Wait, so for the last three years, I've been playing a character who comes from a city that doesn't exist?
Add to that the fact that Rhode Island is the site of Oranbega. It's entirely possible that a wizard did it. -
I'm sure a few of Union's roleplayers would like the chance to roleplay through Praetoria's excellent storylines as part of a regular group. We at the Militia forums certainly would, and we've started up Precinct 7 in order to do so.
Meeting once a week (Tuesday evenings at 8pm), our plan is to go through the Loyalist side of the storyline more or less as read. Resistance double-agents are welcome, just remember to be careful with your secret... and stay out of other people's badge and mission lists.A second team, to follow the Resistance storyline, is planned for the future.
The members of the Precinct 7 squad are newly enrolled in the Powers Division and beginning their task of protecting civillians from the evils of the Syndicate and the Resistance. Proud of their role, the team use parts of the PPD armour where possible and meet in the Precinct 7 station in Nova Praetoria. As we are exploring the story arcs, some level locking may be required.
If this sounds appealing, head here to check out the roleplay and creative pieces that are forming around the team, and profiles of the existing members. If you have any questions, fire away. -
Late to notice the thread as usual, but I support this idea. Thanks to the magic of altitis, Union or Defiant or both works for me.
If I'm not too late with this, I'm up for joining. I have a variety of eligible characters, will bring whatever the team's in need of.
Quote:If the problem is competition, maybe the solution is to make it a competition?Maybe there doesn't need to be giant statues. Yeah, a thousand+ giant, giant statues would be oh so daft.
Set up charity kiosks in Atlas Park and Galaxy City. Set up five holographic statue plinths in each. Heroes can donate inf at the kiosks, maybe getting "good" points in return if you have GR. The game tracks who has given how much inf this month, and the top five philanthropists are represented in statue form. Perhaps set up a minimum "bid" to enter the running, if you want to make sure lots of inf gets spent. If your statue is up, you can interact with the statue base to set it to wear your current costume and choose from a list of poses.
For villains, I'm not sure. A reward for providing funds to the Greater Good of Arachnos, maybe? -
Quote:Believe me, neither do I, but I'd prefer it to coming up against this attitude.And I use my KB powers for support. I don't want to be told to "turn on your toggle".
Quote:Knockback is intrinsic to the superhero genre, as well as the action movie genre. When heroes get socked by villains they go flying across the room. When Steven Seagal blows people away with a sawed-off shotgun or a .45 they go airborne. Getting rid of knockback just seems wrong.
Quote:Logically, this toggle would be like the opposite of Power Boost or Power Build Up (or doing Benumb on yourself). Logically, it would reduce all your secondary effects (and damage, potentially), and not be restricted to knockback. Is there any utility in reducing other secondary effects? -
Well, as stated, I like knockback, so I'm happy enough without this sort of change. I just thought the option to temporarily turn off knockback was a better compromise than all the suggestions to take it away permanently. :P
Don't know if this has been suggested before. I tried a search, but I wasn't sure what exactly to search for. Anyway...
Problem: Knockback causes annoyance for people in teams who don't want to chase after mobs who've just been kicked across the room.
Complication: some people (like me) really enjoy having knockback powers and don't want them to be changed to fix the above.
A new inherent power: call it Pull Punches/Low Impact/Soften Blows/something like that
Available to all characters levels 2+
Endurance Cost: 0
Recharge: a few seconds, in case it's abuseable somehow
-90% debuff to all knockback effects on self
This effect should reduce the KB magnitude of almost all powers used by the character to less than 0.75, which, if I understand the mechanics correctly, is the threshold between knockdown and knockback. In other words, it should turn all knockback powers into knockdown powers as long as the toggle is active.
So, if you're in a team and your teammates want you to stop hurling people out of their reach, switch the toggle on and there's no more problem.
Thoughts? -
Table 50A
Knights Exemplar stand
A high-pitched tone in her ear dragged Asuka Miyamoto back into the waking world. She sat forward with a start, clapping a hand over the offending earpiece as if that would block out the noise. "Damn it, Malcolm," she whispered into her microphone, "I didn't sleep last night. Leave me alone."
"Drink some coffee," came the reply. "You're our only hope out there. Gotta make us look good."
Asuka sighed and looked around the convention hall. Row after row of stalls, row after row of hero fans searching for their idols. "This is so stupid," she muttered.
"It's the price of fame," Malcolm replied.
Asuka shook her head. "I don't recall ever asking to be famous."
"I mean for the team. Good publicity makes people trust the Knights. People trusting the Knights makes your job a lot easier."
Asuka shrugged. "I still don't see why I have to do it."
"You're the best available candidate. I know what you're going to say, but a lot of people are busy, or missing. Mnemosynes was my first choice, but he's booked up for the week with performances. We don't let Kitty or Tawnya talk to the public, Stanford would just glare at me, and Wolfram..."
Asuka shuddered. "That would be a disaster. Fine. And you can't do it..."
"Because I'm legally dead."
"Excuses." Asuka sighed, and settled back in her chair. "Fine. Let's see if anyone notices I'm here." -
Quote:Yep, because killing a comic book character is a sure-fire way to ensure they won't be back.No what Batman does is purely for his own sick enjoyment.
Take the Joker, Batman will never kill the Joker, instead putting him back into Arkham, which has proven to be less effective than the Zig on CoV launch day.
Batman doesn't decide what to do with the various villains once they're arrested. He turns them over to the authorities and the authorities send them to Arkham/Blackgate/wherever, according to due process. This is part of a point that was made earlier - there's a major difference between just arresting a criminal and taking upon yourself to punish them. Heroes in CoH seem to be similarly limited to the investigation and arrest side of things. Declaring yourself judge and jury (and possibly executioner) is a big step over the line. -
Welcome to the game, the forums, and the RP community (whichever bit of it you're in).
Quote:You're not alone in that; most of my heroes would also refuse to kill Rikti, for various reasons.But that's just my thoughts on the idea, but you know me, I'm the crazy guy with some characters who won't even kill Rikti >.>
To me, a vigilante is anyone who exceeds their legal authority to fight crime and bring criminals to justice. In Paragon City, that presumably means either fighting crime without a hero license, or exceeding the rights granted by that license. To my knowledge we've never been told exactly what those rights are, but they're almost certainly no greater than those afforded to a police officer, probably somewhat less. To me, a hero can use lethal force as a last resort in defense of their own life or that of another citizen, but the requirements to justify it would be very stringent - heroes are expected to have the powers and/or skills to do things, and survive things, that other people can't.
I only have one character (so far) who I think would be called a vigilante, namely the Portent. He doesn't recognise the authority of the law and follows it only as far as he needs to to avoid bringing suspicion or disrepute on his allies in the Militia. He would also lay down his life rather than kill someone or allow them to die if he could prevent it, regardless of circumstances. If this gets him killed one day, then he'll die with his principles intact, and be content with that. I'd consider him to be at the far end of the spectrum from the Punisher-style vigilante in moral terms, but no less a vigilante. -
Detective Jennifer Sula climbed the cathedral's front steps alongside Lieutenant Barry West, feeling faintly ridiculous in her dress uniform. There was something a little unreal about all of this. She'd mourned Pious before, when he was abducted and thought dead. But this time, there was a body, leaving no doubt - well, less doubt. Others had found their way back from the other side, after all. There was no such as "no doubt", not anymore.
No such thing as no hope. Even when Jennifer just wished she could be sure, one way or another. -
Sorry if I've contributed to the confusion here. I was trying to work with what I thought my character was supposed to know IC, which didn't seem to be a lot. Hence my character asking a lot of questions about exactly what happened. My character has heard Pious accused of two things: beating up a surrendering (or possibly not) soldier of Arachnos and interrupting Lord Defender's duel with Headbreaker.
Am I way off topic? -
Morpheus108's avatar nodded. "I agree, this speculation could go on forever. I'd prefer to focus on what we can confirm as fact. This may sound like a deviation from our topic, but I think it might be relevant: what is this about a 'duel' that Reverend Hunter interfered in? It was obviously important enough to rate a mention from miss Longstaff, unless this memo we were shown is a forgery?"
Morpheus108's avatar smiled. "I wish that was news to me, miss, but I have been to the Isles. It doesn't surprise me in the slightest that the 'Corporation' has free reign there to get away with whatever it likes. I just wanted to comment on how ridiculous their statement on the matter was. If I were them, I'd fire that representative. Though, they might use a cannon.
"If we're in doubt as to what we're supposed to be discussing, perhaps our host could enlighten us. And if we're in doubt as to the accuracy of any of the accounts we're heard, I'm sure BODICIA can set the record straight with her recordings of the events." -
"Pardon me, but I was under the impression you wanted to discuss other heroes who might be 'on the edge', as you put it. Of course, it's up to our host's discretion to decide whether we're on topic. However, if you consider anything about that statement we just heard to be 'decent'..." Morpheus018's avatar shook its head. "What kind of lawyer has the gall to accuse others of being 'rogues' and 'vigilantes' while admitting that one of his own clients carried out an illegal and ultimately fatal act of retaliation for a past conflict?"
Morpheus108's avatar glanced at MrBinky101's. "Can we please talk about one thing at a time? I think we're going to need to focus if we're going to make any progress.
"Stephanie, all I can say is... very well said. And thank you for the additional detail you've provided on these events. It surprises me that the others here - including those with full audio-visual records of what took place - didn't think any of that was worth mentioning."