
Caption Champ - 01/04/12
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  1. No, I'm just ******* you. I'm not actually going to respond.

    ...or am I?

  2. [reserved - post coming soon]
  3. Yes.

    We are all aware. This was the well advertised Lore AMA thing from early/mid September.
  4. VoodooGirl

    Hey you.

    Yeah, you.

    The one(s) that can draw. I need you for something... special.

    Send me a PM if interested.

    ...or else.
  5. Going to try to swing by on Fri & Sun if I can
  6. Now, now, NCSoft didn't crush our hopes - they merely enflamed our resolve to carry on the fight.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    I think a red shirt got ya.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
    Thank you, NCSoft, for this overwhelming pile of pancakes. I greatly appreciate the effort you put into spinning such an empty, hollow message - as if you expect any of us, at this point after so much silence, to believe it.
    What the hell. That isn't the obscenity laden message I posted!
  9. Thank you, NCSoft, for this overwhelming pile of pancakes. I greatly appreciate the effort you put into spinning such an empty, hollow message - as if you expect any of us, at this point after so much silence, to believe it.
  10. I'll check when I get home. My mobile banking is... limited.
  11. Oh, well that's perfectly understandable.

    I mean, after you've nuked your Western market the only viable option is to dip into the accounts to buy yourself a measly McLunch.
  12. VoodooGirl

    My SaveCOH Video

    Thank you guys for creating an awesome community.

    Please, share all the SaveCOH videos you come across - not only will it help spread the news it will keep it alive in people's minds.
  13. VoodooGirl

    My SaveCOH Video

    It's possible. Although I'd recommend breaking it up into connectable pieces - so you can have a large model. It'd create a base for the city model to sit on, break it off into square regions, and model in connector pieces on the base area so that it all connects together like a puzzle.
  14. VoodooGirl

    My SaveCOH Video

    Had I rendered with Blender Cycles:

    That shot - one frame - took 13 minutes and 10 seconds.

    So to render the whole Praetoria dissolving animation would have taken around 52 hours and forty minutes, approx.
  15. VoodooGirl

    My SaveCOH Video

    Also, I had considered using Blender's Cycles render but I found it was taking even longer to render each frame with it - go figure (it's supposed to be faster.)
  16. VoodooGirl

    My SaveCOH Video

    Note to self: Stop saving stuff on your roommate's computer
  17. VoodooGirl

    My SaveCOH Video

    Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
    Would you mind sharing a brief overview of how you pulled off this great video?
    Thank You

    Using Arcanaville's method of pulling a 3D "printscreen" I was able to import into Blender 3D the *.obj files (textureless.) I used a combination of grabs from demorecords and while playing Live (I highly recommend pulling from demorecords...)

    Once in Blender I imported the file and scaled it down - waaaaaay down. Then I began to merge scene elements into meshes (buildings, surrounding scenery, "actors", etc.) Then I'd remove the double vertices and used Blender's Subdivision Surface modifier to make some of the meshes a higher resolution - for appearance and for the particle system I would be using.

    After that I keyframed the camera positions to get a feel of the movement of each shot and also when each dissolving particle systems should begin and end. After that I would place in force fields - wind, turbulence, and general force fields (either inwards force or outwards force) and keyframe their movements, if any.

    Once all that was in place I would begin "baking" the particle systems for each group that would be dissolved (actors or scenery,) setting the particle count to 50,000 and keeping the simulation around 35 - 50 frames. Once all those were processed I'd render a few still images at key points to gauge how it would appear in the final animation.

    After that it was a matter of setting materials, sky color, ambient occlusion, and video information. I had toyed with reflections and depth of field but it was taking about 6 minutes to render each frame with those settings and for a 120 frame animation that would take a full day.
  18. VoodooGirl

    My SaveCOH Video

    Thank you all

    A punch in the gut is exactly how I felt when the news was announced - and on Nov 30 my fear is everything will blow to dust.

    I am have faith our community will pull together and we'll get some done.

    Right now... I am demorecording every session on every toon I play!
  19. VoodooGirl

    My SaveCOH Video

    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    What'dya mean that's not a preview of coming attractions?
    The learning curve of Blender is something like 90 degrees.
  20. VoodooGirl

    My SaveCOH Video

    Also, the song used is "Incarnates" by OminousVoice