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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    Maybe turn confront that gives Scrappers a bonus to critical against the confronted target. Maybe like 2-3% extra chance to crit?
    Sort of like a taunting version placate? I could get behind that.
  2. I don't play Tankers as I find them boring to operate, but I do see value in taking their taunt ability.

    My Brutes typically like taunt for the purposes of building fury, but it's hardly something I prioritize and it's only very useful for early levels where I can't build my fury as quickly as I would like. If I built my Brutes for tanking I might consider taunt more of a priority, but I don't, so it isn't.

    I never take Confront on a Scrapper, however. A single target provoke has little use when I can just as easily attack them for the same effect.

    I think the powers work fine enough on their own, save for confront, which I find completely useless. I'm not sure how you would change confront without stepping on Tanker's already bloody toes. I don't really think it needs to be changed either.
  3. I tend to lean Stalker for Staff. Scrappers/Brutes use Staff Mastery to more finely tune what happens to their powers when they have stacks of "Perfection of Whatever". Stalker cannot pick this power, and defaults to Perfection of Body, which I generally consider the "best" of the three options available to Scrapper/Brute anyway.

    The Stalker trades away Staff Mastery for Assassin's Strike, but doesn't really "lose" much as he can still utilize Perfection of Body without needing to take Staff Mastery as he simply gets it innately. Ultimately the Stalker winds up getting "more" from the arrangement.

    Stalker also trades Innocuous Strikes, a cone attack available to Scrappers/Brutes which can help to complete your AOE chain, for Build Up. Again, I feel like the Stalker gets the better deal here as it still has Guarded Spin, a cone attack, and Eye of the Storm, a PbAOE to round out its' AOE capabilities. Build-Up on top of those two attacks should help to close the gap in AOE damage out-put while giving Stalker an advantage in single target damage as well.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vel_Overload View Post
    Eh, they release content that I can't use unless I wait an additional 2 months for 800 points or spend even more money on top of my $15 subscription... so no.. I am losing love for the CoH devs. Not sure what game the OP is playing but he got Banned for doing something wrong.
    Well aren't you a fun little ball of hate.
  5. Warkupo

    Dual Blades

    Something people tend to forget about One Thousand Cuts is that it is a 90 degree cone attack. Compared to other cones and AOE's, it's DPAS actually isn't too terrible. Probably not where it should be for your tier 9 super attack, but still worth using against multiple enemies. I agree that it is lacking as a single target attack, but you'll still likely want it in your build for the AOE potential.

    At very high recharge levels I could see dropping Vengeful and Power Slice, as their DPAS just doesn't keep up with other attacks, and the combos they provide stop being your best method of distributing damage. That said, I still have both as placeholders for the Kinetic Combat IO's, which at 4 slots give a nice amount of Smashing/Lethal defense.

    The only powers I would outright recommend skipping entirely are Nimble Slash and your single target taunt (if you're a Tanker taking the taunt is more up to your playstyle/secondary). Nimble Slash isn't a great attack to begin with, and the combos effect you can make with it aren't much to write home about either.

    That all aside, the powerset is very much enjoyable, both aesthetically and numerically. My main is a Dual Blades/Willpower brute, for that matter.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    No love for Luminous Blast?
    I was going to say "don't peacebringers sort of do this already?"
  7. In short: I will more likely take the nuking abilities now that they no longer crash my endurance. 18% is a small price to pay for still being able to FUNCTION afterwards.

    That being said, I do worry about the 3 second cast time. Not that I've calculated anything, but I feel like a lot of blasters could easily fit 2-3 AOE's within that time-frame and then just assault any remaining bosses with a single target rotation, which would still make the nuke mostly useless to me, or mostly a pre-IO build thing.
  8. Steam Spray seems to be a skip-able power to me, but I hesitate advising that considering its' range will likely be increased for the i24 blaster changes, at which point it should be a pretty effective AOE.

    I imagine I could drop either Aqua Bolt or Hydro Blast once the build gets some sustained recharge going, but I wouldn't get rid of either of them until it feels "comfortable" to do so. Aqua Bolt has a little less DPS than Hydro Bolt when considering animation time but can surpass it with proper proc effect IO's.

    Otherwise nothing really stands out.

    EDIT: Just from reading Davonyx;

    I always recommend slotting some junk Dam/End IO's into powers around level 25 or 30 to greatly reduce the stress of endurance management without sacrificing too much damage. You don't really need a dedicated IO build until 50, but this alone will cut out a lot of the hassles of leveling up.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    Your argument was "I'm not going to argue with you." I know some people are passive aggressive, but come on.
    It's not an argument. It's a statement. Information. Whatever.

    Just let it go~

    EDIT: Congrats on your 3000th post.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    So you posted here in order to let me and everyone else who ever sees this thread know that you aren't posting here. Fantastic. Like I said, for future reference, if you have nothing to say, not posting is always an option. And don't act like Rad/Sonic is the only Defender build who can accomplish amazing ST feats that PB's could never dream of. To give them more raw damage on top of it is just insulting.
    I'm posting to let YOU know that I'm not arguing with YOU. My post was entirely for YOUR benefit.

    I don't have any other way of more clearly saying that.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    Thanks for your contribution to the discussion. For future reference, not posting is always an option if you have nothing to say.
    What discussion? This is just you being snarky and me not really being in the mood for it right now.

    I could have replied with something about how your rad/sonic is an outlier example, which of course you already know. Then you would go on some math rant, and I would go on some math rant, and it's just tired and done.

    I mean, do you *really* want to have this discussion again?

    So, yeah, no, I'm just letting you know I'm not going to do that with you right now. Maybe later.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by monkeyslap View Post
    This does not add anything to the discussion.
    It made me smile~
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    I guess you've never seen a Rad/Sonic god mode monster slayer in action. They're defending the hell out of the dead GM corpses in front of them.

    I'm just not in the mood, sorry.
  14. Warkupo

    All Washed Up

    I'm not using this in Pinnacle, but the name I use for my "water" character has always been Puakai, which I'm told from a very reliable source (google) means "Ocean Flower" in Hawaiian.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    You seem to be screaming at a voice in your head.

    If for nothing else its impossible for every set to be the best set.

    Water blast is a reasonable but little low performer now, but will fall behind with the snipe changes. That's just the way the cookie is crumbling.
    Why wouldn't water blast be adjusted to fit in with the changes planned for Blasters in the future?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Well that's my point exactly. Real combat is so different from DPS calculations. Which is why I'm trying to see if anyone has any better methods or are we left with our own anecdotal evidence.
    Basically the method I am suggesting is that you build your attack chain as normal, and then compare how many cycles of your attack chain it would take to down a boss/av against how many cycles of that attack chain it would for a blaster. So you're average level 50 arch-villain has about 28,271 hit points. So if your attack cycle does something like 1,000 damage every rotation and takes 12 seconds to finish, you can quickly figure out that it takes about 28 cycles of your attack chain plus some extra to down an AV, which would take (12 x 28) = 336 (about five and a half minutes) seconds to take down.

    Then you would take each chunk of your 28 attack cycles and apply average critical hit formula for each interval of boss HP, which would likely shorten it considerably. If you want to be SUPER DUPER ACCURATE TO THE POINT PEOPLE STOP LISTENING TO YOU you could take each individual power and calculate for average critical hit damage bonus to get an even more refined idea of what Scourge is doing.

    Then you compare it to whatever numbers you get for your blaster.

    Just make sure, for your corruptor (and blaster) that you are taking your attack chain out far enough to consider things like Build up, Fulcrum Shift, or anything else that requires you to stop hitting things and buff yourself. I've seen too many kinetics post their DPS numbers like Fulcrum Shift and Transference just happen magically.

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    1.)What does farming have to do with ST damage?

    2.) What are you talking about?

    I guess 2 should have been my first question.
    Defenders are typically busy defending; They do not have time to compete with you for damage, generally. The situation where the defender feels comfortable enough to abandon actively mitigating damage and focus on dealing it instead is generally a situation where things are dying at such a rate that questions like "who is doing the most damage in this hurricane of death?" are largely irrelevant.
  18. If you are in a situation where you defender is concentrating hard enough on DPS to threaten yours than everything is dying faster than anyone can claim it to begin with.

    Unless you are worried specifically from a farming perspective in which case you are in the wrong archetype to begin with.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    That upper 50% of enemy HP is the key for differentiating Blaster damage and Corruptor damage. For low-HP enemies, the Blaster will win out because on average each attack will eliminate a greater proportion of the enemy's HP. By the time Scourge kicks in, it's usually overkill. The majority of gameplay takes place under such circumstances, so most of the time, Blasters will out-damage Corruptors by a not-insignificant amount.

    Against enemies with high HP or high resistances, the Corruptor will win out on average because Scourge is effectively a 100% damage buff when it takes effect. So while the first 50% of the fight will be some 2/3 as fast as Blaster, the lower half will creep up to being 4/3 as fast as Blaster. In extreme situations like arch-villains or bigger, the Corruptor will do more damage over time than the Blaster, to the point that it can turn the tables in a The Really Hard Way run.

    Corruptors tend to get better damage mods than Blasters, too. Where Blasters get moderate self-buffs from Defiance, Corruptors can significantly increase their own damage or reduce the resistance of the enemies. It's situation-dependent, but when Scourge factors in, Corruptors have potential for more damage than pretty much anything else. In fact, last I heard, a Corruptor Blizzard that hits every tick and Scourges every hit while at the damage cap is the #1 most damaging player attack possible.

    Still, that majority-of-gameplay consideration remains. In most situations, the Blaster will be doing more damage than the Corruptor.
    Yes, but you're making the assumption that the Blaster has no overkill because his damage isn't attached to a proc effect like scourge. Yet we both know that isn't true and that in reality blasters are entirely capable of taking out minions with powers that far exceed the amount of hit points they have remaining. Corruptors do this more obviously, but Blasters are still subject to it.

    For example, according to Paragon Wiki, at level 50 the average minion has about 430 HP. To keep things simple, let's pretend we have a corruptor and blaster alternating between power bolt and power blast at 99.08% of their enhancement value (numbers from mids).

    For a Corruptor you have Power Bolt doing 83.03 damage, and Power Blast doing 136.2 for a combined total of 219.23 damage per "attack cycle".

    For a Blaster you have Power Bolt doing 124.05 damage, and Power Blast doing 204.3 for a combined total of 328.5 damage per "attack cycle". (ignoring defiance)

    So the Corruptor uses Power Bolt and Power Blast and does 219.23 damage to a lv50 minion reducing his HP from 430 to 210.77.

    The Blaster does the same thing and reduces the minion to 101.5 HP.

    The Blaster can finish off the minion in one more attack, while the Corruptor can only do that if his next attack scourges, otherwise he'll need both. For the Corruptor to catch up to the Blaster in terms required number of attacks to kill a minion he only needs to increase his damage by about 10-15%. Blaster can compete with the Corruptor by increasing his damage until he can finish off the minion with less attacks, but at some point they are both going to be 1 shotting the thing, at which point no more damage is possible and they are effectively tied for damage.

    Anyway, that's just an example to illustrate my point. To do it for real you would want to take significantly more competent attack chains and compare them to significantly more competent builds. You may even decide to skip minions and lt's just because both classes should be expected to finish them off quickly enough that being behind by 1 attack isn't really worth the calculation.

    DPS and an "Average" Scourge are still very useful when calculating for something like an Arch-Villian, but against most "trash" monsters the damage difference between arche-types is really not that much. That's part of the reason why things with more AOE tend to excel in kill count despite other classes having more "powerful" damage (think back to shield tanks in the wtf days of shield.)
  20. I am under the impression you get those badges if your team doesn't mess up their roles. It's a sort of group effort thing.
  21. I understand why people want to forge Scourge into an average (it fits in better with the preferred DPS calculation method), but it's not really accurate when within the game environment.

    As you mentioned "overkill" is something DPS calculations have a really hard time taking into consideration because fights don't happen within intervals of seconds. "Overkill" isn't unique to Corruptors and their scourge either; Scrappers scoring critical hits when the enemy is near dead doesn't speed up how quickly he can kill it, and neither does a Brute's giant fury bar he gained matter if there's not another enemy to go punch in the face right after.

    If you want to get a better idea about where Corruptors stand vs Blasters you need to look at how *many* attacks it takes each of them to finish off a minion, then a lieutenant, then a boss, etc., rather than just how powerful each individual hit is. It doesn't really matter if you're doing fifty more damage than the other guy if it's still taking you the same amount of attacks (or period of time, whatever metric you're going by) to defeat the same enemy.
  22. It would appear you've already made up your mind on the matter.
  23. Probably Water/Storm, as lame and obvious as that combo is. I sort of like the idea of Water/Time too. Maybe implement some sort of metaphor of the 'Ageless Sea' or something to that effect.

    My only hesitation is that my current "water" based character is an illusion/storm, which I'd rather not go through the trouble of re-creating as something else just because leveling up Illusion is like eating nails to me. A fun set once it gets going, but it's so godawful and slow before then. Maybe I'll just throw her on another server until I feel like buying a rename token.

    Also, that sucks EvilGecko.
  24. Didn't know about all of that. Thanks Madadh and ClawsandEffect.
  25. According to mids, the long animation time coupled with the longer recharge really diminishes the average damage per animation second that Shout does. Shout, Scream, and Shriek are all very close to each other in terms of damage, but Shout has the extra detriment of only having a 40' range and it's near 3 second animation is probably going to leave you prone to getting into bad situations.

    I would say stick with the attack chain you have and ignore Shout. The very slight damage increase isn't really worth it.

    Edit: Damage procs will cause Scream and Shriek to do better damage than Shout as well.