Controller Keymapping
Should be able to.
What controller?
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
This should be doable through /bindloadfile
To do this, you will need to create some .txt files in your <COHInstallFolder>\data folder (often C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\data)
You will need to replace items in < > brackets with the correct values for your controller.
<buttonnameright> "+$$bindloadfile controller2.txt"
<buttonname1> powexecname <power1>
<buttonname2> powexecname <power2>
<buttonname3> powexecname <power3>
<buttonnameright> "+$$bindloadfile controller1.txt"
<buttonname1> powexecname <power1alt>
<buttonname2> powexecname <power2alt>
<buttonname3> powexecname <power3alt>
Then, in game, type /bindloadfile controller1.txt
After doing this, if the bind file is properly configured, pressing button 1 will activate <power1>, button 2 will activate <power2> and button 3 will activate <power3>. Holding down the right trigger will load controller2.txt, setting the three buttons to their alt powers. Releasing the right trigger will reload controller1.txt
Sometimes, hiccups (such as pressing and releasing the trigger quickly) may cause controller2.txt to be the "default". In these cases, it's suggested to have a reset bind or macro that runs /bindloadfile controller1.txt
Premium accounts can't edit signatures.
This should be doable through /bindloadfile
To do this, you will need to create some .txt files in your <COHInstallFolder>\data folder (often C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\data) You will need to replace items in < > brackets with the correct values for your controller. controller1.txt <buttonnameright> "+$$bindloadfile controller2.txt" <buttonname1> powexecname <power1> <buttonname2> powexecname <power2> <buttonname3> powexecname <power3> controller2.txt <buttonnameright> "+$$bindloadfile controller1.txt" <buttonname1> powexecname <power1alt> <buttonname2> powexecname <power2alt> <buttonname3> powexecname <power3alt> Then, in game, type /bindloadfile controller1.txt After doing this, if the bind file is properly configured, pressing button 1 will activate <power1>, button 2 will activate <power2> and button 3 will activate <power3>. Holding down the right trigger will load controller2.txt, setting the three buttons to their alt powers. Releasing the right trigger will reload controller1.txt Sometimes, hiccups (such as pressing and releasing the trigger quickly) may cause controller2.txt to be the "default". In these cases, it's suggested to have a reset bind or macro that runs /bindloadfile controller1.txt |
Does <power1> <power2> mean the power in tray slot 1, slot 2...etc.?
powexecname activates a specific named power - eg, "powexecname brawl" activates brawl. /bind b "powexecname brawl" binds the command "powexecname brawl" to the b key, so that every time b is pressed, brawl is activated (at least, until b is unbound/bound as something else)
To run through the powertray interface, there are other commands.
powexecslot <1-10> activates the power slotted in the corresponding number slot of the active tray. So if you have tray 1 selected on your bottom power tray, and slot 1 of tray 1 contains brawl, "powexecslot 1" will activate brawl. If you later replace brawl with sprint in slot 1, "powexecslot 1" will toggle sprint on or off instead. If you switch to tray 2, where you have combat jumping in slot 1, "powexecslot 1" would then toggle combat jumping on or off.
powexecaltslot <1-10> works like powexecslot, only it uses the corresponding slot number in the middle power tray (or top if you're only showing 2 power trays)
powexecalt2slot <1-10> works like powexecslot and powexecaltslot, only it uses the corresponding slot number in the top power tray when you are showing all 3 power trays (not counting the bonus trays)
powexectray <1-9> <1-10> activates a specified power on a specified tray - the first number is the tray number (the numbered 1-9 power trays), the second number is the slot number. The advantage of powexectray is that it sticks to the same tray even if you accidentally switch to another power tray on your UI.
Anyway, if you want to have buttons 1, 2 and 3 activate the respective powers in slots 1, 2 and 3 on tray 1, replace "powexecname" with "powexectray 1", followed by 1, 2 and 3 in the different lines
<button1> powexectray 1 1
<button2> powexectray 1 2
<button3> powexectray 1 3
A convenient list of slash commands for binds and macros can be found here
Premium accounts can't edit signatures.
Well being able to bind them to specific powers instead of tray slots is actually the better option.
Am I able to do that for every power in the game then?
Yes. Even Incarnate powers. Just preserve the spacing in the power name and you're good to go. (For example, "Healing Aura" works. "HealingAura" does not. "Healing Aura " (note trailing extra space) does not. etc.)
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
This is great.
I appreciate all the info. Will try to set this up later on.
I'm wondering if there is anyway to set up a controller to work like this...
Buttons 1, 2, 3 being mapped to three powers. Hold in the right trigger...and buttons 1, 2, 3 are now mapped to three different powers. Is there a way to do this...either in the game through binds...or through 3rd party programs? |

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
Yes. Even Incarnate powers. Just preserve the spacing in the power name and you're good to go. (For example, "Healing Aura" works. "HealingAura" does not. "Healing Aura " (note trailing extra space) does not. etc.)
Brawl = Braw_l = B_r_a_w_l = B___________r_____________________aw______________ ____l etc
Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant
You can however make liberal use of underscores
Brawl = Braw_l = B_r_a_w_l = B___________r_____________________aw______________ ____l etc |
*cough* Sorry. I have had some sugar today.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
This should be doable through /bindloadfile
To do this, you will need to create some .txt files in your <COHInstallFolder>\data folder (often C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\data) You will need to replace items in < > brackets with the correct values for your controller. controller1.txt <buttonnameright> "+$$bindloadfile controller2.txt" <buttonname1> powexecname <power1> <buttonname2> powexecname <power2> <buttonname3> powexecname <power3> controller2.txt <buttonnameright> "+$$bindloadfile controller1.txt" <buttonname1> powexecname <power1alt> <buttonname2> powexecname <power2alt> <buttonname3> powexecname <power3alt> Then, in game, type /bindloadfile controller1.txt After doing this, if the bind file is properly configured, pressing button 1 will activate <power1>, button 2 will activate <power2> and button 3 will activate <power3>. Holding down the right trigger will load controller2.txt, setting the three buttons to their alt powers. Releasing the right trigger will reload controller1.txt Sometimes, hiccups (such as pressing and releasing the trigger quickly) may cause controller2.txt to be the "default". In these cases, it's suggested to have a reset bind or macro that runs /bindloadfile controller1.txt |
I'm wondering if there is anyway to set up a controller to work like this...
Buttons 1, 2, 3 being mapped to three powers.
Hold in the right trigger...and buttons 1, 2, 3 are now mapped to three different powers.
Is there a way to do this...either in the game through binds...or through 3rd party programs?