2357 -
"Chains of Blood" is the first arc I actually wrote ("Blowback" was published first on live) and it's a Circle of Thorns story. It does play loose and fast with canon.
I suppose I should go see if it actually still runs. :-P -
I did reconsider, the Terra Fire version is much better. Truth is I was going through so many permutations of different robes and jackets that I probably misremembered the Fire version being a problem.
When I was working on Stormrune I settled on the pieces I wanted to use. Five of them total came to 220 points. That's when I decided I was better off buying the whole pack.
The Fire pattern seemed a bit too busy. Perhaps I will reconsider later.
Not the best screenshots but I was in a hurry:
Stormrune, Bots/Storm technomage I rolled up on Exalted.
Edit: No sooner did I post this than I changed my mind and re-rolled him as Demon/Storm. Same costume though. -
Quote:I understand it perfectly. In another game it would be perfectly fine. In this one, prior to Freedom, it's just wrong.
If you can't understand the idea behind having a villain rising up through the ranks on the Rogue Isles and not being jail-broken, or someone coming to the Isles from another country to make a name for themselves rather than being jail broken, you're not as good as this as you think you are. -
Quote:Second Life. Ultima Online and Star Wars Galaxies tried but were, to swipe a phrase, "not entirely successful".
Can anyone name even one MMO where this "Free Willed Character" is present?
An earlier respondent summed it up by citing the difference between "sandbox" and "theme park" designs. The game Sam wants is possible to create but City is not and never will be it. -
Quote:Assuming I was one of the ones with powers (which is not stated in the hypothetical), I would be a cop.
Lets imagine a world in which superpowers do actually exist [no jonny depp isnt a superhero, he's just a good pirate!], what kind of role would you have within that world? -
Quote:I do not believe that AE in its current form is bringing in any subscriptions, and is much more likely to have a negative effect on player retention.
The subs that feature brings to the game isn't a benefit? -
Quote:But it's not my idea, my plan or my initiative and no amount of spin will make it so. Which is just part of the litany of sins committed by all four "clone" arcs.
For those of us who CAN look past the basic game mechanics and stick to just the story the game tells, however, an arc which presents the actions as MY idea and MY plan and MY initiative
Quote:Am I the only one who thinks a world where every single player character villain has been liberated from the Zig by Arachnos makes for a rather stale game world? -
Quote:Vanessa DeVore approves (+4).
I'm pretty sure all clothing is just an accessory for female Carnies. -
The game doesn't need a PL machine/loot generator. There's no benefit to anything that lets people blow the leveling curve to smithereens.
Quote:I didn't find these arcs to be any different, in any meaningful way, from any other arcs in the game.
They are capable of not assuming your motivations or loyalties beyond a few basics, involving meaningful moral options, being fun, featuring classic villain plots, not being insulting, suggesting a sense of self determination despite being simple stories, etc. -
Quote:Or, Take a Third Option: remove the rewards entirely, throw the moneylenders out of the temple and revisit the issue two or three months later to find a hard-capped level of rewards that's enough to get people to play while convincing the bottom feeders to look elsewhere.
Either undo all the boneheaded knee jerk ultranerfing that made the AE utterly useless to the dedicated writers and creators that accepted the task of doing the developers job for them and supplementing the content they refuse to update or enhance in a timely manner, or close the damned doors on the AE forever.
I do agree that if AE can't be made to work for storytelling -- if there really is no market amongst the playerbase for player-generated content -- it should be shut down. Better that it did not exist than to leave it as some warped Monty Haul loot generator, festering like a gangrenous wound. -
Quote:Because many people have all those Pumicites they ran past (you know, the ones that run like blazes) right on their tail and they get pounded into minestrone before they can even think of looking around the room they're in.
I don't understand how people can't find the thing. -
Considering the current state of the AE system they'd have to be pretty dim bulbs to try any such thing.
Quote:The rules.
Says who? You?
There's a great piece of RANDOM_BOSS agro text in the newspaper missions where the guy describes what happens when someone tells Ghost Widow to go screw herself. She just kills the guy on the spot. That's about it for your level 10 character trying to flip off Scirocco. You tell him to get bent, he sandblasts your lungs from the inside. Roll up a new character.
Now, the other rooks in the arc, that's another matter. And no, there's no excuse for the arc setting up a pitching machine loaded with Idiot Balls. But just because there is no one to stop you from writing anything you want in that little info box does not mean you have carte blanche to contravene the conditions for new characters, not here or in any other RPG. -
Quote:Character concept is subordinate to game rules. Characters in City start as beginners. That happens to not matter in this particular case, but (e.g.) I'd laugh in the face of anyone who tried to RP their level 10 character as anything other than a slightly-experienced rookie.
Everyone might start at level 1, but that doesn't mean anything other than where they stand gameplay-wise. -
Quote:So are the other characters in this farce.
Except that at this point you are, at most, level 10. You're a nobody. -
Quote:Because they spawned right on top of me and squashed me flat in seconds?
Why would you fight the ambushes? They don't need to be fought. Run through and click all the glowies. -
What gets me is the idea that it's somehow game-breaking to hide FX in PvP. Do they seriously think I have time in PvP to try to parse out the lightshow around any given character to figure out what he's got running? Especially now with power customization?
*nerdrages the thread from orbit -- it's the only way to be sure*
Quote:Would not change my opinion in the slightest.
What if there was more comicbook content at the beginning of these arcs? -
I can't remember for sure now, but I think one or more of the "speakeasy" maps may be available. You might find those to be too small, but beggars and choosers....
Quote:Your opinion can be, and probably is, wrong.
It's is my opinion, you can't tell me my opinion is wrong.