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  1. Mister_H started this on the Virtue forums, and I thought I put a post here to spread the word around.


    To those that had VIP subscriptions to this marvelous game. As you know all subscriptions charges have ended. So if you're looking to put that extra $15 to good use how about donating it to a charity.

    Mister_H has suggested The Make-A-Wish foundation
  2. Not sure if it's still being maintained or around, but awhile back fellow Forumite Westley started Paragon Unleashed and I think a good chunk of the veteran forumites went with him. So you can always head there, let me see if I can dig up the link.


    I think this is the new link

  3. I'll donate whatever I can to save this game from this.
  4. Unknown_User

    The "Why"

    Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
    This... actually makes some sense.

    But then, why wasn't there some sort of "writing on the wall"?
    I mean, somebody had to know the license was coming up for renewal.

    If this is the cause of why NCSoft pulled the plug on Paragon Studios I think someone in the NCSoft management hierarchy was only going with the option that they were going to get the game engine license renewed again. Some how they didn't bother to factor in the possibility that Perfect World studios would either tell them no, they wouldn't renew the license or set the agreement to amount that NCSoft would not pay.
  5. This sums up my feelings right now. My time on Virtue is awesome, and hopefully it will stay that way till the final server hamster is released. I've met and interacted with many people, good and bad players alike have made my experience here very unique and that's what probably stings the most about the announced closure of this community. That I'll never have anything like this again for quite some time. So till then I'll be on as much as I can. Doing my best to rock a little harder, scream a little louder, and to heck with shaking the pillars of Heaven, lets bring 'em down like the walls of Jericho.
  6. I'll throw my hat in, Captain Lightning elec/elec blaster
  7. I can get behind this. Seeing as I've got 3 accounts I should be able to give $45 to the Make a Wish foundation.


    Cool, turns out that my company does a match donation with Make a Wish. So I'll try and get that ball rolling.
  8. Thanks for the awesome Freitag, and I wish that you and everyone at Paragon Studios comes out okay on this. You guys truly deserve better, and the way NCSoft has opted to end it is classless in my opinion. I hope that you, Zwilenger, Positron, Dr. Aeon, Dink, Warwitch, Synapse, Arbiter Hawk, and the team of Moderator 13s all manage to come out great and any company that takes you in has gained something tremendous.
  9. Unknown_User

    To all of you...


    All I can say is Thank You to the City of Heroes community and dev teams both past and present for the awesome fun, memories, and just being a part of my life. good fortune and good victory to your future endeavors, and hopefully our paths will cross again.

    "See you Space Cowboy"
  10. Goodbye Captain Lightning, I've always played her with an optimistic can-do personality. No matter how bad things seemed she would do her best to press on and fight. If pulling the plug on the servers was the universe ending comic event. All I can say is that she wouldn't be brooding in a corner some where. She would try and cheer those close to her up and face it head on with a smile.
  11. Not really sure where I'm going to go. I've tried WoW and the community has turned me off of that game. had hopes for SWTOR but it's really a 'meh' experience. Nothing that warrants me to stay or spend money on it. So far I'm looking at either Champions or DC Universe. I love the Superhero comic genre because I was mostly raised in it and that's why City of Heroes drew me in. So far I'm still kind of numb from the announcement, and probably think of what to do post-CoH in a few weeks.
  12. Agree that a petition will not change anything. Unfortunately as the old saying goes "Money talks, [censored] walks." A communication needs to be established to see IF NCSoft is willing to sell Paragon Studios and the City of Heroes IP. If so then a price needs to be established and see if it's possible to raise said funds in a certain amount of time.
  13. Doubt that the devs are just going to tweet on what's going on at Paragon and the reason for the shutdown. It sucks, it trully sucks
  14. ****!

    This is the only MMO that I've played. Why is life so unfair and cruel. Best wishes to the Paragon Studios team and just want to say thanks for the fun, memories, and awesome guys and good luck to your next ventures.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evercry View Post
    I give up everyone i tried was in use
    Keep trying, bound to get one.
  16. Maybe we'll see the cap scene in a possible director's cut.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post

    As for him quitting DC52. Sounds like they're having lots of problems. Likely problems with both uppity artists who can't do the job they're hired to do (like 1 comic a month, because they have to take 6 weeks to draw it) and the editors.
    It looks like his key beef seems to be with editorial. Seems to imply that there's a very bad 'Too many chefs and one pot' scenario going on at DC and looks like his exit also backs up George Perez's interview when he left Superman. There's also speculation that Dan Dido is just a figurehead at DC and not really in control of anything.
  18. Definitely want another crack at the badges. Thought we were going to get Avoids the Green Stuff on the last run till Anti-Matter cheap shoted us.
  19. This sums up my feelings on Liefeld's departure from NewDC. I'm sure as a person he's probably a nice guy, but his art was just horrible.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jester View Post
    I'd like to see the return of the old non-spike version of the Spiked Pauldrons. They were in game when CoV launched but have since disappeared.
    Speaking of CoV beta costume pieces that did not launch with the game. I would like to see the non-fanged version of the skull head shoulder pads. Not sure why they were not launched seeing as the only difference was one had fangs and the other did not.