Ice slick and slow sets




Is there some reason that ice slick, which clearly makes sense to be able to slow slows into, does not accept slow enhancments or sets? I can't see it as anything overpowering, but it just looks like something that was completely overlooked and skipped when IO sets came about and needs to be added.

Plasmic's Guide to Sonic/Mental

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Plasmic Fire - 50 Fire/Rad Victory Server



I'm not sure why you think that anybody on the controller boards would have an answer to it. You would probably do better putting this in the Suggestions forum. I doubt that the Devs are looking here . . . but I might be wrong.

Frankly, until there is a Slow set with a bunch of Recharge, I don't see slotting Ice Slick for Slow. The existing Slow sets havwe very little Recharge and don't have bonuses that are all that useful even if you could slot them.

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IMO Ice Slick has really never recovered from the nerf-by-proxy it received when Containment was added to the game. But IMO the power that needs a bump is Shiver. I think that if Shiver had a 5 second Immobilize, with no -KB, it would do a TON to make Ice Control more effective for Controllers. If they would then just lower the Recharge time of Arctic Air so you weren't practically forced to take the Psi app at high levels that would do a lot for the set as well.



Pretty sure it is NOT an oversight.

The power already causes -90% run speed.

I believe the intent is that you Cannot increase that debuff.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



As does Quicksand, but it takes slow sets. (Whether you'd want them, I don't know.)

For that matter, so does Hot Feet, and it's almost at the cap.

So I'm not sure that argument works.




Originally Posted by Morganite View Post
As does Quicksand, but it takes slow sets. (Whether you'd want them, I don't know.)

For that matter, so does Hot Feet, and it's almost at the cap.

So I'm not sure that argument works.

The argument does work.

You are looking too closely. Think bigger picture.

Yes, you can slot Quicksand and Hot Feet for slow, but Those powers come in sets that don't get any Other slows. Ice has Shiver, AA, and more.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
The argument does work.

You are looking too closely. Think bigger picture.

Yes, you can slot Quicksand and Hot Feet for slow, but Those powers come in sets that don't get any Other slows. Ice has Shiver, AA, and more.

True enough, but it seems kind of backward to me that the set that's the best in something is the one that doesn't get to take advantage of slotting for it. Seems like a backfire of the original power design, which didn't account for IOs and didn't see leaving out slotting options as a big deal, because there was no overall build benefit then.

As for what you'd want to slot in Ice Slick: damage procs.

Note that Earthquake can also slot the knockdown set, which Ice Slick also cannot.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
True enough, but it seems kind of backward to me that the set that's the best in something is the one that doesn't get to take advantage of slotting for it.
I like it like that. Means I don't lose anything by slotting very lightly. Leaves more slots for powers that need them to be worthwhile. It also means Ice Slick is VERY powerful right out of the box compared to other control powers.

Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Note that Earthquake can also slot the knockdown set, which Ice Slick also cannot.
That I have no explanation for, although again I can't see why anyone would slot knockback in either power. Damage procs, sure. But a whole set that enhances the kb? Ick.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Could it be because Ice Slick doesn't affect recharge, and many other slows do?

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since enhancements don't effect -recharge strength it doesn't seem like there's any relationship

caltrops does not cause -recharge and yet can be slotted with slow sets

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



I'm curious if this question is raised regarding a particular set bonus in one (or several) of the sets, or just overall curiosity.

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Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
I'm curious if this question is raised regarding a particular set bonus in one (or several) of the sets, or just overall curiosity.
It's more for slotting slows into the set, and getting a little bit of range and end redux in there as well.

It, for my purpose is only requiring one more slot, 2 50 IOs, and a tempered readiness slow/range, and end/rech/slow. The slows make a difference when fighting anything over even level. AA, you're forcing melee, and Shiver, can miss, or maybe you're held and can't fire it, or maybe you get a bad fire, whatever, point being, it would be worth it to slot the power for slow, just like I do to quicksand. And would be a spot for a tiny 1.5% recovery bonus the way I'd be using it at least. And the little bit of range with that slotting and end redux is just nice QoL for just the one added slot while still keeping its recharge at the cap.

Same goes for ice patch for tanks/blasters, should accept, not just slow sets, but slow enhancements in general.

Plasmic's Guide to Sonic/Mental

Plasmic's Guide to Regeneration

Plasmic Fire - 50 Fire/Rad Victory Server



What shiver needs is for the devs to lower the -recharge cap. I haven't like ice since they put the cap on. (OK maybe no cap was overpowered but 25% feels useless.


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Originally Posted by Hesh View Post
What shiver needs is for the devs to lower the -recharge cap. I haven't like ice since they put the cap on. (OK maybe no cap was overpowered but 25% feels useless.
quoting Paragonwiki:

Players and critters have a maximum recharge rate penalty of -75%, which increases recharge time to 4x normal.

So I'm not sure what you meant by 25%.

Also, I'm not sure what you meant by useless, -Recharge remains one of the Most powerful of status effects in PvE.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Originally Posted by Hesh View Post
What shiver needs is for the devs to lower the -recharge cap. I haven't like ice since they put the cap on. (OK maybe no cap was overpowered but 25% feels useless.
The -rech on shiver is good, but especially when you're controlling other things and healing/buffing etc, its annoying that it's duration is so short and for some reason it's recharge is so long to start, especially when the blaster version is beyond perma with a short recharge to start, 12s vs 30 seconds for the controller version. Granted the controller version is stronger but that has only to do with AT differentials. Other than that it makes no sense that the controller version is so borked on it's stats. Its rech should be at least 15 seconds with its duration bumped up to 30 seconds.

Plasmic's Guide to Sonic/Mental

Plasmic's Guide to Regeneration

Plasmic Fire - 50 Fire/Rad Victory Server