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  1. Hey, don't talk to Rice like that, dude. This is ridiculous.
  2. Wow, how'd I miss that question? Doesn't matter. Hell yes, Dex. Let's du eet.
  3. No. Rock beats Scissors. That'd be boring. You could make the argument that it's "fair" because they both have an opportunity to completely counter a line-up, but seriously. That'd be retarded.
  4. Hey! Hey! Hey! You have enough!!! Don't come at Exit like that. What's wrong with you?

  5. If it eases your mind, we can waste more time, but it wasn't necessary to have the other team since we were all pretty much in agreement outa the gate.

    As far as map, random's fine, but I'm not really feeling strongly either way.
    Both seem viable.

  6. I'm looking forward to the bonus tracks, and I'm loving the direction this thread went into. A-mazing.
  7. Daaayyyyuuuuum! Captain jeff up in dis
  8. What can I say? I just love to help out.
  9. Please, don't rip on our sponsor. We can't endure that or we lose funding and don't get Korean IOs.

  10. LOL... if you're counting greens, what are you NOT doing? Thinking something's abnormal makes sense. Some inordinate amount of greens is obvious, but you can't prove it. Not for DQ's sake, but even to Lol@the person. Basically, here's the thing. It's available to everyone, so as retarded as it is, it evens out. Yeah, it's ****, but no team gains an advantage via Emailed Insps.

    Nothing to address. We couldn't "fix" this even if we tried anyway, so people... Grin and bear it. =P

  11. Oh, that makes complete sense. Who better than us, right?!?!?!?!?

  12. Dex, I thought we weren't leading?

    I leave for a few and THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS!?
  13. I'm still upset about you robbing us of Steve while suggesting it, Silit.

    Anyway, haaalllloooowwww teme
  14. Nothing was decided yet, but now that we have some leaders posting that they're starting teams, posting rosters, etc, we can have them all get together and decide. It may be a wait game til a few more emerge, but better sooner than later so if the cap's at, say 16, and X team has 17.... Problems, drama. Bad.

    So, if you're a leader, start talking to some of the others, as well as your team to hammer out these final details.
  15. Obviously, 6 people, all but Stalkers happening to DC while they're currently leading in the match is ridiculously improbable.

    So yeah, I'm not sure there's any further wording necessary to tie up loose ends. Seems pretty straightforward.
  16. Ladder sign-up thread that way ------->

  17. Psoma, your Emping guide totally changed my life! I think I'm going to roll/play an Empath, now that I have the means to be successful.

    <3 Omg <3
  18. If you don't want him on your team, then don't pick him up. This thread isn't for knocking builds.

    <3 Feenix
  19. Oh my God! How is this still an issue.... Kat, you think the mini-Ladder's the way to go. I disagree, and others do, also.

    It's whatever. If you're so set on it, try.

    I'd still think weekly KB, at least. 2v2s, 3v3s.. Whatever for Tourneys with random-ish prizes can still peak some interest, and some zone events, to incorporate some others who shy away from Arena, so they can better mesh when possible. That'd be a way to keep interest up and not compete with this ladder proposal.

    You already know that with enough teams, there will be a lot of heavy competition on the lower end of the ladder, and that's what you wanted. Everyone getting a shot, etc.

    Also, on a side note, the smaller events can draw a more diverse crowd, because there's no immediate commitment. They're also easier to organize. The only pain is having to advertise each specific event, but if people get used to *something* always going on, they'll know where to look aside from random spamming in AC/PvP Zones.

    Anyway. Just what I think, but I'm an idiot. <3
  20. It's really not.. Test people vs everyone else. It's PvPrs.
  21. You should agree. Making Ladders/Leagues competing with eachother's going to be an issue. If it's your job to help PvP grow, why put more stress on what's actually looking like it could get a great start?

    Other events would create interest, and pointing them towards the Ladder would be great. Just can't use an obligation to further PvP as an excuse to put strain on it's best looking option. Irony.
  22. Unfunny? What's intended to be funny? He's a champion of the people.