Individual Overwhelming Force pieces listed multiple times in auction




Each piece of the Overwhelming Force is showing up multiple times in the auction. There is no difference in each one in the list as all show minimum level 10 to use when I mouse over them.



That's why they are "overwhelming."



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
That's why they are "overwhelming."
This does not add anything to the discussion.



It's possible the auction is thinking the pieces have an actual level and that would explain why it's listing them multiple times as if they were level 10,11,15,17, 45, etc.



As an example, when you click on a specific piece in an ATO set such as Acc/Dmg, there is only 1 in the list on the right.



The level requirements appear to be fixed, but the enhancements still seem to have levels, even though the level doesn't do anything. You can see this by dragging one into chat to link it, or by narrowing the level range in the AH interface. Since a level 50 Overwhelming Force is technically not the same as a level 49, or a level 48, or etc, they have separate listings in the market (and don't stack in base storage). They're functionally identical now, regardless of level, but they are technically separate items.

The question is, is this another bug, or is it an intentional/acceptable part of the fix they chose? Also, does it apply only to already-obtained Overwhelming Force pieces, and new ones will all be the same level? Or will enhancements obtained after the patch continue to have the same (semi-hidden) level as the character that obtained them?



Originally Posted by monkeyslap View Post
This does not add anything to the discussion.
It made me smile~



Originally Posted by monkeyslap View Post
This does not add anything to the discussion.
I'm sorry, you are mistaken, it added AWWWWWWWESOOOOOOOOOME to the discussion.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.