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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    Question: if you get mezzed, can you turn OFF the PFF, spam the attacks Definace lets you use when mezzed, and turn PFF back on when you're unmezzed?
    No, you cannot turn off toggles while mezzed.
  2. Thanks, that basically didn't have anything at all to do with my post. This is not a thread about complaining about the basic function of the Blaster AT, this thread is about PFF and its interaction with Defiance.
  3. Wavicle

    Issue 19.5

    But where are the TAIL FEATHERS??
  4. Has anyone else noticed this?

    Defensive toggles were made to suppress when mezzed rather than detoggling. As a result, if you are using Personal Force Field to mitigate mezzes and one happens to get through the shield stays up (but is suppressed), leaving you with no defense And no way to fight back because you remain Only Effecting Self. Defiance can't work.

    Now I am not necessarily saying this should be changed. In some ways it is a benefit because now you can eat a Break Free and the shield immediately becomes effective again rather than having to wait for it to recharge and put it back up. However, it ends up making me More reliant on Break Frees than I otherwise might be, which is frustrating since the changes to Defiance (and me Taking PFF) were essentially intended to make me less dependent on Break Frees.

    So while I'm not going to insist that it be changed (and I'm not even certain how I would go about changing it. Should PFF detoggle when mezzed? Can the OES state be made to suppress as well? Could PFFd Blasters no longer be OES in PvE? I don't know...) it would certainly be nice if there were some way to make it a bit less frustrating. Since mez is pretty much the only weakness of the PFF (unless you think of OES as a weakness) it would be nice if I could at least shoot back when mezzed through it like I normally would be able to.
  5. Wavicle

    Issue 19.5

    Who cares? Tankers still won't be 100% resistant to all damage and their attacks still won't cause the servers to crash so why bother?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Curveball View Post
    Because if Brutes had spines no one would ever play a scrapper again.


    Yes, I should hope you're j/k. Spines is hardly the most popular or effective set for Scrappers.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
    Mud Pots doesn't even DEAL damage.
    Yes, it does. Fire damage.

    You're correct of course that aura do not themselves raise Fury.

    Quills would likely not have Taunt on it, because it is part of an attack set not a defensive set.
  8. Dechs list of ways is quite good.

    I'll mention one more: Go in with Nebulous Form running but with Shadow Cloak OFF. They will try to mez you, but they can't cause you're Phased!

    Not sure if that will always work against Illusionists though, since they Phase as well.
  9. I agree with the previous poster, the only Martial Arts ability you should skip is Confront.

    In the Willpower set the only power you should probably skip is Revive (I think that's what the self rez is called).

    Attacks can benefit quite well from 5-6 slots.

    Most Defensive abilities only need a total of 3 slots.

    Be ABSOLUTELY certain that you take the powers Indomitable Will and Rise to the Challenge very early. They will make your life a lot easier.
  10. since enhancements don't effect -recharge strength it doesn't seem like there's any relationship

    caltrops does not cause -recharge and yet can be slotted with slow sets
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    True enough, but it seems kind of backward to me that the set that's the best in something is the one that doesn't get to take advantage of slotting for it.
    I like it like that. Means I don't lose anything by slotting very lightly. Leaves more slots for powers that need them to be worthwhile. It also means Ice Slick is VERY powerful right out of the box compared to other control powers.

    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    Note that Earthquake can also slot the knockdown set, which Ice Slick also cannot.
    That I have no explanation for, although again I can't see why anyone would slot knockback in either power. Damage procs, sure. But a whole set that enhances the kb? Ick.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Morganite View Post
    As does Quicksand, but it takes slow sets. (Whether you'd want them, I don't know.)

    For that matter, so does Hot Feet, and it's almost at the cap.

    So I'm not sure that argument works.

    The argument does work.

    You are looking too closely. Think bigger picture.

    Yes, you can slot Quicksand and Hot Feet for slow, but Those powers come in sets that don't get any Other slows. Ice has Shiver, AA, and more.
  13. Pretty sure it is NOT an oversight.

    The power already causes -90% run speed.

    I believe the intent is that you Cannot increase that debuff.
  14. Wavicle

    Soloing Trapdoor

    Nice guide.

    You might add: -Recharge effects slow down the recharge of the Bifurcation ability.

    I admit, I don't have hard evidence of this, but I solod Trapdoor with my Warshade and my Widow. Neither used Holds. The Widow killed two Bifurcations (using the Clone Wars method) while taking him down. The Warshade only had to kill one. It certainly SEEMED that my -Recharge effects were slowing down the clone summoning.
  15. The reason no one comes to his meeting is cause he's a JERK.

    I'm not talking about the dev.

    The Character has always been portrayed as an arrogant jerk.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Exxcaliber View Post
    Vengence does stack on nemesis
    um, that one is true. it does, and it sucks.
  17. I would guess Nerve is good for some Controllers and MMs.
  18. Wavicle

    Day Jobs Over.

    If it wasn't fun then why did you keep doing it?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Selenir View Post
    ...you have Hide bound to a key?!

    That's your problem right there. There's zero reason whatsoever to bind Hide to a key. Ever. And especially not to a key that's next to other, commonly pressed keys.

    Back to the matter at hand, I completely support a "No Fade" option for all stealth-type powers.

    Yea, I'm kinda baffled. What possible reason would you have to bind Hide to a key that is next to commonly used combat binds?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    We all know that buffs and debuffs are extremely powerful in this game. The only problem is, the enemies don't seem to notice. Clearly, smart enemies would attack the force field defender first, most notably because he has the least defense. Think about an ITF - we all know to hit the surgeons to make it easier to take out the Elite Bosses. The problem is, the way aggro is calculated, there's no way for the enemy to figure that out.

    So here's my question: what if player targeted or PBAoE buffs also had a taunt component?

    First, I realize it's way too radical of a change to ever get implemented. This is all rhetorical and pretendy fun time games.

    Just think about it for a moment. What would it actually do? The empathy defender uses Heal Other on a player, which creates a gauntlet like taunt to five enemies within a radius of that player. PBAoE buffs, like Accelerate Metabolism or Mind Link taunt any enemy in radius of the heal. Toggle powers like Dispersion Bubble, even the one FFG produces, become slight taunt auras.

    I think this would produce an effect of seemingly smarter enemies. Suddenly the real threats become easier to see. "Hey, I'm not going to kill anyone while that FFG is giving the team softcapped defenses." It may force us to play smarter, or make good tanks more valuable.

    What do you think?

    It's just not true. Buffing, Debuffing, Healing, Control...these all cause threat. Try running with No Control and No Taunts (of any kind) and see who the mobs go for.
  21. Pretty good but make the single target immob a single target hold instead.
  22. Wavicle

    Happy Holidays!

    Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
    (Transmetropolitan makes a great holiday gift for the comic lover in your life!)
    Wow, that was random.

    Incarnate Trials? Exciting...!!!
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    Anything that is done can be undone or redone.

    The devs need a figurative kick in the face to take action. Perhaps the sub numbers over the next few months as well as the data coming from the two TFs and the upcoming raid will do the job before the game gets too many boot marks and bruises.


    Yes, I'm sure Kicking them in the Face will get you what you want.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
    Yeah, that's kind of the impression I'm getting from the TFs themselves and the responses here.

    "Sorry, but you just aren't good enough to enjoy the new content, or the content that's likely to follow it. You're not fast enough, skilled enough, and so on. You've muddled through thus far, but at this point you might as well give up. All this cool new stuff? It's not for you."


    Invest effort to get better?

    Or give up.

    Either is fine.