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  1. I think the new forums are pretty cool, the game is heading for change and so are the forums I think the colors could be different but meh. Now my problems for these new forums

    Why don't any of the links I click work...like the ones for AT guides.

    Thats it.
  2. Same old Same and I don't wanna repeat myself *sigh* on a defensive note to the pl'd nublets who don't know how to play there toon because of that, there have been 50+month Vets I've played who think auto follow heal aura is playing an empath....among other WTF moments.

    Besides that I started with PUGs everyone does at some point and from there you start to make your friends, same with an SG, then you and your new buddy find another PUG and low and behold you find a new friend and thus a chain is formed.

    I don't know why people expect to find a PUG and it to be like OMG this is the best effing team EVER!!! even b4 AE there was always lousy PUGs and there always will be. BUT! sometimes...sometimes you find one or two good players who you will want to call back upon.

    I think this game's heart is within the Community
    (besides the jerks because those will always be around)
    but just that teams are needed for TFs and other Missions is always great! You get to meet some cool ppl sometimes or just get to bond with your current buddies more.
    I love this game!!!!
    *Sniff* sorry tearjerker moment lol
  3. Does everyone complain about everything now ? come on it's only 2 hours to fix an issue which is good for us in the long run <3
  4. I don't know....she's gonna have to pass my Hereon test. If does then she's in >;3
  5. It's going to be greeeaaaaaaat
  6. speculations for rouge AT. Dual Gun, Demon Summoning. but like everything is all talk so don't get your hopes up. Mine are all destroyed ./wrists lol
  7. visual issue, for PBs when eyes glow it looks like their cheeks are glowing seems a bit off balanced
  8. So browsing through base pictures and stuff I found this one picture that had an interesting way of having the beacons setup. Which was sideways. Could anyone explain to me how it was done or if it's still possible? much appreciated: example pics here

  9. It's liek city of heroes is being REBORN!!!!
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Yes, because a perfectly legitimate use of the game is to create effortless kills that are unable to fight back against you so you can move your little blue bar without any risk whatsoever. Let's get that whole pesky "game" thing out of the mix and just play Progress Quest. (Google it.)

    I have no sympathy whatsoever for HAY GUYS LETS FARM MOAR types. If you don't actually want to play a game, just get points, you could at least download Folding @Home and let your ever-increasing progress bar do something of value like cure cancer.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Perfect? farm from it haha see what I did...besides since when does what other people do affect on how you play the game? Wait don't tell me your one of those others who complain because they can't find a team? or find a group who is doing what you want to do but because of MA they're not. Friends could solve that issue or maybe a decent SG. Oh maybe you solo? >_>;

    We want to play the game how we want to play the game, if not then what was the point of i14? would of been better off just giving us a bunch of new mission arcs to do right?

    Farming has it's ups and downs like in any game and I'm sure it's people like you who bombard the DEV's with..

    "omg the tree is overlapping the rock!!!"
    "I sure hope I get my bug badge *squels*"

    That they get sick and tired of and just don't even wanna deal with it they just send you to the forums in hopes you would just shut up and complain there instead of directly to them.
  11. To get something cleared? Because I'm not entirely sure how these 2 IO's work (numina and regen tissue). I hear people say it's permanent when slotted in an Auto power. However when I monitor my Regen and Recovery on my Tank, It's always changing. What am I missing?
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Merit System:
    Next up, we have a new Merit System for playing through content in the game. Players will no longer need to “farm” particular missions or Task Forces for a specific IO. Now you can accumulate Merits and simply purchase that IO outright from the new Merit Vendors sprinkled throughout Paragon City and the Rogue Isles. Practically everything you do in the game earns you Merits now and the amount you earn is based on our datamines on how long particular things take to accomplish in our game. This means that really fast Task Forces or Trials will earn you fewer Merits than ones that take longer to complete. Merits don’t have a level associated with them either, so you can earn Merits in your low-level career, and save them up to purchase IOs that will be most useful when you are level 50. The choice is now in your hands, and out of the random drop tables these missions had previously.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    And that's not a happy, adoring "wow".

    I'm not going to sit here and say I liked everything about the random drop table setup you had. But have you decided that you don't like the market? Because if this stuff is now no longer tied to random drops, what is the market for?

    Just on the really odd chance that you've forgotten, let me remind you how a market is used in any game where you have such a system. Some person does content and gets a widget as a reward, but they wanted a doodad. So they take the widget to the market and sell it to people who are looking for doodads. They get some money back, which they save up towards buying a widget (unless they do get one later as a drop).

    If there are no random drop tables in the picture, the person above never gets a doodad. They just save up merits till they get their widget, then they move on.

    Oh, sure, there's still going to be a market for some things, particularly those not dropping from TFs and trials, mostly because people can generate them outside of TFs and trials, which means the introduction of merits won't decrease their supply.

    So what's the deal? Did you decide you didn't like having a market after all? Or is it that you simply don't see the outcome I describe as coming about?

    Obviously, if my predictions don't pan out then all is well. What's you plan, though, if they do?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah PLEASE if they decide to do this give US THE OPTION at the end to decide if we WANT or DONT WANT the Merits. In all honesty I don't know why they are deciding to change all of this if it's been fine for so many years. Sure the redside Eco is super high but because of the lack of players. And all so if it's because the babies keep complaining that they're not getting good drops well that's part of the game also. This Merit system is going be even worse for Players who don't even have all the time to play and earn 150merits for a "pace of the turtle" they would of gotten anyways from a TF

    I say KEEP IT AS IT AS. Only include merit earning through the mission and an Option at the end of Task Force.
  13. So I know we just got new ATs and I yet have to get a villain to 50 xD

    but can we expect to see new ATs in the near future?