2357 -
Quote:Sorry, they're a joke in bad taste. I have a very nicely slotted one (all inventions, working on purples, T4 alpha) and it's easily outperformed by pretty much any of my Scrappers or Brutes. The AT is mathematically overly penalized for being a "hybrid" despite, say, my Kinetic Melee or Claws characters being just as much "hybrids" and having no such penalty. As with any other MMO there is simply no room here for a character type that does many things badly and nothing well, and that's Peacebringers summed up.
I personally believe the PB's to be one of the best AT when you know how to play it. -
Quote:You don't know that, and before you declare ten million civilians to be "acceptable losses" you better be certain you have exhausted all other options.
If a being with the sheer raw power of the HULK couldn't stop this invasion either on his own or with the Avengers, then I don't think the military would have fared much better. -
Quote:Saying it doesn't make it so.
Fury already stated that the threats they were facing already outclassed their ability to handle those situations by conventional means.
Quote:He even went as far as to defy his superiors to see the Avengers Initiative through.
Quote:If I'm not mistaken; conventional means (outside of the local police) were already in play; ie. the Avengers themselves (with cooperation from the NYPD) -
Quote:The UN has no legal authority to nuke anyone for any reason.
So their decision to nuke New York wouldn't be illegal, but it would be the equivalent of the UN declaring war on the United States. -
The order for the nuclear strike was patently illegal. There's this scrap of paper called the Constitution that says, among other things, no American citizen shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process. Even if some wacky "exigent circumstances" argument could be made it would still have been wrong because "the council" hadn't even begun to exhaust all other options. No conventional military forces had been deployed, for instance. And (AFAIK) under the Posse Comitatus and Insurrection Acts the order would have had to come from the President in any case.
Had I been one of the heroes in the "Avengers Initiative" the movie would have ended with me going off on my new mission: find and bring to justice the people who tried to murder ten million American citizens. -
Quote:All that's been said is that you will no longer be able to get Super Packs from series 1 by redeeming Reward Tokens. No one from PS has even implied the series is being retired entirely, so why is this even an issue?
people like myself are waiting for paragon to commit one way or the other, unless you can back up your statement that more would wait, your statement is meaningless. -
Quote:They are not being made "not available".
If they are being made "not available", then there is nothing to detract from the non-existent sales.
Even if they were, you'd still be wrong. If the EO set and/or wolf were made available separately after SP1 was (for the sake of argument) retired, that would almost certainly have a negative effect on the sales of SP2. People would wait for that set's brass ring(s) to become available when it was retired. -
Quote:So are you, except you're speculating in a direction that defies the status quo.
Until Paragon Studios publishes the numbers of unique accounts that bought super packs and average number of packs sold to accounts, all you (and everyone else here that isn't working for the company) are doing is speculating sales figures where you've only been given total "sales" (loose term, as it could include stipends and reward token redemption). -
Quote:And the point is that this statement is simply not true. It's entirely possible, and given the continuation of the program into another series, probable that doing what you want would cause the company to lose money.
I've said that it was a bad business choice on their part. -
Quote:The Star Wars material was written by a lot of different people (even the movies), meaning just how much authority Lucas has over it is up for grabs.
Two words: George Lucas.
Quote:"Glancing" is not reading.
Quote:Then his own text should back him up, as it is, it doesn't. -
Quote:A great example would be a guy named, oh, what was it...right, Paul Verhoeven, whose "intent" regarding Total Recall (i.e. whether or not the events of the movie were "real" or just a "psychotic embolism") depended on whether or not he thought he was going to get to make a sequel at the time he was asked.
My *only* exemption is if an author says his intent was X in writing something, and then years later claims his intent was something completely different, I believe the author that wrote it carries more weight than the author that is now reflecting on it. -
Quote:The author cannot be wrong in matters of bare fact by definition. "Death of the Author" can kiss my grits in this case. I glanced at the paper long enough to see that it's made the same arguments I've heard over and over in the forty years since I read the book. I simply don't care. The book focuses on military federal service because the book focuses on the military. The book is a small slice of what life is like in the world it is set in. If the author says it does not present the whole picture then that is it. It is his world and in statements of fact regarding it, such as "95% of federal service is non-military", he cannot be contradicted. The complainants are not just playing blind man and the elephant, they're insisting the only guy who can actually see the whole thing is more blind than they are.
Except that the author is wrong in this case and the paper highlights this. Did you even read the paper? -
Yeah, heard the criticisms. They're wrong, author says so, the end, thanks for playing.
Quote:No. You're still not getting it. The men in the movie weren't sent out with weapons that were even comparable to the weapons soldiers today are sent out with. They didn't have grenades, or LAWs, or heavy gun units or even, it seemed, armor piercing rounds. They were armed perhaps slightly better than a typical street gang. (Probably worse than a Newark one.
No, I'm making my own point. None of the "weapons" that were mentioned would have been of any use. ) They simply weren't armed to fight a real war. It doesn't matter if (e.g.) tanks would have done them any good or not.
Quote:Interesting... in both, we have a requirement of serving in the military in order to be able to be allowed to friggin' vote. -
Forbin, you missed the point. The point was that the soldiers in the movie weren't given any ordinance that could damage anything tougher than a human being. The the "firing hundreds of rounds into one bug" nonsense. The men were sent into a war with weapons that didn't make any sense.
Of course, neither did the rest of the movie. -
Quote:Sorry, there's no "obviously". The only people who can make an educated estimate as to how (e.g.) selling the costume parts separately would affect pack sales are the ones who can see the data, and they're not talking. My take on that is that if the numbers supported the separate-sale model you'd be getting it; you're not so they don't.
Because some people, obviously a significant amount, still bought packs after getting the costume parts. For things like ATOs. -
Quote:No, it doesn't need to be an exact clone. But it should share at least enough DNA as to be a member of the same gorram species. Two of my favorite movies, L. A. Confidential and Road to Perdition, are both adaptations and neither one is anything even close to a clone of the original. (L. A. Confidential in particular just shares some names and events with the original -- the book is unfilmable. The author actually appears on the DVD extras saying his agent (sarcastically) congratulated him on finally writing a book that was impossible to adapt.) Some of the worst adaptations have been ones that followed the original too closely. (The second Harry Potter movie comes to mind.)
The only thing she nailed is her obsessive belief that a movie needs to be an exact clone of the source material, deferring mediums and artistic reinterpretation be damned. It's clear, you people are purists.
Here is a review of The Movie That Does Not Exist by someone who actually knows what he's talking about.
Oh, and Snyder's problem with Watchmen is that like most people, he just fundamentally doesn't get it. -
*torches DeviousMe, hides the body*
Nope, no such movie. Never happened. -
Quote:Easy: they want you to pay for the packs to get what you want, not wait X months so you can cherry-pick the few pieces you're interested in. If you don't think that's an equitable way of doing business then don't buy it. But don't argue that there's some imperative to make the items you want available outside of the chosen format, because there just isn't.
What's the sense in that? -
Yes, but then we will need Space Ninja to maintain the balance of the universe.
It is inexcusable that item has less than 1% chance of dropping, yet they don't want to provide other means to get it.
Some things should be rare and/or hard to obtain. Or even expensive.
And yes, I already have the wolf. Got it fairly early actually. I hardly ever use it. -
No it isn't. There has never been a Starship Troopers movie.
Really. -
Quote:Likewise. Played these arcs on test, h8 them, won't bother with them on live.
No I had him marked as 'bad guy' immediately. -
Quote:None of them are "true heroes with good hearts". They may not all be Complete Monsters but none of them are good people. The best of them are still guilty of the "banality of evil", silent complicity with unspeakable acts at the least.
Except not all of the Loyalists are evil. Many of them are true heroes with good hearts.
Of course, this is just as true for the Resistance. The Wardens may have had good intentions but they were joined at the hip with terrorists who would blow up a hospital full of babies if they thought it would help the cause -- or, in some cases, for a good laugh.
If you want to find a hero in Praetoria you're going to need a shovel. -
Quote:He had Praetoria entirely under his thumb until offworld meddlers showed up. The resistance could not have even begun to undermine his rule without outside help.
Tyrant? He barely has the reigns on his three little little city wards.