1491 -
Quote:Tank is a playstyle...it's even shown that way in the new character creation screen.No nothing should be generating more threat than a Brute if they took taunt versus an AV. Taunt doesn't change, only gauntlet changes. Brutes gauntlet can be still powerful against an AV, as powerful even now just not as powerful as a Tanks. A Brute shouldn't be able to Tank for a Tank. I mean what the hell? Tanks tank don't they.
A Brute can be a Tank.
Being a Tanker does not make you a Tank.
Is it proven that a Brute who is just attacking an AV will steal the agro from a Tanker who is attacking and taunting (with enhanced Taunt) said AV? -
Quote:Each bending style is based on an existing martial art...so none of the powersets in the game will gel with the movements of bending.Ice/Stone/Fire Tanker with Flight Pool.
Fire/Stone/Ice with Flight
You could use Kinetic Melee in place of Water or Air if you want. You could even color the powers differently to cover both. I would avoid Stone Armor as the fluid and artistic movements of bending (even earth bending) doesn't gel with that armor set. I might even go Stone Mastery to limit the amount of Earth powers to the minimum.
You could also do similar combos with Controllers or Dominators.
Kinetic Melee would come close visually...but still not technically correct. -
Quote:I would go with Kinetic Melee (air bending)...super reflexes (to continue with the air bending)...or stone armor (earth bending)...earth mastery (if I went with super reflexes)...arctic or pyre Mastery (if I went with stone armor)...then pyro and cryo for judgement.I am a fan of Avatar "The Last Air Bender" and the new Avatar "The Legend Korra" and I was wonder what toon would you build that will have the same abilities Air, Earth, Fire, Water? I am not looking to be a clone, I just want an elemental toon to play. I was thinking of a Ice/Earth/Fire Mastery Dominator with Whirlwind and group fly for the air powers.
Quote:Well I meant...check the detailed info for the powers in game.This is going to be virtually impossible to confirm in-game.
Anything you hit with those powers is going to agro on you anyway, how do you tell if it agroed because of a taunt effect or because you just hit it?
Maybe try it when a Tanker has your target in his taunt aura to see if you can pull it away? -
I think a simple and great change would be for Tankers Taunt to get an increase in max targets and radius.
To be honest...the more I think about it...it should be buffed to the agro cap in terms of number of targets (17)...with a radius buff TBD.
This would allow the Tanker to get all the agro as soon as they use Taunt. They would still "share" agro with tanking Brutes...but they would no doubt be the best tanking AT inherently. -
Quote:What do you mean in your first paragraph?The way things are going I think perhaps Brutes although they should aggro cap 17 might be better to only cap 10 with taunt maximum, same with Scrappers. They can all still aggro cap 17 just not all with taunt factored. They're pretty much less survivable than Tankers who I expect to cap 17 with taunt.
Also and I am probably already sounding harsh on the Brute AT (of which I do have at 50, incarnated and all that jazz on a second account even) but when it comes to high ranks like AVs their gauntlet duration could be better resisted by AVs. Allowing Tanks who think like Tanks better control over Brutes that think like Scrappers (blanket thinking).
As for your second paragraph...if said Brute is just "blanket thinking"...which I'm assuming it means just mindlessly attacking...than the Tanker/tank who thinks like a tank should have better control through their use of Taunt. No need to lower Brutes inherent taunt duration.
The only way for a Tanker (assuming they have and use Taunt) to lose agro to a Brute...is if that Brute is built for tanking as well (meaning the have Taunt and use it).
I don't see why Tankers have a problem with this. You picked the Tanker AT to have the best inherent survivability and assumingly to have the ability to protect your team. If some Brute that is also built for tanking takes some of your agro, why do you care? If they can survive the agro (assuming they can or they shouldn't have taken Taunt) then why does it bother you?
The only thing I can think of is because said Tanker didn't choose the Tanker AT to protect his team when needed...they choose it to be the center of attention.
I don't believe Brutes need to be nerfed for the Tanker AT to stick out...I think the Tanker AT needs "buffed" in a way that (as someone previously mentioned) makes them more unique. -
Quote:Can you confirm this in game?They do not.
Scrapper Laser Beam Eyes does technically have Taunt, but it only works when the power is used by a Brute. (which is impossible)
Brute Laser Beam Eyes has taunt... when used by a Tanker.
It will be a shame if the Brute versions of the Energy Mastery attacks do not have inherent taunt...considering all other Brute attacks have a taunt component. -
I've noticed in Mids that Scrapper Epic Powers such as Body Mastery's LBE and Energy Torrent show a Taunt component...when this is not actually the case in game.
I"m looking for confirmation that the Brute Epic Powers such as Energy Mastery's LBE and Energy Torrent have the Taunt component in game.
Thanks in advance. -
Quote:I did all this...however, when i try to load it in game...I get the message "Unable to read in keybind file: controller1.txt"This should be doable through /bindloadfile
To do this, you will need to create some .txt files in your <COHInstallFolder>\data folder (often C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\data)
You will need to replace items in < > brackets with the correct values for your controller.
<buttonnameright> "+$$bindloadfile controller2.txt"
<buttonname1> powexecname <power1>
<buttonname2> powexecname <power2>
<buttonname3> powexecname <power3>
<buttonnameright> "+$$bindloadfile controller1.txt"
<buttonname1> powexecname <power1alt>
<buttonname2> powexecname <power2alt>
<buttonname3> powexecname <power3alt>
Then, in game, type /bindloadfile controller1.txt
After doing this, if the bind file is properly configured, pressing button 1 will activate <power1>, button 2 will activate <power2> and button 3 will activate <power3>. Holding down the right trigger will load controller2.txt, setting the three buttons to their alt powers. Releasing the right trigger will reload controller1.txt
Sometimes, hiccups (such as pressing and releasing the trigger quickly) may cause controller2.txt to be the "default". In these cases, it's suggested to have a reset bind or macro that runs /bindloadfile controller1.txt -
Quote:This suggestion was made to promote going to different zones.There is no good reason for this change other than laziness. The game has enough gimics for getting around fairly quickly that it isn't that onerous a task.
At level 50...you're stuck with PI as the only zone to run Radios in.
This would allow you to travel to other zones to run radios.
That being said...if someone wants to run all their radio missions in Kings Row or Steel Canyon...then why not? Why do you have to label these people as "lazy"...why can't they be doing this for the immersion that the zone brings to their gameplay? -
Quote:Well remember...you cannot get a Police Radio in Atlas Park. So for people to even use this suggested feature in Atlas Park...they would have to travel out of Atlas Park to even get the Police Radio needed to utilize this feature.Actually it does the opposite. Implementing this allows players to delude themselves into thinking Atlas Park is all there is to the game. That in turn curtails their freedom from experiencing all the various content that cannot be encountered from Atlas Park.
We have already witnessed what happens when new players think that Atlas Park is the only zone in the game shortly after the AE went live and new players cancelled their subs after getting bored of grinding AE missions, and again with DfB trials never realizing there was more to the game than Atlas Park.
That being said...I will admit my ignorance...I didn't know you could get Radio missions in Atlas Park at all. -
Quote:I can comprehend your opinions on the matter...sorry for making that statement come across to literal...as I was using hyperbole to show that I believe this is a great suggestion in my opinion.That's been explained by several people with different opinions. Your refusal to acknowledge or inability to comprehend those explanations isn't our problem.
I don't know what game/server you've been playing but Atlas Park is the zone heroside where most players that want to run AE misions and DfB's gather. You can always find high level characters looking for those teams in AP.
No I'm not, you are living in denial. I personally have encountered several players that had no idea there was more to the game than Atlas Park. One of whom was a running a 40+ level Kheldian Warshade.
Also...I obviously used the wrong wording...as I didn't mean "out of Atlas Park"...I meant "in Atlas Park". I apologize for that.
That being said...you are using an outdated argument. This was the whole reason I brought up the DFB and AE missions. The game is already set up with ways to keep players within one zone.
Personally...I like to believe people have fun in their own ways. I don't try to push my way of fun onto others. I believe the freedom of choice of what you want to do in this game is what's fun.
People have fun grinding DFBs...grinding AE...running radios...running story arcs...teaming...soloing. This suggestion opens up so much more of the game world for people.
Though I will admit...I am biased...with this being my suggestion and all. -
Quote:People can already level 1-50 in AP through DFB, DiB, and AE.The reason I am against this is simple. Teams especially pugs ime seem to do nothing but grinding out Radios. If you allow them to do that from 1-50 in Atlas Park then coh will become even more of a grindfest simply because its that much easier to do. I dont think thats a particularly good direction to be going in.
It occurred to me after I'd posted this that if this suggestion were brought in and there were Radios available in Atlas, you could play the entire game by just visiting three zones: Atlas Park, Dark Astoria and Ouroboros. Obviously this doesn't include Task Forces, but is this REALLY the place we want the game to be? -
Quote:I really do not understand why anyone would be against this.Oh and /unsigned.
The current system not only gets new players using radio/newspaper missions to navigate to different zones it also help teach them what landmarks are in the zones and where to find various NPC groups.
I mean...we have a DFB trial that potentially keeps players in Atlas Park...and not to mention AE.
You're using a very outdated argument to go against something that, I believe, would bring life to other zones. -
Wow...I hope I never have to team with someone who has this set.
The visual FX are so far over the top. -
Quote:I'm sure others have their own reasons to want this...but mine is so that I don't have to use PI as the only zone for level 50 Radio missions.Unsigned.
No. Definitely not. This will encourage people to stay in the same zone grinding out Radio Missions from 1-50. It's bad enough as it is that Radios seems to be all people want to do on teams, but this will make matters worse. City of Heroes will be come City of Couch Potatoes. Not fun. Dull as dishwater.
...and if someone wants their "street-level hero" to stick around Kings Row and Skyway City for the environment doing radios to level 50...then why not?
People have fun in their own ways. -
Quote:Alright...I'll admit...you got me there...it may not make conceptual sense for the weapon sets.Why, conceptually, would it make sense to be able to blind-fire off a sniper shot at a target just because you happened to shoot a couple times previously?
Though it could be played off simply by the fact that you are at a closer range...since you would have to build up stacks of defiance by using your shorter ranged attacks.
If you can snipe someone from 150+ feet...then it should be easier to snipe them from 80' or less...taking less time to aim.
That being said...the Defiance stacking option is just a suggestion...if you think it's not a good idea because it doesn't work conceptually with the weapon blast sets...then it is what it is. -
Quote:My suggestion was in addition to the +tohit way. So you could still use it at the start of the fight if you have the +tohit.I prefer the "You don't have to 'aim' because you already have sufficient tohit" explanation. It may or may not be the devs reasoning behind the mechanic, but it makes sense.
A stacking bonus like AS not only doesnt help you start off the fight faster, but it also makes no sense.
Also...how does this not make sense...?
Quote:Makes sense conceptually...if you assume that "charging up" is the cast time on snipes and the defiance stacks...
...before a fight...if you want to use a snipe...you have to "charge up" to use it...but in the middle of a fight...you're already constantly "charged" by your constant attacking...allowing you to use this attack much more efficiently. -
Quote:I see your point...but /Devices would still have the edge because they wouldn't need a certain number of Defiance stacks or have to pop Aim/Build Up/yellows to use the new Snipe mechanic.I think part of the reason the change was made as is was to give /Devices an edge, since it is generally agreed that as a set, it was behind the curve rather dramatically. AS implelemented, this gives /Devices an edge over other blaster secondaries. If it was further modified to be based on defiance stacking, too, than the extra benefit to /Devices would largely be lost.
Now, as to whether or not that's sufficient reason to keep it as is is another topic. -
I want to suggest allowing Radio missions to start at the zone level...like they do now...all the way up to level 50.
Example...you can start getting radio missions in Talos at level 20 (I believe)...but allow us to continue getting radio missions there all the way to level 50.
Think about it...you wouldn't be forced to run level 50 Radio missions in PI only. -
Would it be possible to allow a costume change without powers needing to be retoggled/reset?
When I have Tough toggled on...everytime I change my costume...I get the ridiculous animation and sound fx as if Tough was just toggled on. -
Posted this is the general snipe changes thread.
I think Blasters should get this change to their snipes as well as the +tohit change.
Quote:Thinking about it...they should have made it rely on a certain number of defiance stacks...for Blasters.
Makes sense conceptually...if you assume that "charging up" is the cast time on snipes and the defiance stacks...
...before a fight...if you want to use a snipe...you have to "charge up" to use it...but in the middle of a fight...you're already constantly "charged" by your constant attacking...allowing you to use this attack much more efficiently.