2357 -
Quote:Keep digging.
If you would've read prior to posting you would've seen that we've been over Industrialized birth rates ad nausem and it's been shown that the 1st worlds birth rate decline DOES NOT cancel out the robust 3rd world birth rate increase. The net result is an increase in the global population, not a decrease. -
Quote:I didn't call you a troll. A troll is someone who provokes arguments by advocating controversial points of view he doesn't personally believe in. I'm sure you actually believe what you're posting, which is the problem. The page title comes from Buffy and has nothing to do with the Internet connotation of the word "troll".
Calling me a troll does little to further this conversation. If you care to add something, please do so.
There is nothing to add because your argument takes a flying leap off the Cliffs of Insanity. Your argument makes less sense than creationism or Holocaust denial. You've pole-vaulted past "wrong" and barreled right into "unintentional parody". As the linked page says, "It's the kind of logic that just can't be argued with, not because it's right, but because the insane troll is so demented, so lost in his own insanity that any attempts to correct him will be met with more gibberish." I'm sure that it will do no good, for instance, to point out that the nations that have the highest agricultural production (industrialized nations) also have the lowest birth rates, most of them below the 2.3 births/couple required for zero population growth. You've gone so far from the path of reason that you can't even see the street lights any more. -
Quote:You need to be prevented from entering any position even close to having anything to say about public policy.
The intellectual approach would actually be to reduce the amount food we human's are producing. Our unchecked totalitarian agriculture policy is what is fueling our exponential population growth and is the primary reason we're exceeding the human carrying capacity of planet earth.
Edit: This says it all. -
Adding the threads didn't stop people from grabbing the next set of Incarnate abilities at warp speeds. Adding a new currency for the next set won't work either. It's a waste of effort that just adds another layer of obfuscation to the already obfuscated.
Don't worry, we'll get another currency with the next release of Incarnate abilities, for the same (invalid) reason we got threads after shards.
As a dead white guy once said, "if we are troubled by any external thing it is not the thing itself that troubles us but merely our estimation of it, and this we are free to revoke at any time."
Or as more succinctly put by some live white guys, "Get Over It". -
Quote:Copyright should expire with the artist's death because otherwise we're going to end up in a situation where no one can create anything because someone, somewhere will be able to sue for infringement.
Any of you who are saying that the Kirby heirs deserve nothing because they did nothing are arguing that copyright should expire the moment of the artist's death. And I disagree with that statement.
Creator's rights have nothing to do with because 90% of the time the money is going to go to a publishing company anyway. Supporting copyright extension is just putting more money in Disney's pockets. -
Quote:Your expectations were way off. A new Venture could hardly be anything but a pale shadow of the original.
I thought that this new venture would see in its first month a spate of DCs finally awarded to deserving arcs which have been waiting patiently for a long time, followed by at least one or 2 DCs a month. -
Quote:"Insulted" is the wrong word -- this wasn't exactly a slap in the face, for instance -- but I agree with Doc Scorpion's sentiment. I thought it was more facepalm-worthy than insulting. I too got the impression that they thought we'd buy into this if only the approach was right. In reality they couldn't sell this to me with bonus frequent flier miles.
I think you're just looking for a reason to feel insulted. -
Quote:Open beta is for ferreting out any remaining showstopping bugs, like "on an obscure user platform configuration the client formats the user's hard drive". Long before anything like these costumes hits open beta it's way too late for it to be changed.
The Dev's use open Beta for that. -
Quote:The Current Opposition has had no problem showing off concept art for upcoming costumes, hideouts and more. The difference, of course, is that when they have the forum response has been almost unilaterally "give NAO!".
Concept art is usually best kept as something to show after the fact, as kinda a "Oh that's cool!" thing and to appreciate the amazing artistic talent of our art team. -
America's space program is over, until and unless some other nation starts military expansion into space. Then, assuming it's not too late, we'll get another Apollo-like push out of FUD.
Quote:The devs can explain their own mistakes.
For people who use the "Can be killed if totally disintergrated before the porter takes effect" explanation, there is the small issue of one of the latest trials explicitly disintegrating you and stealing your mass. -
Quote:Just like, oh, almost everyone else in the world. That's because if you actually attached all of the philosophical qualifications that are implicit in every statement (from "2+2=4" to "The sun rises in the east") you'd never get anywhere, since everything you said would have more boilerplate than actual content.
I like how you state all your opinions as absolutes. It's cute. -
Quote:Actually we just "avoided" them by waiting a level or two after taking them, then stepping on the CoT like ants.
Indeed, its tougher to "current" Paragon city but easier than when you couldn't avoid Perez Park missions. -
Quote:I've taken multiple ATs through it myself but acting as if it's no harder than the standard 1-20 game is just being silly. And just because you can do it doesn't mean it's worth the effort. It isn't, not even close. The 1-20 game was the only part of the game that did not need a difficulty increase.
Soloed through Praetoria with...
Stalkers, Corr, Brute, Scrapper, and Blaster ATs
...it really wasn't that hard.
I wouldn't run another character through Praetoria unless for some RP reason I wanted to run an opposite-faction AT without side-switching (though it's hard to imagine the character being a Praetorian being less conceptually problematic). Once we get i21 that reason will be history. -
Quote:I don't want to see a TF below level 45 ever as the WST.
Would be nice to see a lower level SF/TF the week of 2x exp. -
Um, yeah. Loads and loads of status effects, tight-packed spawns, mobs with better attack chains and multiple ambush waves. Praetorian mobs in general are more powerful than the original Hollows Trolls and Outcasts that never made it off test, and mission design just exacerbates the problem.
Quote:What characters were they?
I've seen people say this a lot, and I'm still wrapping my head around it. I've run 2 characters through Praetorian content now, and just never run into the kind of travails people seem to be encountering.
Quote:Nothing even approaching the difficulty inherent in "Hunt 10 CoT in Perez Park" or the Atta mission, or getting across the Hollows in the old days. -
Quote:There is. Medicom only works in areas that have a "teleport grid" set up. The "Healing Node" badge is at one of the "cell towers" for the city's grid.
And personally, I kinda think that there is a set of range limits on the suckers with relay's set up in locations likely to need them (like the Hero's having Relays set up by Longbow in Rogue Isles and so on). -
Quote:It is described as a "patch" in the tutorial, which to me makes it sound like medical patch applied to the skin for drug delivery.
I never personally came across an in-game description of what the beacon looks like, so in my fiction I always had it as something like a pin or badge worn by the hero (perhaps a bit like ST:TNG communicators). -
This isn't even a hard question to answer. Medicom is a handwave for giving player-characters "script immunity". It's necessary because the idea of permanent death in MMOs is permanently dead. In-universe, however, it is far from a sure thing. If, for instance, someone gets his head blown off in one shot, the Medicom beacon may engage but there won't be much the hospital can do for him. The beacon itself might be damaged in combat, or as previously mentioned, the signal might be deliberately jammed or otherwise unable to get through. These things don't happen to us because of the aforementioned script immunity, but that doesn't mean the system should be inferred to operate flawlessly.
Quote:Which is like asking a restaurant critic to lay an egg before criticizing an omelette.
When a movie critic actually MAKES A MOVIE, I'll consider lending a measure of credence to that individual's opinion. -
Another triumph!
As for "Who Will Die?" I predict the arc will be written so that by the final chapter all eight will be vulnerable, that way they can pick the Designated Receiver at the last minute.